Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Immunization Form FAQ
Q: Can I just submit my immunization records in place of the Immunization Form?
A: No, The Immunization Form is a required document. This form must be completed and
signed by a licensed healthcare provider.
Q: Why isn’t my immunization history sufficient for proof of immunity?
A: The OUWB School of Medicine adheres to the guidelines of the American Association of
Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention for
Healthcare workers.
Q: If I need blood titers, why should I submit my immunization history?
A: Immunization dates are important in the event that your blood titers are negative. Each
required titer has a specific number of doses needed to complete a series. If a titer is negative
for any of the required immunizations, specific guidelines are available for attempting to boost
one’s immunity. In most cases, an additional dose of the vaccine will be administered and the
titer rechecked after 30 days, if not medically contraindicated.
Q: What if I had the Varicella infection (chicken pox) as a child?
A: In most cases, the titer will prove immunity if you had the infection in the past. Otherwise
you will be required to complete a two dose series for Varicella.
Q: I started the Hepatitis B series but never completed it. Do I need to start the series over?
A: Generally, we don’t restart the series. The most common approach would be to give the
missing does, wait 30 days, and then a Hepatitis B titer will be drawn.
Q: What if I’ve had a positive PPD in the past?
A: If you have had a positive reaction, your healthcare provider must provide documentation of
the reaction size, followed by a Chest X-ray or quantiferon Gold/T-spot testing. Any reaction
greater than 10mm requires additional testing for healthcare workers. Please attach a copy of
the Chest X-ray or Quantiferon Gold/T-spot testing results to your health form. Also note that
receiving the BCG vaccine does not always present a positive reaction. Therefore, a Chest X-ray
or quantiferon Gold/T-spot testing is necessary for a positive PPD reaction.
Q: Why does OUWB School of Medicine require proof of immunization?
A: It is our intent to maintain your health and protect those for whom you will care.
Have any other questions? E-mail Stephanie Jurva at jurva@oakland.edu
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) - Evidence of immunity by serological titers of antibodies to
these three viruses must be documented. In the event of any negative titer, two doses of MMR
at least 28 days apart is required.
Hepatitis B vaccine - If you have not yet completed your Hepatitis B series, we encourage you
to get started because the series takes 4 to 6 months to complete. The immunizations must be
completed within 2 months of the beginning of the academic year, and a titer proving immunity
(or a second series of vaccine + repeat titer) must be in place. At least two doses of vaccine
must be completed before patient contact (October of M1 year).
Adult diphtheria/tetanus (Tdap) - Boosters MUST be Tdap. This vaccine must have been
administered within the last ten years.
Varicella titer (Chicken Pox) - Evidence of immunity by serological titers must be documented.
In the event of a negative titer two doses of varicella vaccine at least 28 days apart is required.
PPD intradermal skin test - A one-step PPD is required of all students except those who have a
positive reading. PPD-negative students must retest annually with a one-step PPD. Each step
consists of two visits. The first visit is for placement of the PPD and then another visit to read
the result. Students with positive results must make an appointment at Graham Health Center
for a chest x-ray (if not yet obtained) and completion of the tuberculosis symptom screening
questionnaire is required annually. All students must update their PPD status bi-annually or
complete the tuberculosis symptom screening questionnaire.