Template for Literacy Intervention Plan1 Student Profile: Area(s) of primary concern: Evidence: Phonological Awareness Letter ID Sight Vocabulary Fluency Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension Motivation Stamina Writing about reading Text level Other I. Goal(s) of the Intervention: II. Describe the Intervention: Include Information about: Duration Frequency Materials to be used Strategies, techniques, approaches, etc. Instructional Framework Standards of Practice Person responsible Relationship to classroom instruction III. Progress Monitoring [how will instructional impact be assessed?] 1 Much of this work was completed during a three-year collaboration with the amazing faculty at Milton Elementary School in Vermont. Working Profiles2 I. Emergent (Grade 1 and late K) a. Focus for Intervention – ISA b. See lesson plan for PA, Letter ID, CAP II. Beginning Struggling Word Learner (Grades 1 & 2) a. Focus for Intervention: Strategic Decoding Focus #1 b. Focus on closing the gap with peers c. See ISA lesson plan for individual variations III. Adequate Comprehension/Word Stumbler (late grade 2 and beyond) a. Focus for Intervention: Fluency b. Little work on accuracy, but attention to sight vocabulary, automaticity, and rate while reading continuous text IV. Older Word Learner a. Focus for Intervention: Strategic Decoding Focus #2 b. Structural analysis and complex syllable patterns c. Draw content focus from classroom, use parallel texts V. Intermediate Word Reader with Weak Comprehension a. Focus for Intervention: Comprehension b. Comprehension strategies, vocabulary and concept development c. Grade-appropriate texts where possible 2 These profiles were developed within the context of a specific school curriculum and instructional program. Another setting might reveal other profiles (although these are typical of the types of profile highlighted in research).