shelf globalization

1. Reading Quiz
1. Canada, being a democracy, uses a simple process of setting foreign policy goals.
False. In Canada, setting up foreign policy is a complex process that must reflect the
views of Canadians.
2. A large part of a country's foreign policy is deciding how it will deal with other
countries through trade, etc. True.
3. Individuals and groups in Canada have equal influence on determining foreign policy.
True. F…some have more than others
4. Having definite goals can make the development of an action plan easier. True!
5. In the past few decades, government and diplomats have exerted less influence in
international affairs. True.
6. All nations and states are equally concerned with the effects of globalization and are
affected by it in some way.
False. Different nations and states may have different views and be concerned more or
less than another with globalization, but are all affected by it.
7. There is a definite correlation between economic stability and peace; therefore many
countries try to help poor countries. T
8. Everyone supports the idea of economic sanctions as a form of promoting peace.
False. Not everybody.
9. The most powerful branch of the UN is the General Assembly.
False. The Security Council is the most powerful branch of the UN.
10. When the International Court of Justice makes decisions, all countries abide by them.
False. Some countries are reluctant to listen to the International Court of Justice.
Multiple Choice: Put the correct letter beside the number on your answer sheet.
11. Which important country has consistently refused to abide by decisions made in the
World Court since 1986?
a. Britain
b. France
c. Iraq
d. U.S.
12. What is MOST true of the International Law of the Sea in regards to Canada?
a. Since Canada is a coastal country, it retains the right to control a certain amount of the
surrounding waters
b. Canada was content to abide by the law because it gave it a lot of control over a large
amount of ocean
c. The government does not want control over the entire continental shelf of the Grand
Banks area
d. Many Newfoundlanders have become extremely rich from fishing in the waters
13. What is the MAIN reason that scientific activity has increased in the Arctic?
a. Countries want to increase the plant life and thus, the fish life in this area
b. Countries want to seek ways to stop the environmental pollution of the area
c. Countries want to prove that their continental shelves are geographically linked to the
Arctic seabed
d. Countries want to prove that other countries' shelves are not geographically linked to
the seabed
14. Which of the following would NOT be an example of tied aid?
a. Issuing credit on the understanding that the money will be used for a specific purpose
b. Shipping tractors to third world countries to aid in farming
c. Sending in Red Cross workers with vaccines for sick children
d. Giving the leader of a developing nation a cheque for $1 million
15. What is not a drawback to the removal of land mines?
a. while the mines are cheap to make, they are costly to remove
b. some countries still refuse to comply with the International Campaign to Ban
c. many armies and terrorists continue to plant them
d. the technology does not exist to effectively find and remove them
2. Position Paper
1. What is the main issue? Re-write the issue in your own words.
Should peace keeping be continued?
2. What is your main position on this issue?
Peace keeping should be continued.
3. Give three main arguments you will use to prove your position. After each argument,
give at least one concrete example that will support the argument.
First argument – Even when peace keeping is not completely successful, it still is
successful in some way.
Example – Suez crisis, where even though the peace keeping missions were fairly
unsuccessful, there is now lasting peace between Egypt and Israel.
Second argument – Peacekeeping is good for countries like Canada.
Example – Canadians have a strong desire for peace, and this is a way that we can
enforce that worldwide.
Third argument – Peace keeping should be continued.
Example – The more that we do it, the better we will get and it with more knowledge etc.
The UN just recently successfully helped East Timor become independent.
4. Give one counter argument (an argument that the other side might present), then refute
or disprove it.
“Peace keeping just kills uselessly.”
Although lives have been lost, it has been well worth the sacrifice for countries around
the world. The UN is slowly working toward world peace, which would be impossible
without peacekeeping missions. More people would most likely die if the countries were
left to fight it out on their own accord. Peace keeping may prevent genocide and the like.
5. Wrap up your thoughts in a conclusion of two to three good sentences.
Although perhaps not 100% successful all of the time, peacekeeping always reaps
positive benefits on countries. The world needs these peacekeeping missions, and they
give all of us hope of seeing the world as a completely peaceful place.
Position Paper
War is a killing machine. It is impossible to have war without death. But what if
war could be stopped altogether? This is the idea that the UN had when it introduced
peacekeeping. Peacekeeping is a way of keeping peace between rival nations. A truce or
agreement may ensue, ensuring that the peace is kept between these countries. Although
it is a relatively new phenomenon, peacekeeping has already prevented many wars
between countries. (this is not quite accurate: peace-keepers are only allowed in once a
truce or cease-fire exists, and are there to try to ensure the peace continues)
Although it may be argued that peacekeeping is simply something sacrificial, the
fact of the matter is that even though lives may be taken, peacekeeping almost always
helps in one way or another. Even though complete peace is not always achievable,
peacekeeping is a fantastic tool for preventing outright war or genocide within or
between nations (from re-occuring). For example, during the Suez crisis, peacekeepers
remained unsuccessful at first. The two nations did not want peace, they simply wanted
ownership of a very important canal. There was a war, with nine UN soldiers ending up
dead, but after this war the two countries finally saw that peace was indeed the only way,
and signed a peace treaty. There has been complete peace between the countries ever
since.(who were the countries? Be specific) If it weren’t for the UN forces trying and
trying to help the nations make peace with each other, it possibly would have never
happened. This just goes to show that sometimes death is necessary, but peacekeeping
will always produce at least some positive effect.
Peacekeeping is also good for the countries that are sending the peacekeepers.
Canada in particular has a great reputation for peace missions and the like. We feel that
peace is of utmost importance, and now, through the UN, our country has a chance to
share peace with numerous countries around the world. We now have formed strong
bonds with other countries in the UN, and so we know that we will always have these
countries to back us up. Because of all of our peacekeeping missions and humanitarian
efforts, countries may see us as reliable trade partners, and may also be encouraged to
participate in peacekeeping themselves. This is just another reason why peacekeeping
should not be abolished, but should continue for a long, long time.
As the countries involved in peacekeeping go on more and more missions, they
are able to learn from past mistakes and make every new mission a better one. The
nations learn, and in that they become stronger and more confident. The great minds that
control the UN and peacekeeping will continue to get a better feel for what they are
doing, and will keep coming up with new tactics and ideas about peace. The longer that
peacekeeping is around, the better it will become and world peace may not be such a farfetched concept. For example, the UN successfully helped East Timor become
independent of Indonesia in 2002. To start, the UN conducted a referendum to find out if
East Timor wanted independence. The result was overwhelming, as a very vast majority
wanted independence. After some resistance from the Indonesian government and antiindependence Timorese, the country eventually brought violence to an end and gained
their independence. This just goes to show that peacekeeping missions are getting better
and more effective as time goes on, and should continue in the world.
Although perhaps not 100% successful all of the time, peacekeeping always
reaps positive benefits on countries. These missions ensues peace, but also help countries
involved in the UN with their own social and economic well-being. The world needs
these peacekeeping missions, and they give all of us hope of seeing the world as a
completely peaceful place.
This is quite a good paper, despite some misunderstanding of the difference between
peace-making and peace-keeping, two things the UN does a lot. Peace-keeping, while at
times, unsuccessful, at least helps the two sides of a conflict to hopefully maintain the
peace afterwards.
TOTAL: 23/30