Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas: We are one world: Reading

Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas:
-Through understanding other’s perspectives, circumstances, and experiences, I will show empathy for others
-I will manage academic and social issues by demonstrating problem solving and conflict resolution skills
-Becoming resilient will help me overcome obstacles and disappointments in my life.
-Having effective and appropriate interpersonal communication skills will help me become successful in my post-secondary plans
-I will be accountable and responsible for my words and actions
-I will develop a sense of self
-I will develop and maintain healthy relationships with peers and adults.
Essential Questions: What are my strengths/weaknesses? What kind of person do I want to be? Are my relationships healthy? Do I care about
others? Are my communication skills appropriate?
Learning Competencies What the students will know
and be able to do upon
completion of the unit
Students will go out of
their way to choose
someone who they would
not normally work with
when forming in-class
and out of school work
When addressing an
issue with outside help
students are willing to be
redirected to handle the
situation independently.
Students will be able to
distinguish between
issues that can be
Supportive Learning
[All activities are
structured to work
within each student’s
“zone of proximal
development*” in
English Language
Jr. Conference –
classroom and
Communication Skills
Lessons (Health ClassRole Playing)
Multi-Cultural Lessons
(Health Class)
Awareness – Diversity
 Wida Access
Placement Test (WAPT)
 Quia – pre and post
personal/social learning
competencies (TBD).
 Observation
 Survey
 Meeting successful
criteria for the Role
PDE Academic Standards
Supplemental Resources:
Every Teacher Teaches ESL
ELP Standard 1: English
Language Learners
communicate in English for
social and instructional
purposes within the school
ELP Standard 2: English
Language Learners
communicate information,
ideas, and concepts
necessary for academic
success in the content area of
Language Arts.
PS:A1.2 Identify values,
attitudes and beliefs
PS:A1.3 Learn the goal-setting
PS:A1.5 Identify and express
ESL staff
Bilingual dictionaries
Fifty Strategies for
Teaching; English
Language Learners, 2nd
edition; Adrienne Herrell,
Michael Jordan;
(Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2003)
Community of Caring
Faculty Meeting -
Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
resolved and those that
cannot and where their
energies are best used.
Students will practice
and demonstrate various
forms of communication
(written, verbal,
electronic, etc…).
Students will monitor
and attempt to
appropriately modify
their actions and words in
various situations.
Students begin to connect
their own unique profile
to relationships and goal
Students develop the
necessary skills to
actively pursue healthy
relationships with the
understanding that
healthy and unhealthy
relationships exist in
personal, academic and
professional settings.
Day – every other year.
Challenge Day – in
conjunction with
Community of Caring.
Identification of nonconnected students
Personality Type
Testing –
Student Name activity
Melissa Marco
Clubs and Activities –
Multi-Cultural Club
Health Class
Choices Class
Support crosscurricular components
such as:
Study skills class
Emotional Support
Community of Caring
Student Forum
PS:A1.6 Distinguish between
appropriate and inappropriate
PS:A1.7 Recognize personal
boundaries, rights and privacy
PS:A1.8 Understand the need
for self-control and how to
practice it
PS:A1.9 Demonstrate
cooperative behavior in groups
PS:A1.10 Identify personal
strengths and assets
PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal
PS:B1 Self-knowledge
PS:C1.3 Learn about the
differences between
appropriate and inappropriate
physical contact
PS:C1.5 Differentiate between
situations requiring peer
support and situations
requiring adult professional
PS:C1.6 Identify resource
people in the school and
community, and
know how to seek their help
PS:C1.7 Apply effective
problem-solving and decisionmaking skills to make safe and
healthy choices
PS:C1.8 Learn about the
emotional and physical dangers
of substance use and abuse
PS:C1.9 Learn how to cope with
Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
peer pressure
PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for
managing stress and conflict
PS:C1.11 Learn coping skills
for managing life events
PA Student Interpersonal
Skills Standards
1. The education community*
has a shared vision and
coordinated plan for
promoting, enhancing and
sustaining a positive school
climate*. All members
understand their individual
role while applying a systemic
approach to developing a
positive school climate.
a) School policies and practices
support school, family, youth and
community members working
together to establish a safe and
productive learning community.
b) Schools gather accurate and
reliable data* about school
climate from students, school
personnel and parents / guardians
for continuous improvement and
share it regularly with the school
c) Capacity building is developed
over time to enable all school
community members to meet
school climate standards.
