
Dear Friends:
Cemeteries are underrated. Most of us visit them only when we’re forced to. They remind us of life’s brevity (the
ultimate “elephant in the room” that we tiptoe around but try to ignore). So it may surprise you that Beth and I spent a
good share of our pilgrimage this summer walking through cemeteries—very old ones—and loving it.
Sometimes we knew whose graves we were looking for; family ancestors, for example. But often, we let these quiet
places tell their stories, and what amazing stories they told.
Two of our favorites were in Pennsylvania, surrounding churches important to the history of our United Church of
Christ. At Falkner Swamp, the first Reformed church in the U.S. was founded in 1725; the church at Old
Goshenhoppen was birthed in 1744, the oldest “Union” church (where a Lutheran and a Reformed congregation shared
a common house of worship) in our country. Their cemeteries are “cities” in themselves, and a lesson in history, and
in faith.
They buried their elderly there, and infants who died with their mothers in childbirth. They buried veterans of the
Revolutionary War and every war since. They buried soldiers who died while the church served as a field hospital,
and entire families when disease ravaged communities. They buried the rich, and the poor, under graves with
carefully-crafted stones, or field rocks with names and dates in crude letters. Many graves are devoid of markers long
lost to time and weather.
Beyond the individual graves, there is a witness there…Old Goshenhoppen, Falkner Swamp, and other churches stand
guard over the resting places of the saints, while they serve their descendants in the present. The graves are testimony
to those who made the present possible; the churches testify to how the Church of Jesus Christ embraces and shapes a
community over time. Churches served as wars came and went, as trails became roads, as wilderness became towns,
as farms gave way to subdivisions, as political forces clashed (one gave refuge to the Liberty Bell during the
Revolutionary War).
The exteriors of the churches largely remain, but the interiors have been remodeled, often, and dramatically.
Ministries too have adapted to changing communities. What remains unchanged is that they were rooted in a specific
place; their witness in part is that they were there when they were needed. They identified with the place where God
put them. They tied their fortunes to the fortunes of the people to whom they were called to offer the life of Christ.
We don’t have that silent city of saints around our church. But we have a distinct and powerful place in this
community. We too can in our own way build on that steady presence, and give witness that in the name of Jesus
Christ, we love our city, our neighborhood, and our neighbors, and we stand ready to serve them.
Pastor Dale Stohre
Confirmation – It Takes A Village
Journeys can be exciting. They can also be intimidating. Each of us can likely name places along our own faith
journeys where it was invaluable to know that our church family loved and supported us. Christ Church is once again
at a point in our history in which we are blessed to have young people who are of the age in which their confirmation
journey can begin. We look forward to sharing our faith with our newly forming confirmation class and know that
these young people’s faith formation will be greatly enhanced by the love and support of our church family. The first
step of this journey will be an introduction of the confirmands to the congregation in worship on October 16th. It
would be wonderful if the pews were full as we in the congregation pledge our love, support, and prayers to those
who are making a commitment to be a part of our next confirmation class!
Beth Meyer and Pastor Dale
We are all back together after a Summer of changes--both in the building and within ourselves. You are all
invited to reflect on the changes you have experienced.
For those who have yet to join in the Spiritual Gifts groups, there are four more opportunities:
October 2, Sunday, at 11:00 am
October 5, Wednesday, at 6:30 pm
October 9, Sunday, at 8:15 am
October 12, Wednesday, at 6:30 pm
These group gatherings are times to explore how God has given you spiritual gifts.
Many of those who have participated have expressed either their surprise at finding out that what they consider
"natural" abilities for themselves are foreign to others' experiences, or that the activities or traits that they enjoy
are considered "gifts" when used to benefit others.
Spiritual Gifts Inventories are in the Niefer Chapel. You can fill it out at home (takes about 20 minutes or so)
and bring it to whichever meeting you choose to attend.
Come find out what your gifts might be, and see where God may be leading you!
If you have yet to bring in your puzzle piece and place it in the puzzle (should have received one in May in the
mail) please bring it in to the Fellowship Hall and find your spot--we may need a few good puzzle workers to
piece it together…
Pastor Colleen
Sabbatical Sharing
Sunday, October 23, 2011
South Shore Yacht Club
12:00 Brunch
We share our Sabbatical experiences and also hear from
Pastor Dale and Beth about theirs. The hall is limited to 100 guests. There
will be a $10.00 per person charge and can be paid at the time of sign up. All
reservations must be in by October 16. Children are invited. If you need
assistance in paying for the meal, please see one of the pastors—everyone is
Ken Redlin and Judy Malecki will be taking reservations in Fellowship Hall
during Coffee Hour or call the office.
