Animals: Livers were dissected from C57Bl/6J mouse fetuses on day e16.5 and e17.5 days of gestation. The day of observation of the copulation plug was day e0.5. Livers were isolated from neonates on postnatal day 1. Adult liver was obtained from 8-10 week old C57Bl/6J animals. All tissues were flash frozen in a 0 bath of isopentane over dry ice and stored at -80 C prior to RNA isolation. Animals were housed in the AALAC accredited animal facilities in the Institute of Animal Studies at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Animals were treated according to protocols approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. MicroRNA Gene Microarray All oligos printed on the arrays had a 5' amino modifier at C6, and were diluted in 150 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0 or 3xSSC, to 50 µM for printing. Printing was done under 50% humidity by the custom built microarray printer at the AECOM Microarray facility (Aldo Massimi). For details of the equipment see Telechem SPH48 print head was used, with pins spaced 4.5 mm center-to-center, populated with 16 split-tip tungsten pins (Point Technology, Colorado), arranged in 4 x 4 array, each producing a 90 µm diameter spot. Printed arrays were incubated at 70% humidity overnight. miRNA microaray protocols. Oligonucleotides were printed in quadriplicate on Corning Epoxide coated slides (cat. 40042). The Genisphere Cy3 and Cy5 labeling method of probe preparation ( was used. Signal intensities were measured with a Axon 4000 scanner. Data were processed using GenPix software (Axon, Garden city, CA). Data analysis was performed using a computer script by Dr. Kate Milova ( ). Before hybridization, miRNA microarrays on glass slides were blocked according to slide manufacturer (Corning) recommendations and hybridized using Datascope/Genisphere Array 900 miRNA RT labeling Kit. cDNA microarrays A list of cDNAs included on these arrays can be found at http:// . Total RNA was prepared from undifferentiated HBC-3 cells or cells differentiated for 1-7 days with 3.5% DMSO as previously described (23). Cy3 and Cy5 labeled targets were synthesized as previously described (26). Arrays were hybridized and washed as described in (23). Dual Luciferase Reporter Assays. psiCheck2 miR16 was a gift of M. Landthaler (Rockefeller University), and it contained an engineered miR-16 perfect match target site downstream of Renilla to serve as a positive control. MiRidian Mimics and miRidian Inhibitors of miRs-23b. 27b, and 24 were obtained from Dharmacon. HEK293 cells were grown in 96 well plates to ~30% confluence and transfected with 25 ng Reporter plasmid/well, plus or minus Mimics or Inhibitors using Lipofectamine 2000 reagent according to manufacturers instructions (Invitrogen). Mixtures of three mimics or inhibitors contained a total of 0.75 pM/well. Media was removed and cells were lysed with passive lysis buffer after 20 hours. 10 ul was used in the 96 well format for the Dual luciferase reporter assays, according to manufacturers instructions (Promega) in a BMG FLUOstar Optima. The Renilla/Firefly ratio for each experimental plasmid treated with mimics was normalized against that plasmid alone. Each data point is the average of quadruplicate measurements. Primers used for psiCheck2 vector cloning. Primers for cloning: Smad 3-3 forward primer, 5’-GTACCTCGAG TAAGGCACCAGCCTGTTTCT-3’, reverse primer, 5,-CAGTACGCGGCCGC GGGACACGGCTCTTTAACAA-3’; Smad 4-1 forward primer, 5,GTACCTCGAG GCCCTAACCATTTCCAGGAT-3’, reverse primer, 5’CAGTACGCGGCCGC TACTGCCACCTTGCAGAACA-3’; Smad 5-2 forward primer, 5’-GTACCTCGAG GCTGTGAGCTGACATGGAAA-3’, reverse primer 5’-CAGTACGCGGCCGC TGGCACAGAAAACAAAAGGA. In situ hybridization. Acetylated slides were treated with 5 ug/ml of proteinase K (Boehringer) in PBS for 5 minutes and washed with PBS three times. Slides were prehybridized in hybridization buffer (50% formamide , 5X SSC, 5X Denhardt’s, 200ug/ml yeast RNA, 500 ug/ml Salmon DNA, 20mg/ml blocking reagent (Boehringerfor 4 hours at room temperature. Slides were hybridized with 20nM digoxygenin labeled LNA microRNA (mir-23b or mir-122) Anti sense probes (Exiqon) 0 or control probe (C. elegans, mir-159 sense) for 20 hours at 55 C. Slides were washed 0 to a final stringency of 0.2X SSC, 60 C. Slides were washed in B1 (0.1M Tris pH 9.5, 0.1M sodium chloride), blocked in B1 containing 10% fetal bovine serum. Positive hybridization was detected using anti DIG- alkaline phosphotase antibody diluted 1:200 in B1 containing 