Plate Tectonic Outline Notes



Ch 13-15 Plate tectonics, Volcanoes & Earthquakes

I. ___________________________ – study of the movement of the plates of the Earth’s surface

A. Lithosphere – _________________________________________________________


 ocean plates are made of __________________

 continent plates are made of ________________

B. Asthenosphere


 part of the mantle that has ____________________________________________ enabling plates to ___________________________________________________

II. Evidence for Plate Tectonics

1. Similarities in the ____________________________________, they look like


2. Fossil remains of _______________________________ are only found in _________,

South America & in


3. Specific _____________________ on Africa &

South America where they seem to _______

A. Alfred Wegener – _____________________





III. Plate boundaries –

Areas where plates _______________________________________________________


 largest belt is called the ____________________________________________________

3 Types of Plate Boundaries







A. Converging Boundaries


2 Types of Converging boundaries: a. ______________________________________ b. ______________________________________

1. Collision – _______________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ a. ____________________ – formed from India & Eurasia crashing together b. ________________________________ - formed 300 million yrs. ago by

a collision between Europe & Asia c. ___________________________________

between North America & Africa

– formed by a collision

2. Subduction – _____________________________________________________


3 a. O-O subduction results in a trench & island arc

Ex. #1. Pacific Plate under the Philippine Plate: forms the


#2 Pacific Plate under the Eurasian Plate: forms the

___________________________________________________ b. O-C subduction : results in trench & coastal mountains

Ex. #1Nazca Plate under the South American Plate: forms


#2 Juan de Fuca Plate under the North American

Plate: forms _______________________________


B. Diverging Boundaries (________________________)

___________________________ is on the _________________



1. _________________

N. American & Eurasian

Plates are parting; Iceland

2. _________________

Pacific & Nazca Plates are parting

C. Sliding Boundaries (__________________)


1. ________________________________________________________________


IV. Craton – _________________________________________________________________

3 Sources of Material Added to the Continent

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. ____________________________________ at O-C plate boundaries ocean sediments


at subduction zones

V. _____________________ Princeton University


____________________________________ in the mantle is forced ________________


 the sea floor is carried away from the ______________ as the new material flows


________________________________, becomes _______________________ then the layer below it & sinks a bit to form a _____________________


Evidence for Sea Floor Spreading

1. Age Evidence – _________________________________________________________


2. Magnetic Clues - in iron bearing basalt rock of ocean floors

Sea floor rocks show _________________________


Magnetic alignment of

________________________________ & forth parallel to the mid-ocean ridges

VI. Causes of Plate Tectonics

A. Convection Currents – __________________________________________________

B. Differences in rock density ; _______________________________________________

VII Earthquakes

Earthquake - the shaking of Earth's crust caused by a release of ________________; vibrations made from _____________________

A. Forces Inside the Earth

Elastic Rebound Theory








stress overcomes ____________________ & plates move suddenly because rocks have bent & stretched until they have _________________________

Results : ____________________________________________________________;


B. Fault


Rocks move in __________________________________________________

C. ________________ - place inside the

earth where the quake actually occurs

D. _________________ - pt. On Earth's

surface directly above the focus of the


E. 3 Forces Rocks Experience

1. _______________________________ - stress that squeezes compacts

2. _____________________ - stress that causes stretching & elongation

3. _____________________ - force that causes slippage & the rocks on

either side to move past each other

VIII. Earthquake Information

A. _______________________________ - energy waves that move outward

from the earthquake focus & make the ground quake

B. 4 Types of Seismic Waves


___________________________________________ (P-wave)

2. ____________________________________________ (S-wave)


____________________________________________ (L-wave) a. ____________________________________________ (L-wave) b.



C. Primary waves - _______________________________________________


* ____________________________________________

* ____________________________________________

D. Secondary wave - _____________________________________________

E. Surface waves (___________________________________) - waves that

travel like ripples on a pond across Earth's surface


 particles move in an elliptical motion, as well as ____________________



Two examples of Surface Waves ___________________ & _____________________

IX. Locating an Earthquake

Seismograph - _________________________________________________ o Readings from _____________________ are needed to locate the _____________ o ____________________________________ o The more _______________________________, the _____________________

the epicenter is o _________________________________________________________




Richter Scale - the measure of the ___________________________________________, each ____________________________________________


Moho Discontinuity - ______________________________________________________

 seismic waves ___________________ because they are passing through a


IV. Seismology - ________________________________________

A. Seismologist - _________________________________________

B. Seismograph - ___________________________________________

C. Tsunami - ________________________________________________

V. Volcanoes

___________________ vent in the Earth’s surface that often forms a mountain when layers of lava & volcanic ash erupt & build up

A. What causes a Volcano? (3 things)





B . Vent – opening in Earth’s surface where molten rock comes out

C. ______________________– steep walled depression around a

volcano’s vent

D. _______________________________ – areas where magma

from deep in Earth’s mantle has melted through the crust to

form several volcanoes

1. Ex. ___________________________________________ the Pacific Plate is moving over a stationary hot spot;

Kauai is the ___________________ & Lo’ihi an underwater volcano will form the next island in the chain

E. _____________________– formed when the top of a volcano collapses into the partially emptied magma chamber, producing a large opening

Ex. _____________________________________

VII . Plutons – igneous rock(_________________________) that cools inside other rock


1. Dikes – __________________




2. ____________________________– largest igneous intrusions, forms when magma cools underground before reaching the surface

3. Sills – __________________________________________________



4. ____________________________________– domed sill, that has pushed up the rock above it ex. __________________



____________________________ – the hard solid vent of a volcano left behind after the cone erodes

Ex. ______________________________________________