Dear Friends in Christ,
Summer has slipped away much too quickly for some of us. It’s now a time to re-focus. We had a great Rally Sunday on
September 11th. Unfortunately, complications delayed the completion of our pipe organ, but we had a fantastic choir, a grand
processional, and a heartfelt welcome back for Pastor Stohre and Beth following their successful sabbatical. Our church
calendar moves forward with some very exciting events on the horizon.
The organ will return to service on October 2nd. I promise! While the renovation took longer than anticipated, the result was
worth the wait. You will be amazed by the magnificent new sound. I want to thank Phil Swartz and his team (Nick
Schroeder and Bryan Dombrowski) for their excellent work and high standards, resulting in an instrument which will serve
us well for many years to come. On November 6th we will dedicate the organ with a special Sunday morning service,
followed later in the day by a dedication concert. The concert will feature highly acclaimed 17 year-old international concert
organist, Don VerKuilen. Don’t miss it!
Please plan to join us at South Shore Yacht Club on Sunday, October 23rd for Sabbatical Sharing. At this special brunch,
Pastor Stohre & Beth will share the knowledge they gained on sabbatical. In return, we will share the lessons we learned at
Christ Church while they were away. This will be a great event that you don’t want to miss. While it will be a very
enjoyable occasion, it also has a serious component. We are holding the event off-site so that everyone can focus their full
attention on sharing these experiences. Tickets are $10. Please contact me or Judy Malecki to sign up.
If you were away from church for some Sundays this summer, it’s not too late to fill those offering envelopes. Please
remember that we had to borrow money this summer in order to meet our expenses. We would like to re-pay that loan as
soon as possible.
In closing, I again wish to thank everyone who played a role in this summer’s renovation and construction projects. In
particular, I would like to thank:
Fritz Jorgenson and the Property Committee
The Music and Worship Committee (especially Gloria Konkel & Pam Kothrade)
The Church Council
Pastor Stohre & Pastor Kwong
The Church Staff: Terri Travia, Don & Debbie Antoniewicz
Matt Johnson for architectural expertise
Wally Unglaub for audio-visual expertise
Mike Behling for installing the beautiful granite floor
Creators of our banners: Gloria Konkel, Maggie Jorgenson, Doris Mayeshiba
We are indeed blessed. Best wishes for a wonderful October!
See you in church…
Kenneth C. Redlin, M.D., President
Ushers are needed to assist in our worship services. Duties include assisting with
collecting the offering and distributing communion. We would like to develop eight
teams in order to limit the time commitment to once every two months. No regular
meeting attendance is required. Please consider volunteering to serve your church
in this important role. Contact Wayne Krueger (Chief Usher) or Dr. Ken Redlin
(Music & Worship Committee) for further details.
For All the World
“For God so loved the world...”
John 3:16
The first Sunday in October is World Communion Sunday. This day we remember that we are not the only Christians
in the world; indeed American Christians are the newcomers to a Christian community that has been serving faithfully
in many parts of the world for 2000 years! I’ve been privileged to witness the faithful service of Syrian Orthodox
Christians in Turkey who worship in the closest modern equivalent to Aramaic. I’ve met Armenian Orthodox in
Jordan, Anglicans in Jerusalem, Pentecostals in El Salvador, all seeking to be servants of Christ in challenging
Christians are, by their very nature, citizens of the world. From the beginning of the church, as Paul invited the
churches he formed to contribute to help the church in Jerusalem, we have shared resources with each other as any
have need. Through our Neighbors in Need offerings, often received in early October, we share with kin in the U.S.
Through One Great Hour of Sharing and our regular giving to Our Church’s Wider Mission we support missionaries
and partner churches and relief organizations around the world. Though American churches are young by the
standards of the Middle East, Africa and Europe, we also are wealthy in comparison to many of those churches. As
we plan our own pledge drives and construct our church budgets this year, let us remind each other that God not only
loves us but all the world.
God is still speaking,
We thank Rochelle A. Stackhouse, Senior Minister of The Church of the
Redeemer, United Church of Christ, New Haven Connecticut for this inspiring article.
“Count Yourself Blessed”
Here at Christ Church we will participate in our annual Stewardship Campaign on Sunday, November 6, 2011. We
ask that all of our members allow God to Speak through them by actively supporting the work of our church.
Submitted by the Stewardship Committee
Christ Church UCC 915 E. Oklahoma ve.
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: 481-3530 Fax: 482-7006
Office Hours: 9am to 2 pm
Church Staff
Colleen Kwong, Minister of Arts
Terri Travia, Office Administrator
Linda Koszuta, Bookkeeper
Pam Kothrade & Gloria Konkel, Musicians
Laurel Dayton, Matron
Don & Debbie Antoniewicz, Custodians
Help Wanted
Please Consider sharing your talent
We have several projects that
involve graphic design. We need to
develop a new informational
brochure and a new membership
directory. Anyone with interest in
helping would be greatly
appreciated. Please contact Judy
Malecki if you can help.
