Reading Specialist Sample Goal 2

Standard 7: SMART Goal Setting Form
Teacher’s Name: Ms. Mightie Fine
Subject/Grade or Position: Title 1 Reading Specialist School Year: 20-- - 20-Directions: This form is a tool to assist teachers in setting a SMART goal that results in measurable learner progress. NOTE:
When applicable, learner achievement/progress should be the focus of the goal. Enter information electronically into the cells
(the boxes will expand to fit the text).
Initial Goal Submission (due by _____________ to the evaluator)
I. Setting (Describe the population and special ----------- is Arlington’s -------------- school with a pre-K through
learning circumstances.)
grade 5 population of ---------. ---- % of our students receive
free or reduced lunch and over ------------ are categorized as
minority. Strengthening overall comprehension scores as
measured on the SOL’s and DRA is a school wide goal and the
literacy team is collaborating with the targeted classroom
teachers to develop an instructional delivery model.
All students in two of four third grade classrooms will be the
focus for this smart goal. Readers Workshop Units Of Study
will guide instruction in the targeted classrooms.
II. Content/Subject/Field Area (The area/topic The instructional strategies are classroom based and focus on
addressed based on learner achievement, improving reading comprehension. Title 1 teachers will push-in
data analysis, or observational data.)
and model/support/confer in the targeted classrooms.
III. Baseline Data (What is shown by the current Class 1:
14 out of the 19 students who receive Language Arts
instruction in a regular education setting scored at an
independent level (95% or above) for accurate reading but did
not achieve a independent level in comprehension (19-25) on
the Fall DRA .
Class 2:
13 out of the 20 students who receive Language Arts
instruction in a regular education setting scored at an
independent level (95% or above) for accurate reading but did
not achieve a independent level in comprehension (19-25) on
their Fall DRA.
IV. SMART Goal (Describe what you want
learners/program to accomplish.)
See attached data.
100% of the students in these 2 classrooms will demonstrate growth
in their application of comprehension strategies and ability to
respond to text as evidenced in conference notes, performance on
pre/post SOL practice items, and teacher developed rubrics. 100%
of the students' responses on the end of year DRA will be more
detailed and include evidence based understanding of the text. Each
student will improve comprehension scores by 3-5 points on the
mid-year DRA.
V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal)
Instructional Strategy
Weekly planning of mini-lessons and strategy
groups with classroom teachers.
Using pre-assessment data to differentiate. (For
every unit of study: develop comprehension
rubrics to measure sophistication of student
responses, compile pre/post SOL practice items.)
Reading teachers will conduct weekly student
reading conferences.
Incorporate sentence frames that target SIOP
language goals into conference sessions.
A developed unit plan incorporating mini-lessons and
plans for explicit instruction. Anchor charts reflecting key
mini-lessons and processes will be displayed and
Anecdotal notes taken by reading teachers and compiled
in a notebook for classroom teachers to reference and use
to develop future min-lessons and strategy groups.
Individual comprehension goals recorded on conference
Student use of frames will be noted in anecdotal
conference notes.
Teacher’s -Signature:
Evaluator’s Signature:
Print or Type Evaluator’s Name:
Principal forwards one copy to the Professional Development Office
End of Year Teacher Reflection
Teacher’s Signature:
Evaluator’s Signature:
Print or Type Evaluator’s Name:
Data attached