Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance Unit: Career Skills Time frame for Completion: 2/17/2016 1 Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas: -I will be able to identify and pursue my career interests. -Knowing my career interests should help me determine necessary education and job skills. -Knowing what employers are looking for in potential employees will help me be more successfully employed. -Understanding that skills are transferrable between careers and trends of employment will help me be more successfully employed. -I will become self-sufficient by developing independent living skills. -Understanding post-secondary college and technical training options will help me meet my future career goals. Essential Questions: What are my strengths/weaknesses? What are my career interests? What’s my future plan? What are employer expectations? Do my job skills align with my career interests? Can I perform daily living tasks? Learning Competencies What the students will know and be able to do upon completion of the unit Students should develop a plan based on their interests, aptitudes and motivation level and their future goals. Students will evaluate their progress and make appropriate changes as needed to their college plan. Students will align personal behavior to enhance prospective employability. Students will explore and Supportive Learning Activities Assessments [All activities are structured to work within each student’s “zone of proximal development*” in English Language Acquisition] Formative: Wida Access Placement Test (WAPT) Resume writing exercise Mock interviews Job shadowing Post-Secondary based Research project (college search) College essay/personal statement Jr. Conference – classroom and individual. PSAT Promotion – via HR visit, All-call, Backto-School night, Pulse PSAT score review – individual Course Selection Process College Counselor Summative: Junior Conference Activities Resume Junior Survey Resources PDE Academic Standards Supplemental Resources: Every Teacher Teaches ESL ELP Standard 1: English Language Learners communicate in English for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. ELP Standard 2: English Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. C:A1 Develop Career Awareness C:A2 Develop Employment Readiness C:B1.1 Apply decision-making skills to career planning, course selection and career transition ESL staff Bilingual dictionaries ELL: Fifty Strategies for Teaching; English Language Learners, 2nd edition; Adrienne Herrell, Michael Jordan; (Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2003) Jr. Conference Packet College Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance Unit: Career Skills Time frame for Completion: gain practical experience to improve their understanding and grasp of the necessary skills for college and subsequent employment success. Students will evaluate their goals and develop plans for independent living. Students will develop a specific plan of action for college options. 2/17/2016 2 Visits – Jr. English classes College Admission Counselor visits Junior Survey – post secondary plans, needs, questions College Visitations Cross Curricular Career Awareness and Application HUB night programs College Fairs – Villanova, Philadelphia, in house. Jr. Planning Night Representatives PACAC NACAC Financial Aid Representatives C:B1.2 Identify personal skills, interests and abilities and relate them to current career choice C:B1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the careerplanning process C:B1.5 C:B1.6 Learn to use the Internet to access careerplanning information C:B1.7 Describe traditional and nontraditional career choices and how they relate to career choice C:B1.8 Understand how changing economic and societal needs influence employment trends and future training C:B2.1 Demonstrate awareness of the education and training needed to achieve career goals C:B2.2 Assess and modify their educational plan to support career C:B2.4 Select course work that is related to career interests C:C1 Acquire knowledge to Achieve Career Goals C:C2.1 Demonstrate how interests, abilities and achievement relate to achieving personal, social, educational and career goals C:C2.2 Learn how to use Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance Unit: Career Skills Time frame for Completion: 2/17/2016 3 conflict management skills with peers and adults C:C2.3 Apply academic and employment readiness skills in workbased learning situations such as internships, shadowing and/or mentoring experiences CEW PDE Standards 13.1.11 A. Relate careers to individual interests, abilities, and aptitudes. B. Analyze career options based on personal interests, abilities, aptitudes, achievements and goals. C. Analyze how the changing roles of individuals in the workplace relate to new opportunities within career choices. D. Evaluate school-based opportunities for career awareness/preparation, such as, but not limited to: Career days Career portfolio Community service Cooperative education Graduation/senior project Internship Job shadowing Part-time employment Registered apprenticeship Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance Unit: Career Skills Time frame for Completion: 2/17/2016 4 School-based enterprise E. Justify the selection of a career. F. Analyze the relationship between career choices and career preparation opportunities, such as, but not limited to: Associate degree Baccalaureate degree Certificate/licensure Entrepreneurship Immediate part/full time employment Industry training Military training Professional degree Registered apprenticeship Tech Prep Vocational Rehabilitation Centers G. Assess the implementation of the individualized career plan through the ongoing development of the career portfolio. 13.2.11 A. Apply effective speaking and listening skills used in a job interview. B. Apply research skills in searching for a job. CareerLinks Internet (i.e. O-NET) Networking Newspapers Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance Unit: Career Skills Time frame for Completion: 2/17/2016 5 Professional associations Resource books (that is Occupational Outlook Handbook, PA Career Guide) C. Develop and assemble, for career portfolio placement, career acquisition documents, such as, but not limited to: Job application Letter of appreciation following an interview Letter of introduction Postsecondary education/training applications Request for letter of recommendation Resume D. Analyze, revise, and apply an individualized career portfolio to chosen career path. 13.3.11 A. Evaluate personal attitudes and work habits that support career retention and advancement. E. Evaluate time management strategies and their application to both personal and work situations. F. Evaluate strategies for career retention and advancement in response Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance Unit: Career Skills Time frame for Completion: 2/17/2016 6 to the changing global workplace. G. Evaluate the impact of lifelong learning on career retention and advancement. H. Demonstrate, in the career acquisition process, the application of essential workplace skills/knowledge, such as, but not limited to: Commitment Communication Dependability Health/safety Laws and regulations (that is Americans with Disabilities Act, Child Labor Law, Fair Labor Standards Act, OSHA, Material Safety Data Sheets) Personal initiative Self-advocacy Scheduling/time management Team building Technical literacy Technology I. Review personal high school plan against current personal career goals and select postsecondary opportunities based upon personal career interests. Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance Unit: Career Skills Time frame for Completion: 2/17/2016 7 *Zone of Proximal Development: That area between what the student is capable of at the moment and the point you want the student to reach next (Vygotsky, 1978) Stages of Second Language Acquisition: (Hill, J., Flynn, K., 2006) Stage Characteristics Approximate Time Frame Teacher Prompts Preproduction PDE: Entering The student Has minimal comprehension Does not verbalize Nods “yes” and “no” Draws and points 0-6 months Show me… Circle the… Where is…? Who has…? Early Production PDE: Beginning The student Has limited comprehension Produces one- or two-word responses Participates using key words and familiar phrases Uses present-tense verbs The student Has good comprehension Can produce simple sentences Makes grammar and pronunciation errors Frequently misunderstands jokes The Student Has excellent comprehension Makes few grammatical errors The student has a near native level of speech. 6 months to 1 year Yes/no questions Either/or questions One-or two-word answers Lists Labels 1-3 years Why…? How…? Explain… Phrase or short-sentence answers 3-5 years What would happen if…? Why do you think…? 5-7 years Decide if… Retell… Speech Emergence PDE: Developing Intermediate Fluency PDE: Expanding Advanced Fluency: PDE: Bridging