Dinner for 8 Pot Luck
Sunday, November 13, 2011
After Coffee Hour
Fellowship Hall
Everyone who has participated, and
especially those who have not and want
to see just what this is all about, in this
years Dinner for 8 are invited to attend an
end of the year Pot Luck. We will gather in
the fellowship hall after coffee hour for
This is a great opportunity for old and new
members to meet and make our plans for
Packers play on Monday!!!
Please contact the membership committee
with any questions you may have:
Membership: Joan Gaeth, Carol Borchardt,
Brad Boyle, Grace Walter or Judy Malecki.
Lectionary Readings
October 2 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9,12-20, Psalm 19 or
Psalms 80:7-15
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matthew 21:33-46
October 9 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 32:1-14, Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 or
Isaiah 25:1-9, Psalm 23
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14
October 16 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 99 or
Isaiah 45:1-7, Psalm 96:1-9, (10-13)
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
October 23 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17 or
Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18, Psalm 1
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
October 30 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Reformation Sunday
Joshua 3:7-17, Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 or
Micah 3:5-12, Psalm 43
1 Thessalonians 2:9-13
Matthew 23:1-12
B.Y.O. Mug?
To make Sundays a bit more homelike (and to send a bit less plastic
to the landfill), why not bring a
coffee mug from home for Sunday’s
coffee hours? Bring a favorite (or
maybe a not-so-precious) mug; we’ll
clean them after fellowship and
have them ready and waiting for
next week!
Congratulations to Matthew & Devon Johnson
on the birth of their daughter Grace Elizabeth
born on August 22 weighing 4 lb. 9 oz. – 15 ½inches.
Grace Elizabeth was baptized at Christ Church on
September 25th.Welcome to the Christ Church Family
Grace Elizabeth!
Spouse’s Sabbatical Snippet
There are times in our lives when we are well
served to stop seeking God, be still, and let God
find us.
I will be forever grateful for the many ways in
which our sabbatical impacted my personal faith
journey. In keeping with the intent of the Lilly
grant for ongoing conversations with our Christ
Church family, each month I will be sharing a bit
of something that touched me. Perhaps these
snippets might resonate with you, and/or prompt
you to ask me questions, and/or be the seeds of
ideas for small group faith conversations….
Beth Meyer
October 2
Nancy Jonokuchi
October 4
Debbie Behling
Brianna Nelson
October 7
Ruth Buenger
Amy Wareham
October 8
Sue Fine
October 9
Tyler Strausbaugh
Richard Tremarello
October 10
Emily Mayeshiba
October 11
Heather Zyszkiewicz
October 12
Gilbert Gwinn
Ken Redlin
October 13
Andrew Vail
October 14
Darrell Rasch
October 15
Andrew Behling
Todd Hansen
James Luther
October 16
Michael Behling
Beth Meyer
Helene Rondorf
October 19
Susan Brewer
Debbie Hansen
October 20
Duane Rondorf
Paul Mayeshiba
October 21
Cliff Blake
Cole Oleson
Jesse Sommer
October 22
Peter Jorgenson
October 24
John Engstrom
October 25
Nancy Barnes
October 26
Dick Gaeth
Dolores Koszuta
October 28
Harvey Albertin
October 30
Mary Ann Mowery
Molly Reigert
Alejandro Saynes
Mary Veit
October 31
Nancy Kaye
What’s the Least I
Can Believe
and Still Be a
Take a few moments to consider
your answer to that question.
Paul Mayeshiba will be leading an
adult Sunday School Class based
on this book by Martin Thielen.
Classes will start Sunday, October
9th at 8:30am in the Pine Room.
Please let Paul know if you plan
to attend and if you would like a
copy of the book. (414-4839600)
Peace & Plenty Quilters
We meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays at
7pm and 9am on the 4th Saturday
which we reserve for anyone who
needs some instructions on mending
projects or sewing machine operation.
Join Us!
Submitted by Gloria Konkel & Maggie
Secret Santa
When we have our Breakfast with Santa on December 3,
2011 we also have a room set up so our children can shop
for their families. All the items are donated. Items
needed are for all ages, boys, girls, men and women. If
your in a store and see a “good deal” please remember us
if possible. All items can be left in the church office.
Thurs, Sept. 22nd , 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Thurs, Sept. 29th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sunday, Oct. 2, 8:15 – 9:15 am 
Church Services
Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 9:30 am Service
Thurs, Oct. 20 , 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Note - no rehearsal Oct. 27th – we are out of town
Thurs, Nov. 3rd, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sunday, Nov. 6th, 8:15 – 9:15 am 
Wed, Oct. 5th, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Wed, Oct. 12th, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 16th, 8:15 – 9:15 a.m.
