The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences PHARMD PROGRAM HEALTH REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST The following health requirements need to be submitted by ALL students prior to the beginning of their P1 year: 1. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION • Must be completed within a year of the student's first semester of their P1 year 2. RUBELLA (Also known as "German Measles" or "3-Day Measles") (One of the following must be met) • Two doses of Rubella or MMR vaccine given after first birthday OR • Rubella titer indicating immunity to Rubella 3. RUBEOLA (Also known as "Hard Measles," "10-Day Measles," or "Measles") (One of the following must be met) • Two doses of Rubeola or MMR vaccine given after the first birthday OR • Rubeola titer indicating immunity to Rubeola OR • Date of birth prior to January 1, 1957 4. VARICELLA (Also known as “Chicken Pox”) (One of the following must be met - having had the Chicken Pox disease does NOT count as meeting this requirement) • Two doses of Varicella vaccine given after the first birthday (2nd shot given 28 days after the first shot - Per Center for Disease Control) OR • Varicella titer indicating immunity to Varicella (If the titer is negative, the Varicella vaccine series has to be completed.) 5. TETANUS • Tetanus/Diphtheria Toxoid within ten years of the student's first semester of their P1 year 6. TUBERCULOSIS • 2-Step PPD: Skin test given and results read AND one week later, skin test given again and results read (You cannot have more than three weeks between the first step and second step.) • If the PPD is positive, a chest x-ray or blood test is required 7. HEPATITIS B (Both requirements below must be met) • Three-dose series of Hepatitis B vaccination AND • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer indicating immunity* *Please note if the titer does not indicate immunity after the Hepatitis B vaccine series, the following procedure should be followed: a. Obtain a 4th dose of Hepatitis B vaccine followed by a titer 4 weeks later b. If titer still does not indicate immunity, obtain a 5th dose of Hepatitis B vaccine followed by a titer 4 weeks later c. If titer still does not indicate immunity, obtain a 6th dose of Hepatitis B vaccine followed by a titer 4 weeks later d. If titer still does not indicate immunity, you are considered a non-responder and require no subsequent Hepatitis B vaccination or titer 8. BACKGROUND CHECKS • Students are subjected to a federal and state background check once admitted into the PharmD program for intern license purposes, and a federal and state background check prior to their APPE year