ISU JOURNAL RUBRIC Knowledge/Understanding /10 1 (0-59%) 2 (60-69%) 3 (70-79%) 4 (80-100%) The journal shows limited to unacceptable knowledge of the novel. The journal shows some knowledge of the novel. The journal shows strong knowledge of the relevant aspects of the novel. The journal shows excellent and perceptive knowledge of the novel. Quotations chosen cover a fairly wide range of the novel. Quotations chosen cover a wide range of the novel. The journal reflects a consistent degree of illustrative detail and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of characters and ideas in the novel. Quotations chosen cover a very small portion of the novel. Thinking/Inquiry /10 The journal reflects a limited degree of imagination, sensitivity, and insight towards the characters and ideas in the novel. The journal reflects a degree of imagination, sensitivity, and insight towards the characters and ideas in the novel. The journal reflects a substantial degree of imagination, sensitivity, and insight towards the characters and ideas in the novel. The quotations chosen further, to a limited degree, the effectiveness of the journal. The quotations chosen, while simplistic, further somewhat the effectiveness of the journal. The quotations chosen are competently chosen and used. Journal is largely plot summary. Communication /10 Quotations chosen cover a small portion of the novel. There are regular errors in spelling, punctuation, paragraphing and syntax, which hinder communication. There is an attempt to use a register suitable to intention and audience. Journal’s title is nonsensical or nonexistent and the journal is not in MLA format. While there is some interesting analysis, a large part of the journal is plot summary. The journal focuses well on a key question, or idea, and has at least a 50/50 ratio of plot to summary. The two quotations chosen are exemplary in furthering the effectiveness of the journal. The journal focuses extremely well on a key question, or idea, and has much more analysis than plot summary. Some errors in spelling, punctuation, paragraphing and syntax hinder communication. There are occasional errors in spelling, punctuation, paragraphing and syntax. There are very infrequent errors in spelling, punctuation, paragraphing and syntax. The work often shows a register suitable to intention and audience. Use of a register suitable to intention and audience is consistent. Work shows mastery of a register suitable to intention and audience. Journal’s title is simplistic and the journal there is an attempt at MLS format. Journal has a somewhat interesting title and mostly follows MLA format. Journal has an interesting title and is presented in MLA format. * Register refers to a mixture of appropriate tone, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure