Supplementary Methods RNA extraction and purification Total RNA was extracted using Trizol (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Carlsbad, USA), purified using RNeasy columns (Qiagen, Valencia, USA). After processing with DNase digestion, clean-up procedures, RNA samples were quantified, aliquot and stored at -80°C until use. Total RNA was amplified and purified using the Ambion Illumina RNA amplification kit (Ambion, Austin, USA) to yield biotinylated cRNA. After purification, the cRNA was quantified using the ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (NanoDrop, Wilmington, USA). Publicly available mRNA datasets To construct GEO-GPL96 and 570 set, we used the following GSE entries, GSE11121, GSE12093, GSE1456, GSE1561, GSE15852, GSE20192, GSE20271, GSE2034, GSE24185, GSE24509, GSE25066, GSE2603, GSE31519, GSE3494, GSE5462, GSE5849, GSE6532, GSE6883, GSE7390, GSE10281, GSE10780, GSE12276, GSE16446, GSE18931, GSE19615, GSE20685, GSE2109, GSE22035, GSE23177, GSE23593, GSE25407, GSE29431, GSE31448, GSE33658, GSE35925, GSE3744, GSE5460, GSE5764, GSE6532, and GSE8977. Primer information The following primer pairs were used: GAPDH, 5΄-ACCCAGAAGACTGTGGATGG-3΄ and 5΄-TTTCTAGACGGCAGGTCAGG-3΄; PHLDA2, 5΄ACTTCACCATCGTCACCACC-3΄ and 5́-TCTGGAAATCGATGAGCGCC-3΄; TKT, 5́CTCCCAGATGGCCCTAGAAG-3΄ and 5́-TCCGGATGAAGCAGATACCC-3΄; P4HA2, 5΄-GACTACCTGCCTGAGAGGGA-3΄and 5΄-ATCCGACGATTTACTCGGGC-3΄. Relative levels of mRNA were normalized to the values of GAPDH mRNA for each reaction