“A Look Inside An Animal Cell”

“A Look Inside An Animal Cell”
Student paper plate model
You are to design your own model of the inside of an animal cell. You will need to obtain
supplies that you can use to represent the organelles or “parts.” Be creative!!! Each
organelle must be neatly labeled. ** On the back of your model, you will attach a key
that briefly describes the function of each cell part. This project is worth __68___ points.
The following organelles have to be included:
1. nucleus-include chromosomes (strands of DNA)
2. nucleolus
3. nuclear membrane
4. lysosomes
5. mitochondria
6. golgi apparatus
7. cell membrane
8. endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (rough and smooth)
9. ribosomes
10. vacuoles
11. Cytoskeleton—Microtubules
12. Cytoskeleton—Microfilaments
How to build your model:
1. Collect 2 paper plates and color the “back” of one (see sample)
2. Cut the center circle out of the plate you colored and put that plate aside
3. The inner circle (eating area) on the un-cut plate is the area you will use to build your
4. Design your model by selecting objects to represent the various organelles
5. Once you are satisfied with your arrangement, glue the pieces down
6. Label each part by writing it NEATLY on a separate piece of paper and cutting it out
(you may type if you have access to a computer at home)
7. Attach plastic wrap to the side you would eat off on the cut plate. This will be your
8. Take a piece of string and tie one end in a knot. Staple the knot to the inside top of
either plate.
9. Finally, staple the 2 plates together (so that it looks like a flying saucer).
10. Attach a title to the front and a key to the back that defines each organelle.
11. Please remember to put your name and class period on your model (front or back).
1. 12 organelles represented
2. Organelles labeled (written or typed)
3. “Key” on back – 12 functions + what you used to represent it
4. Color/Neatness
___/24 points
___/10 points
___/24 points
___/10 points
TOTAL: ____/68 points
Pre-AP Biology
1. 12 organelles represented
2. Organelles labeled (written or typed)
3. “Key” on back – 12 functions + what you used to represent it
4. Color/Neatness
___/24 points
___/10 points
___/24 points
___/10 points
TOTAL: ____/68 points
Pre-AP Biology
1. 12 organelles represented
2. Organelles labeled (written or typed)
3. “Key” on back – 12 functions + what you used to represent it
4. Color/Neatness
___/24 points
___/10 points
___/24 points
___/10 points
TOTAL: ____/68 points
Pre-AP Biology
1. 12 organelles represented
2. Organelles labeled (written or typed)
3. “Key” on back – 12 functions + what you used to represent it
4. Color/Neatness
___/24 points
___/10 points
___/24 points
___/10 points
TOTAL: ____/68 points