10%h fetal bovine serum and the alkaline phosphotase reaction was developed using BCIP/NBT alkaline phosphate substrate (Vector) plus levamisol. Post development the slides were washed with PBST, counterstained with nuclear fast red, dehydrated and mounted with VectaMount (Vector). Quantitative real time PCR was carried out using an Applied Biosciences gene quantitation system SDS 7000. The oligonucleotides used as primers for liver gene expression marker analysis are listed in Supplemental Methods. GAPDH was used for normalization. The relative expression level of each gene was calculated using -(∆∆Ct) (28). The data presented are the mean of three replicates. the formula 2 Primers used for QRT-PCR Alb1-forward Alb1-reverse Apoc4-forward Apoc4-reverse Aqp1-forward Aqp1-reverse Cyp2c40forward Cyp2c40reverse Ggt1-forward 5'-CAGGTGTCAACCCCAACTCT-3' 5'-CCACACAAGGCAGTCTCTGA-3' 5'-ACCAGAACCAGGGACAGATG-3' 5'-CATAAAGCCCTGGACAGCTC-3' 5'-CATGAAGGTGTGGACCAGTG-3' 5'-ACCCTGGAGTTGATGTCGTC-3' 5'-CATCGATATGACCCCCAAAC-3' 5'-CATCTGGAAATTGGGAGGAA-3' 5'-AGGTTATCAATGCCCGTGAG-3' Ggt1-reverse H19-forward H19-reverse Hnf4a-forward Hnf4a-reverse Krt19-forward Krt19-reverse onecut1(Hnf6)forward onecut1(Hnf6)reverse Pck1-forward Pck1-reverse Smad3-forward Smad3-reverse Smad5-forward Smad5-reverse Ttr-forward Ttr-reverse 5'-CCAGCTCATAACCACGGATT-3' 5'-CTCCTCCCCCTACCTTGAAC-3' 5'-CAGACATGAGCTGGGTAGCA-3' 5'-AGAGGTTCTGTCCCAGCAGA-3' 5'-ATGTACTTGGCCCACTCGAC-3' 5'-TTGAGACAGAACACGCCTTG-3' 5'-GGCTCTCAATCTGCATCTCC-3' 5'-TTCACACTTATGCGGGATGA-3' 5'-CCTTGCTGGGAGTTGTGAAT-3' 5'-CTGGCACCTCAGTGAAGACA-3' 5'-TCGATGCCTTCCCAGTAAAC-3' 5'-GCCTTTGTCTTCAGCACTCC-3' 5'-AGGCCAGCACAGGACTCTAA-3' 5'-TGCCTTTATGGGGAGTGAAG-3' 5'-CCACCCAAGTCCACAGAACT-3' 5'-TTTCACAGCCAACGACTCTG-3' 5'-TCTCTCAATTCTGGGGGTTG-3' Quantitative RT PCR for miRNA. Quantitative PCR for miRNA was carried out using miRVana QRTPCR primer sets for mir-23b, mir-27b, and mir-24-1 (Applied Biosystem) according to the manufacturers protocols. Mouse SnoRNA-292 probes were used as normalization controls for the calculation of ∆Ct values. Transfection of HBC-3 cells. HBC-3 cell were stripped of their feeder layer as previously described (26) and replated at 40-60% confluence on plastic. The cells were transfected using siImporter (Milipore) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. miRNA inhibitors and mimics (Dharmacon) for mir-23b, mir-27b and mir-24 and negative control mimics and inhibitors were used at a final concentration of 10uM. SiRNA for Smad4 and scrambled siRNA control (IDT) were used at a final concentration of 10uM. These conditions resulted in greater than 95% of the cells transfected. 18 hours of post-transfection, cells were replated 5 2 at 1.0 -2.0 X 10 cells/cm in HBM (for undifferentiated cells), 3.5% DMSO in HBM (to induce hepatocytic differentiation) or plated on Matrigel (to induce bile duct morphogenesis) as previously described (23). Twenty four hours after replating the cells were harvested for total RNA preparation using Qiagen RNAeasy kits. Small RNA fractions were isolated as previously described (24). Cells plated on Matrigel were photographed 24 hours after plating using a Nikon Inverted phase microscope and digital camera with Spot software. 27 non overlapping photographs were taken per treatment. Brightness and contrast of the images were adjusted using Adobe Photoshop CS. The area of tubule and cluster was quantitated using ImageJ software (NIH). Northern Blot. 20 ug of total RNA isolated as described in (24) loaded per lane on a 15% acrylamide TBE Urea gel (Invitrogen) and run at 180V for 60-75 minutes. 2ug of small RNA from adult mouse liver was loaded as a control. Antisense 32 oligonucleotide probes for individual miRNAs (IDT) were P end labled using T4 polynucleotide kinase. Hybridization was carried out using ULTRAhyb-Oligo 0 hybridization buffer (Ambion) overnight at 42 C. Blots were washed to a final 0 stringency of 1X SSC 42 C. Hybridization was imaged using a Molecular Dynamics Phosphoimager and a STORM 860 Scanner (Molecular Dynamics). RTPCR of mir-23b cluster. 1 ug Total RNA from undifferentiated HBC-3 cells was reverse transcribed and RT-PCR for the mir-23b cluster was performed using SuperScript One-Step RT-PCR (Invitrogen). Primers for the PCR reaction were: genomic forward Xho I:5’- CTCGAGGGTGGCCTGGTGGATAGAC-3’; genomic reverse Not I: 5’-GCGCCCGCCAGGCATTCTCACTGCTCAA-3’. Transcription factor binding site mapping was performed using the Biobase implementation of Transfac.