Wed, Nov. 9th, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Wed, Nov. 16th, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 20th, 8:15 – 9:15 a.m.
Sunday, Nov. 6th, 9:30 am Service
Sunday, Oct. 16th, 9:30 a.m. service
Sunday, Nov. 20th, 9:30 a.m. service
Lenox Street Helpers
Pat Griebenow
Adam Zieman
Joe & Kirstyn Heino
Doris Mayeshiba
Jill Unglaub
Pat & Gerry Frietag
Harold & Ruth Buenger
Mel & Joan Billstrom
Pat & Dennis Griebenow
Roland & Loretta Senderhauf
Coffee Hour Volunteers
Michael Manti & Patty Roginski
Dan & Michelle Vail & boys
Grace & Marion
Volunteers Needed
Dick & Joan Gaeth & Zani Konkoly
Oct. 2
Oct. 9
Oct. 16
Oct. 23
Oct. 30
Tom & Carol Dohoney
Bill & Carol Borchardt
Charlotte Jeske
Pearl Gendreau
Bob Kroening
Dartball Matches for October
Oct. 3 Zion at Christ Church
October 24 Calvary at Christ Church
October 31 Christ Church at Greendale
Nov. 7 Trinity at Christ Church
Nov. 21 Christ Church at Zion
Any Questions contact Todd Hansen
Lenox St.
Rebecca, Brad, Evan & Isabelle Berger
Kelly, Jade & Corrinne Ertel
Howard Fritsch
Fritz & Margaret Jorgenson
Jim, Kim, Sophie & Ella Malecki
Thank you to all who
purchased the plants
for the InterFaith
Mum Sale
Grace Walter and Jackie Struck
Upcoming Dates to Remember … Mark your Calendars
October 16 – Introduction of 2011-2013 Confirmation Class
October 23 - 12:00 Sabbatical Sharing at South Shore Yacht Club
November 6 – Stewardship Sunday – Organ Dedication and Organ Concert
November 13 – after coffee hour we will have a pot luck for our Dinner for Eight. Time to share our
dinner experiences and plan for our next years event which will kick off on January 20, 2012 at South
Woods. DO NOT WORRY THIS DAY IS A PACKER BYE, no game to miss. We will all be home in time for
the 2nd game!!!!!
November 20 – Memorial Sunday
November 27 – Dedication of Banners
December 3 - Breakfast with Santa, Secret Santa Gift Shop, and Craft Fair Tickets will go on sale
in November.
December 4 - 3rd Annual Advent Luncheon. It was our Advent Tea, but you know when women cook we
have too much food to call it a Tea. Key note speaker Pastor Deb Payden will again be our guest. Please
contact any of our quilters to sign up to host a table or get more information. They are Maggie
Jorgenson, Gloria Konkel, Carol Borchardt, Ellen Crass, or Judy Malecki.
January 20, 2012 Dinner for Eight Kick Off - South Woods 7:00 PM. We will pick our groups for the
coming year, play some Bingo, and enjoy fellowship with each other. More details in the coming months.
For those of you who are now laughing when you read Bingo, you will be surprised, it is not your grandma’s
CROP Walk is coming!
“We walk, because they walk.”
The Annual Greater Milwaukee CROP Walk is scheduled for Sunday, October 9th at 1:30 p.m. at McKinley Marina at
Milwaukee’s lakefront. Christ Church has been a proud participant for over 20 years and is looking forward to walking
for hunger again this year. The CROP Walk raises funds for global disaster relief, hunger relief, and development. They
also collect food for the Hunger Task Force. CROP is the community wide hunger response of Church World Service
There are many ways you can participate:
1. You can join hundreds of Milwaukee walkers who walk either the 5.5 mile route or the 2 mile route around the
lagoon (it’s a lot of fun).
2. You can sponsor our walkers with your financial support (please be generous!).
3. You can donate non-perishable foods to our local food pantries in Milwaukee
(through the Hunger Task
We have until October 9th to get walkers, sponsors, and to collect non-perishable foods. Let’s join with over 100
congregations of many faith traditions in the Milwaukee area to help feed the hungry all over the world.
Each Sunday we will be signing up walkers and seeking pledges during Coffee Hour. Watch for posters for more details
and sign-up sheets in our Fellowship Hall.
See Dean or Pam Kothrade for more details. 414-321-4853
We were saddened to hear that Jackie Struck’s beloved son Daniel passed away on Sunday, Sept. 4 at the
age of 56. At a time like this, our words may not suffice, but our prayers and our love go out to Jackie
and her family. May God bring comfort and hope.
Carol Meyer, a lifetime member of Christ Church passed away on September 24 at the age of 74. Carol
has been a faithful member of Christ Church for the past 60 years. She is survived by daughters Liz
Lierman and Carol Moczynski. We extend our prayers and sympathy to Carol’s family and friends.