GLOBAL GEOSITES PROJECT PROPOSAL OF NEW GEOSITE TO BE INCLUDED IN AN EXISTING FRAMEWORK Proposer(s) Institution or workplace e-mail GEOSITE PROPOSAL FORM (1) Geosite name Framework represented (2) Geological Unit (2) Geological Domain (2) Primary geol. interest Location State (Autonomous Region): County(ies): Town(s): Place(s): 1:50.000 Sheet(s): Geosite accession number: National site accession number: Coordinates (3) UTM, ED 1950 X: Y: UTM ETRS89 If confidentiality is required, mark with an X Min. elevation: Max. elevation: Character of site (4): Type of site (5): of the element : Chronostratigraphic age of the host rocks: Description of primary interest Justification (comparative assessment) Parameters supporting Representative the selection of the site Standard or reference site (mark with an X) Knowledge of the site Good state of conservation Good conditions of observation Scarcity, rarity High geological diversity Beauty Possibilities for public outreach Educational values Possibility of recreational and leisure activities Association with other natural or cultural elements Description of the itinerary to access the site Related geosites Secondary interest(s) Description of secondary interest(s) Non geological interest(s) (1) Data will be treated as proposals that can be modified in later phases of the inventory. (2) See the lists of frameworks, geological units and domains at the end of this document. (3) Refers to the coordinates of the geometric center of the site. (4) e.g. crag/tor, quarry, sea cliff, river terrace, hill slope, mine adit, reef, cirque, meadow, etc. (5) e.g. landform, stratigraphic profile, cave, etc. UTM zone: Area (ha): GEOSITE PROPOSAL FORM (II) Location scheme (with a tentative delimitation) (insert a map/SIGPAC orthophoto image or attach a separate file) GEOSITE PROPOSAL FORM (III) Photos of the site (insert the photos or attach them in a separate file) GEOSITE PROPOSAL FORM (IV) Literature, key references Source of data, collections In order to facilitate subsequent field work and evaluation (GIS shape files, scanned documents, documentation in pdf, etc.), do not hesitate to add or attach additional documentation and information EXPERT SELF-ASSESSMENT PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Mark with an X the main lines of argumentation used in answering the questionnaire, indicating the importance (high - medium - low) of each one of them. LINES OF ARGUMENTATION My experience on the subject and/or area as a professional, researcher, etc. Previous work by Spanish researchers on the subject. Previous work by foreign researchers on the subject My intuition, based on previous knowledge, due to the lack of objective information. HIGH MEDIUM Comments: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR COLLABORATION Please, DO NOT FORGET to submit your answers to the project manager: LOW GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORKS OF INTERNATIONAL RELEVANCE (Annex VIII-2 Act 42/2007, updated in the project Global Geosites in Spain) 1. Fluvial network, raña deposits and appalachian relief of the Iberian Massif. 2. Coastlines of the Iberian Peninsula. 3. Carbonate and evaporite karst systems of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. 4. Lower and Middle Paleozoic stratigraphic successions. 5. Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Zone. 6. Rifting of Pangea and Mesozoic successions of the Betic and Iberian Ranges. 7. Mesozoic continental fossils and ichnofossils. 8. The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/T) boundary. 9. South Pyrenean synorogenic basins. 10. Continental Tertiary basins and associated deposits of eastern Spain. 11. Olistostrome units of the Betic Foreland. 12. Messinian evaporite episodes 13. Vertebrate deposits of the Spanish Pliocene and Pleistocene. 14. Neogene and Quaternary volcanism of the Iberian Peninsula. 15. Volcanic edifices and morphologies of the Canary Islands. 16. The Iberian Variscan Orogen. 17. Miocene extension in the Alborán Domain. 18. Mercury mineralization in the region of Almadén. 19. The Iberian Pyrite Belt. 20. Lead-Zinc and Iron mineralization in the Urgonian of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. 21. Ophiolitic complexes of the Iberian Peninsula. MOST REPRESENTATIVE GEOLOGICAL UNITS (Annex VIII-1, Act 42/2007) 1. Structures and outstanding geological formations of the Variscan Orogene in the Iberian Massif. 2. Structures and outstanding geological formations of the basement, allochthonous units and MesoCenozoic cover in the Alpine ranges. 3. Structures and outstanding geological formations of the Cenozoic continental and marine basins. 4. Volcanic systems. 5. Deposits, soils and outstanding landforms representative of current and past climate action. 6. Deposits and outstanding landforms of aeolian and fluvial origin. 7. Coastal and shallow water deposits and landforms. 8. Carbonate and evaporate karst systems GEOLOGICAL DOMAINS 12. Balearic Islands 13. Prebetic range and tabular cover of the Ebro basin Iberian plateau Guadalquivir and postorogenic Betic basins 14. Subbetic ranges Guadiana basin 15. Gibraltar Domain Tajo-Mancha basin 16. Betic Internal Zone Eastern basins 17. Cantabrian Zone Canary Islands 18. West Asturian-Leonese Zone Iberian Range 19. Galicia Tras-os-Montes Zone Coastal-Catalonian ranges 20. Central-Iberian Zone Pyrenees 21. Ossa-Morena Zone Basque-Cantabrian ranges and basin. 22. South Portuguese Zone 1. Duero-Almazán basin 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.