2. The education community
provides a safe and secure
learning environment that
Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
promotes health and wellness.
a) Policies and mission and
vision statements that promote
social, emotional, ethical and
civic, as well as intellectual skills
and dispositions are developed
and institutionalized.
b) Policies and mission and
vision statements are developed
and institutionalized that promote
a comprehensive system to
address barriers to learning and
teaching and reengage students
who have become disengaged.
c) Policies promote use and
monitoring of natural and
informal opportunities (e.g.,
recreational and extracurricular
aspects of classroom and school
life, formulation of codes of
conduct and fair enforcement of
rules, mentoring, and informal
interactions among and with
students) to ensure they support
the helpful norms of learning and
teaching that foster mutual
respect and caring; engagement;
safety and well being; civil, pro
social, responsible behavior; and
a psychological sense of
d) Policies ensure the operational
and capacity building
mechanisms (including staff and
student development) related to
this standards are fully integrated
into a school’s infrastructure and
are effectively implemented and
Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
e) Clear and consistent
boundaries (school rules) are
developed for all members of the
community that support positive
school climate.
f) Policies promote evaluating,
monitoring, and securing the
physical environment for safety:
social, emotional, intellectual and
g) Policies are in place to
Implement and monitor physical
health and wellness.
3. The education community
promotes an environment that
recognizes and understands
diversity and builds positive
citizenship where all members
are welcomed, safe, engaged,
and supported.
a) School leaders promote
comprehensive and evidencebased instructional and schoolwide improvement efforts
designed to support students,
school personnel and community
members feeling welcomed,
supported and safe in school:
socially, emotionally,
intellectually, and physically.
b) Students, their families, school
staff, and community
stakeholders are regularly
surveyed and are asked to
indicate what the school should
do to further enhance a
welcoming, supportive, and safe
c) School leaders monitor and
Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
evaluate the prevention and
intervention strategies designed
to support people feeling
welcomed, supported and safe
and use that data to improve
relevant policies, practices,
facilities, staff competencies and
4. The education community
meaningfully and proactively
engages its larger community*
to create and sustain positive
school climate.
a) The educational community
proactively engages students in a
meaningful way.
b) Students and staff model
culturally responsive and ethical
behavior. This reflects
continuous learning that builds
knowledge, awareness, skills, and
the capacity to identify,
understand, and respect the
unique beliefs, values, customs,
languages, and traditions of all
members of the school
c) Relationships among and
between staff and students are
mutually respectful, supportive,
ethical, and civil.
d) Students and staff are actively
engaged in celebrating milestones
and accomplishments as they
work to achieve meaningful
school and community life.
e) The education community
creates and maintains purposeful
outreach and communication of
Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
shared vision and plan with the
larger community.
5. The education community
and its partners provide a
nurturing learning
environment that specifically
promotes the acquisition of
social, emotional, behavioral,
civic, ethical, and academic
a) Specific practices are designed
to enhance engagement of every
student through classroom-based
social, emotional, ethical and
civic learning and in school-wide
b) Teachers and school
administrators design specific
classroom and school-wide
practices to address barriers of
learning and teaching and
reengage those who have become
c) School leaders develop and
sustain a comprehensive system
of learning supports by ensuring
an appropriate operational
infrastructure that incorporates
capacity building mechanisms.
d) Adults within the educational
community will serve as role
models regarding social,
emotional, behavioral, ethical,
civic, and academic
Grade: 11 Subject: Guidance
Unit: Personal/Social
Time frame for Completion:
*Zone of Proximal Development: That area between what the student is capable of at the moment and the point you want the student to
reach next (Vygotsky, 1978)
Stages of Second Language Acquisition: (Hill, J., Flynn, K., 2006)
Approximate Time Frame
Teacher Prompts
PDE: Entering
The student
 Has minimal comprehension
 Does not verbalize
 Nods “yes” and “no”
 Draws and points
0-6 months
Show me…
Circle the…
Where is…?
Who has…?
Early Production
PDE: Beginning
The student
 Has limited comprehension
 Produces one- or two-word
 Participates using key words
and familiar phrases
 Uses present-tense verbs
The student
 Has good comprehension
 Can produce simple sentences
 Makes grammar and
pronunciation errors
 Frequently misunderstands
The Student
 Has excellent comprehension
 Makes few grammatical
The student has a near native level
of speech.
6 months to 1 year
Yes/no questions
Either/or questions
One-or two-word answers
1-3 years
Phrase or short-sentence answers
3-5 years
 What would happen if…?
 Why do you think…?
5-7 years
 Decide if…
 Retell…
Speech Emergence
PDE: Developing
Intermediate Fluency
PDE: Expanding
Advanced Fluency:
PDE: Bridging