The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences PharmD Program Health Requirements Checklist The following requirements need to be submitted by ALL students prior to the beginning of their P1 year. ALL deadlines are clearly defined and no exceptions will be made. 1. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (Repeated annually through your P4 year) Must be completed 2. RUBELLA (also known as “German Measles” or “3-Day Measles”) (One of the following must be met) Two doses of Rubella or MMR Vaccine given after your first birthday OR Rubella Titer indicating immunity (If the titer is negative, a MMR booster will need to be given with another titer drawn in 4 weeks) 3. RUBEOLA (Also known as “Hard Measles”, “10-day Measles, or “Measles”) (One of the following must be met) Two doses of Rubeola or MMR Vaccine given after your first birthday OR Rubeola Titer indication immunity to Rubeola (If the titer is negative, the MMR booster will need to be given with another titer drawn in 4 weeks) OR Date of birth prior to January 1, 1957 4. VARICELLA (Also known as Chicken pox) Two doses of Varicella vaccine given after the first birthday (2nd shot given 28 days after the 1st shot – Center for Disease Control) OR Varicella titer indication immunity to Varicella (If the titer is negative, a Varicella booster will need to be given with another titer drawn in 4 weeks) 5. Tdap Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis Given in the last 10 years prior to the students P1 year. If the date is beyond the 10 years, students are required to have the Td booster. 6. TUBERCULOSIS (Repeated annually through your P4 year) Initially, a 2-step PPD is required of ALL incoming P1 students. i. A 2-step PPD is – 1st skin test administered with the results read in 48 to 72 hours. A 2nd skin test administered (no less than 7 days but no more than 21 days from the date of the first skin test) and read within 48 to 72 hours. If the PPD skin test is positive, either a chest x-ray OR Quantiferon Blood test is required. (Choose one) i. If BCG Vaccinated, the Quantiferon is required. ii. If PPD positive– and no BCG vaccine, a chest x-ray is required once. iii. The Tuberculosis questionnaire (available from our office) will need to be completed annually at the time of your physical. ANY student more than 30 days beyond the expiration date of their PPD will be pulled from their experiences. 7. HEPATITIS B (BOTH REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET) Three dose series of Hepatitis B Vaccine AND Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer indication immunity** ** Please note: if the titer does not indicate immunity after the after the HepB series, the following procedure should be followed. A) Obtain a 4th dose of HepB vaccine followed by a titer 4 weeks later. B) If the titer still does not indicate immunity, you will be considered a non-responder and require no subsequent HepB or titers. This information is provided from the CDC’s web site 8. BACKGROUND CHECKS Students are subjected to a federal and state background checks once admitted into the PharmD program for intern license purposes. They are then required to have a second federal and state background check prior to their APPE year. Updated June 2012