3rd Quarter EQT COMMON ASSESSMENT- Reading for

3rd Quarter EQT COMMON ASSESSMENT- Reading for Grade 6
5.12- Recognize various forms of literature according to characteristics: (myths,
odes, ballads, epic poetry)
1. A ballad is
A. a humorous five-line poem
B. unrhymed Japanese poetry with three lines of five, seven, and five
syllables, respectively
C. a short poem of songlike quality.
D. a long, narrative poem that is generally about the deeds of a heroic figure.
2. An ode is
A. a lyric poem usually marked by exaltation of feeling and style, varying
length of line, and complexity of stanza form.
B. a humorous five-line poem
C. a short poem of songlike quality
D. unrhymed Japanese poetry with a five, seven, five rhyming pattern
3. A form of literature that explains natural events that were believed to have been
controlled by gods and goddesses is a________.
tall tale
4. A long, narrative poem that usually tells of the adventures and deeds of a heroic
figure is a(n).
epic poem
5. The traditional beliefs, customs, stories, songs, and dances of an ordinary people
or culture is known as
short story
2.42-Distinguish fact from opinion
Dan Shaw is blind, but he does not have a seeing eye dog. Instead, he has Cuddles, a
specially trained miniature horse that is only about two feet tall. Cuddles was trained by
the Guide Horse Foundation to safely lead Dan around busy city streets.
Using a horse instead of a dog to help a blind person may seem like a strange idea.
However, horses are natural guide animals because they have good eyesight and good
memory and are naturally curious. In addition, Cuddles is as intelligent as any guide dog
and learned her job very quickly.
6. Which of these sentences from the selection is an opinion?
A. Cuddles is intelligent and learned quickly.
B. Horses are natural guide animals because of good eyesight.
C. Cuddles was trained by the Guide Horse Foundation.
D. Using a horse for a guide animal is a strange idea.
2.12-Identify main idea ( implied main idea, author’s purpose)
1.12- Identify supporting details
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Using a horse to lead a blind person is a strange idea.
B. Cuddles is an intelligent animal.
C. Horses have good eyesight and memory and are naturally curious.
D. Horses are naturally good at leading blind people.
The author’s purpose in writing the selection is toA. inform people about miniature horses as pets
B. show how horses can be used by the blind
C. illustrate how much fun blind horses can be
D. teach about qualities and types of miniature horses
Which sentence is a supporting detail of the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Dan Shaw is a blind person.
B. Cuddles is small even for a miniature horse.
C. Cuddles was trained as a guide horse for the blind.
D. Dan Shaw needs to be led safely around city streets.
2.42 Distinguish fact from opinion
There’s no doubt that Friday is the best day of the week. That’s the day of the high
school football games is most cities. During the winter months, everyone loves bundling
up in warm clothes to watch the game. Cheering on your favorite team is always fun.
10 Which statement is a fact?
A. There’s no doubt that Friday is the best day of the week.
B. That’s the day the high school football games take place.
C. Everyone loves to bundle up in warm clothes.
D. Cheering on your favorite team is always fun.
3.32 Analyze literary elements ( alliteration, onomatopoeia, metaphor, simile,
Same Song
By Pat Mora
While my sixteen-year-old son sleeps,
my twelve-year-old daughter
stumbles into the bathroom at six a.m.
plugs in the curling iron
squeezes into faded jeans
curls her hair carefully
strokes Aztec Blue shadow on her eyelids
smoothes Frosted Mauve blusher on her cheeks
outlines her mouth in Neon Pink
peers into the mirror, mirror on the wall
frowns at her face, her eyes, her skin,
not fair.
At night this daughter
stumbles off to bed at nine
eyes half-shut while my son
jogs a mile in the cold dark
then lifts weights in the garage
curls and bench presses
expanding biceps, triceps, pectorals,
one-handed push-ups, one hundred sit-ups
peers into that mirror, mirror and frowns too.
11. In lines 11 and 12, the words frowns, face, and fair are examples ofA. metaphor
B. simile
C. alliteration
D. onomatopoeia
12. Sixteen-year-old son sleeps, twelve-year-old daughter stumbles is an example ofA. alliteration
B. simile
C. personification
D. metaphor
3.32- Analyze literary elements
13. The hissing fans of the losing team were asked to leave the stadium.
A. personification
B. onomatopoeia
C metaphor
D. simile
14. Larry was greeted by a blast of cold air. This sentence is an example of
A. personification
B. simile
C. metaphor
D. alliteration
15. John’s stomach was like a water balloon. This is an example of
A. idiom
B. metaphor
C. simile
D. personification
16. The fresh snow was a blanket, covering the entire town.
A. simile
B. personification
C. alliteration
D. metaphor
17. The celery went z-z-zip, z-z-zip, zip as they peeled the strings away.
A. personification
B. onomatopoeia
C. metaphor
D. simile
18. Which is the best example of personification?
A. The tree limbs danced in the hurricane force winds.
B. The car was parked in the driveway.
C. John felt hot while playing outside.
D. They spotted a vulture circling overhead.
19. Which is the best example of personification?
A. The trees danced in the hurricane force winds.
B. The desert was a beautiful work of art.
C. The sands at the beach felt like hot coals to their feet.
D. James saw the buzzard circling lazily overhead.
20. Which is the best example of personification?
The house was built like a castle on a hill.
The wind sang a sad song as it howled outside my window..
A hatchet is used to cut wood for building fires.
The bald eagle is our national bird, not the wild turkey.