Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas: We are one world: Reading

Grade: 8 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Academic Outcomes
Time frame for Completion: Grade 8
Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas:
Having organizational skills and learning how to complete long-term projects will help me be a successful as a student.
An awareness of the type of learner I am, will help me succeed academically.
Studying is necessary to be a successful student. Test taking is a skill.
Essential Questions: How do I use my learning style to my advantage in different learning environments? What organizational and planning strategies do I use? Are
they effective…if not what changes need to be made? How do I study for different types of tests? How do I “attack” a test?
Learning Competencies - What
the students will know and be able
to do upon completion of the unit
Supportive Learning
Students will identify their learning
style and use appropriate
strategies to support/
accommodate across all learning
Students will be able to
independently utilize
organizational and planning
strategies to successfully manage
their school requirements.
Students will identify study
strategies to be used for a variety
of subject areas.
Student learning style
survey, and discussion
Time Flies Lesson
Learning to Study
Survey and Lesson
 Wida Access
Placement Test (WAPT)
 Teacher observation
 Self-assessment
 Exit card
 Use of agenda book
 Report Card
 Interims
 Test scores
PDE Academic Standards
Study Better and Faster –
Using Individual Learning
Styles, Second Edition
--Aileen M. Carroll
A:A2.4 Apply knowledge and learning styles to
positively influence school performance
A:B1.6 Use knowledge of learning styles to
positively influence school performance
A:B1.7 Become a self-directed and
independent learner
Connecting with Others,
Lessons for Teaching
Social And Emotional
Competence, Grades 6-8
--Rita C. Richardson
--Elizabeth T. Evans
A:A2.1 Apply time-management and taskmanagement skills
Study Better and Faster –
Using Individual Learning
Styles, Second Edition
--Aileen M. Carroll
A:A1.5 Identify attitudes and behaviors that
lead to successful learning
A:B1.3 Apply the study skills necessary for
academic success at every level
A:B1.3 Apply the study skills necessary for
academic success at every level
Grade: 8 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Academic Outcomes
Time frame for Completion: Grade 8
Supplemental Resources:
ESL staff
Bilingual dictionaries
Fifty Strategies for
Teaching; English
Language Learners, 2nd
edition; Adrienne Herrell,
Michael Jordan;
(Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2003)
Every Teacher Teaches ESL
ELP Standard 1: English Language
Learners communicate in English for
social and instructional purposes
within the school setting.
ELP Standard 2: English Language
Learners communicate information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for
academic success in the content
area of Language Arts.
Grade: 8 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Academic Outcomes
Time frame for Completion: Grade 8
*Zone of Proximal Development: That area between what the student is capable of at the moment and the point you want the student to
reach next (Vygotsky, 1978)
Stages of Second Language Acquisition: (Hill, J., Flynn, K., 2006)
Approximate Time Frame
Teacher Prompts
PDE: Entering
The student
 Has minimal comprehension
 Does not verbalize
 Nods “yes” and “no”
 Draws and points
0-6 months
Show me…
Circle the…
Where is…?
Who has…?
Early Production
PDE: Beginning
The student
 Has limited comprehension
 Produces one- or two-word
 Participates using key words
and familiar phrases
 Uses present-tense verbs
The student
 Has good comprehension
 Can produce simple sentences
 Makes grammar and
pronunciation errors
 Frequently misunderstands
The Student
 Has excellent comprehension
 Makes few grammatical
The student has a near native level
of speech.
6 months to 1 year
Yes/no questions
Either/or questions
One-or two-word answers
1-3 years
Phrase or short-sentence answers
3-5 years
 What would happen if…?
 Why do you think…?
5-7 years
 Decide if…
 Retell…
Speech Emergence
PDE: Developing
Intermediate Fluency
PDE: Expanding
Advanced Fluency:
PDE: Bridging