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day of December, 2010,
by and between THE GUYANA GEOLOGY AND MINES COMMISSION, a body corporate
established under provisions of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission Act No. 9
of 1979, having its place of Business at Upper Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown,
Demerara, Guyana, and represented herein by the Chairman, (hereinafter referred to as
“the Commission”), of the ONE PART; and THE UNIVERSITY OF GUYANA, established by
the University of Guyana Act, Chapter 39:02, having its place of business at Turkeyen,
East Coast Demerara, Guyana, and represented herein by the Vice Chancellor, the Dean
of the Faculty of Technology and the Coordinator of the Division of Mining and Geology,
(hereinafter referred to as “the University”) of the OTHER PART; both of which parties are
hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties”.
WHEREAS the Commission and the University are desirous of continuing the Geological
Engineering diploma and degree programmes (hereinafter referred to as “the Programmes”) at
the University within the Faculty of Technology.
AND WHEREAS the University is amenable to facilitating the aforesaid intent.
AND WHEREAS the Commission and the University shall collaborate for the purposes stated
THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING shall be with effect from the 1st day of
September, 2010, for a period of two (2) years.
Execute the aforesaid programmes in collaboration with the Commission, which
programmes’ curriculum and objectives and overall budget are set out in Appendices ‘A’,
and ‘B‘, and are attached hereto and made a part of this Memorandum.
Work closely with the Commission on all aspects of the Programmes.
Identify the items to be purchased by the Commission as part of the Capital Budget.
Conduct Field Mapping Courses as part of the said programmes.
Prepare and submit end-of-semester progress and financial reports and annual reports
(per Calendar Year).
Submit to the Commission all technical information and data from the Programmes as
available from persons who have scholarships granted by the Commission.
Discuss with the Commission when there is the need for any variation in the curriculum
of the Programmes, the concurrence of the Commission being preferred.
Request and utilize the Commission’s services, including laboratory facilities, where
available, and as far as possible, to give adequate notice for request for such services.
Notify the Commission of any technical publications to be made based on assignments
of the Programmes and as done by scholars of the Commission and arrange for their
availability in the Commission’s Library.
Together with the Commission, collaborate with other Government agencies or private
entities on areas of common interest within the Programmes for the purpose of
participation in research projects for various areas in Geological Engineering.
Review the Programmes on an annual basis with the Commission based on the
Programmes schedule and end-of-semester reports, including financial reports.
Give early notice in writing to the Commission of any area(s) of urgent concern or
dissatisfaction and to meet with the Commission within three (3) weeks of receipt of
such notice to discuss and resolve such issues.
Submit a final report on the work at the end of each diploma and/or degree programme.
Collaborate with the Commission on placement of students on attachment with the
Commission. Such attachment shall be part of the degree programmes.
Assist with funding of the Programmes in the total sum of Twenty-five Million two
Hundred and twenty-one Thousand Dollars ($25,221,000.00) for the first and second
years in period 2010-2012. Such funds shall be applied to sponsorship of students,
acquisition of capital items including books, instructional materials, the payment of an
allowance for Coordinator, and the payment of part-time lecturers. The sum of Twelve
Million Eight Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($12,820,000.00) shall be applied
to sponsorship of students and payment of Part-time Lecturers by the Commission.
With respect to the capital items the Commission shall acquire those items identified by
the University of Guyana and as agreed by the Commission and provide these to the
University. The sum as stated in Appendix ‘B’ with respect to capital items will thus be
withheld by the Commission and accordingly applied for these items.
Work closely with the University on all aspects of the Programmes.
Advance funding in a timely manner, based on the initial programmes agreed between
the Parties and subsequent requests based on reports submitted to the Commission by
the University.
Advance payments inclusive of fees upon submission of request.
Meet with the University at least once per quarter to review progress and financial
reports and decide and agree to any new components or courses for the programmes
and/or revisions of the current courses’ content, subject to the University regulations.
Together with the University, collaborate with other government agencies or private
entities on areas of common interest within the Programmes.
Give early notice in writing of any area(s) of urgent concern or dissatisfaction and to
meet with the University within three (3) weeks of such notice to discuss and resolve
such issues.
Make all necessary arrangements to facilitate attachments at the offices of the
Commission by the students of the aforesaid programmes. Placings of students shall
be according to suitability and aptitude in specialized areas.
The selection of participants in the programme shall be subject to the entry
requirements of the University. The Commission shall be permitted to place no less
than five (5) eligible students for the programmes in the 2010/2011 academic years.
Both the University and the Commission agree that in the event of a student failing
courses on the said programme, the University shall duly inform the Commission on the
attendance record of the Student and state whether the Student did demonstrate diligent
application in the course of the programme and in particular the course failed.
The Commission shall then give due consideration to the merits or demerits of
sponsorship of the Student for supplemental summer courses and accordingly make a
decision in this regard.
The university will use its best efforts to collaborate with McGill University, Canada, to
establish and commence a post-graduate programme in Guyana offering a Masters’
Degree as early as possible in the following fields of study:
Geology, in the following subject areas:
Mineral Resource Assessment and Mineral Deposit Modelling;
Mining Engineering, in the following subject areas:
Mineral Property Evaluation and Valuation.
The Commission will provide requisite sponsorship and co-operate in any respect as
may be reasonably required. The said post-graduate programme will be the subject of
a separate agreement or an amended MOU between the two parties.
IN THE EVENT of increases in costs of budgetary items for the Programmes, such costs shall
be covered by a contingency fund, which shall be no less than 5% of the total project budget.
Any requests for additional sums OR increased costs must be justified.
THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING may be amended from time to time in writing as
agreed between the Parties.
Signed on behalf of the Guyana Geology Signed on behalf of the University of Guyana:
and Mines Commission:
Signature: ……………………………….
Signature: ………………………………..
Vice Chancellor
Signature: ………………………………..
Dean of the Faculty of Technology
Signature: ………………………………..
Dated this
Coordinator of the Division of Mining and Geology
day of December, 2010.
Geological Engineering may be viewed as a specialization of Civil engineering or in some cases
an Applied Science aspect of Geology. The programme at the University of New Brunswick
and several other teaching institutions includes three possible options:
Design of waste facilities
Protection of the environment from spills or leaks
Provision and protection of quality groundwater
Structural foundations
Earth structures: dams, road or bridge embankments
Rock mechanics: tunnels or slopes
Mineral Resources
Mine development
Mineral exploration
Mine operation
A large component of Geological Sciences within the Geological Engineering curriculum
tends to limit the flexibility in designing a programme to meet the engineering degree
requirements. The programme includes approximately 30 percent Civil Engineering, 40 percent
Geology, and the remainder a mixture of other engineering, sciences, mathematics and
humanities. The three options are made up of small packages of upper level electives taken
during the last two years of the programme.
Below is the number of students to be enrolled in the degree and diploma programme in
Geological Engineering and Mining. Also shown is the number of full-time staff employed to
lecture in the programme.
Expected average student enrolment per year:
Expected average full-time staff employed to lecture per year:
It is important that the benefits of this programme are stated for its present Sponsor (GGMC),
its Stakeholders and students.
Benefits to Students
Upon graduation, Degree recipients will carry the title of a “Professional Geological
Engineer” (PGE) while the Diploma graduates will carry the title of “Certified Geological
Engineering Technician” (CGET) which will bring greater job esteem.
Students will receive a Diploma or Degree that is “globally recognized” hence making
them more competitive in the job market.
Students would likely enroll voluntarily and will not see “Scholarships” as the main
inducement into the Programme.
Students will see greater job opportunities in several sectors in industry and in
Scholarships may be accessible (or granted) in years three and/or four of their training
so as to meet industry and government need for a particular skill set (Geologist,
Geotechnical and/or Environmental Engineer).
Benefits to the University
UG will have increased enrolment in the Geological Engineering programme allowing it
to see long term benefits in self sufficiency of the programme.
Enrolment in the Geological Engineering programme will be steady and will draw both
new students and students from other science disciplines at UG where classes are large
and job expectations are not as lucrative.
UG can make the case to attract other Sponsors from Agriculture, Transportation, etc.
Professional Staff is already in place to undertake teaching, particularly from Civil
Engineering and the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES).
A proposed Curriculum for a Programme in Geological Engineering in the Faculty of
Technology, University of Guyana.
The Programme will lead to the following:
A 2-year Diploma in Technology in Geological Engineering (Dip. Tech., Geol. Eng.)
Designation to be granted by the local Association of Professional Engineers will be –
“Certified Geological Engineering Technician” (CGET).
A 4-year Bachelor of Engineering in Geological Engineering (B.Eng., Geol. Eng.) plus
one year’s industrial attachment.
Designation – “Professional Geological Engineer” (P. Eng. (Geol.)”.
The Degree Programme students in three disciplines as follows:
Geological Engineer (Mineral Resources Engineering Major)
Geological Engineer (Geotechnical Engineering Major)
Geological Engineer (Environmental Engineer Major)
Both the Diploma and Degree Programmes will require “Internship”. Time and Duration have to
be negotiated between UG and Guyana Association of Professional Engineers (GAPE). The
granting of Professional Status is very important for student recognition.