CHM 211 (01) - Turnbull FINAL EXAM Fri., November 18, 2005 Answer Key Answer all 34 questions [6 pages] (150 pts). *1. (8) By assigning priorities to the groups attached, designate either E or Z or R or S (as appropriate) to each of the following molecules. You must show all the priorities (#1 = highest) to receive full credit. a) 4 O 1 b) Br 3 4 OH N 2 (S) (E) 1 F 3 Br 2 CN *2. (8) Name the following molecules using IUPAC rules. Do not assign E or Z designations. a) b) 1-ethyl-2-isopropyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)cyclohexane 7-ethyl-5-methyl-1-nonen-8-yne *3. (2.5) Which of the following isolated elements has 5 valence electrons? a) Oxygen, atomic number 8 b) Nitrogen, atomic number 7 c) Carbon, atomic number 6 d) Boron, atomic number 5 *4. (2.5) Which of the following compounds is ionic? a) HI b ) KC l c) N I3 d) ICl a) *5. (3) Which of the following species (as written) possesses a net neutral charge? *6. (2.5) How many tertiary carbon atoms are present in the molecule shown? a) two b) three c) four d) fiv e (C H 3 )2 CH CH 2 CH(CH 3 )CH2 CH(CH 3 )2 H C H H *7. (3) Which C6H14 isomer shown below can afford only two mono-chloro derivatives upon reaction with Cl2 and light? a) b) c) d) CH 3C H 2CH 2 CH 2CH 2 CH 3 (CH 3) 2 CH CH 2C H2 CH 3 ( CH 3)2 CHCH (CH 3)2 (CH 3) 3 CC H 2 CH 3 C *8. (2.5) True or False? The rate of reaction for an SN2 reaction is faster in polar, protic solvents. *9. (2.5) Draw the conjugate base of HOCH3. CH3O_ *10. (2.5) True or False? For nucleophilic ability, the general trend is: "the weaker base, the better the nucleophile." *11. (9) For each of the following pairs, circle all of the statements to their right which are correct. a) COOH H COOH OH HO H H HO H and OH OH HO COOH • • • • • • H H COOH b) Cl H mirror images enantiomers identical meso stereoisomers diastereomers NH2 CH2CH 3 H and Cl CH2CH 3 NH2 • • • • • • mirror images enantiomers identical meso stereoisomers diastereomers *12. (2.5) True or False? The mirror image of a meso compound is a stereoisomer of the original compound. *13. (2.5) What is the general formula for a cycloalkene? a) CnHn b) CnH2n c) CnH2n+2 d) CnH2n-2 *14. (2.5) What compound is represented by the Newman projection shown? a) b) c) d) CH 3CH 2CH3 (CH 3) 2CHCH 2CH 3 H3CCH(CH 3)2 (CH 3) 2CH2 CH3 H H H 3C H H *15. (2) Which of the following alkenes liberates the most heat when hydrogenated with H2, Pd ? b) a) d) c) *16. (2.5) Which of the following carbocations is the most stable? a) CH3 b) CH3 -CH 2 c) CH3-CH-CH 3 d) CH3 H3 C C CH2 CH3 *17. (2.5) Which of the following is the strongest acid? a) NH3 b) CH4 c) H C C H d) H2O *18. (2.5) Which has the stronger conjugate base, water (H2O, pKa = 15) or ammonia (NH3, pKa = 36)? NH3 *19. (2.5) Which has the weaker conjugate base, water (H2O, pKa = 15) or methane (CH4, pKa = 40)? H2O *20. (2.5) Which of the following describes the most stable conformer of trans-1-tertbutyl-2-methylcyclohexane? a) The tert-butyl group is equatorial and the methyl group is axial b) The tert-butyl group is axial and the methyl group is equatorial c) Both groups are equatorial d) Both groups are axial *21. (2.5) The addition of HI to 3-methyl-1-butene, (CH3)2CHCH=CH2, gives which of the following products? a) CH3 IH 2C C C CH3 H H2 b) CH3 H 3C C C CH3 H2 I c) CH3 H H 3C C C CH3 H I d) CH3 H 3C C C CH2 I H H2 *22. (2.5) The oxymercuration (1. Hg(OAc)2, H2O; 2. NaBH4) of 3-methyl-1-butene, (CH3)2CHCH=CH2, gives which of the following products? a) HOH 2C C C CH3 H H2 CH3 CH3 CH3 b) H 3C C C CH3 H OH 2 c) H H 3C C C CH3 H OH d) CH3 H 3C C C CH2 OH H H2 *23. (2.5) The hydroboration (1. BH3; 2. H2O2, HO-) of 2-methyl-2-butene, (CH3)2C=CH-CH3, gives which of the following products? a) CH3 HOH 2C C C CH3 H H2 b) CH3 H 3C C C CH3 H OH 2 c) CH3 H H 3C C C CH3 H OH d) CH3 H 3C C C CH2 OH H H2 *24. (2.5) An unknown alkene having the formula C6H12 yields (CH3)2CHCH2CHO and H2CO upon ozonolysis with O3 then Zn / H3O+. What is the structure of this alkene? a) b) c) d) *25. (7.5) State, in each case, whether (or not) the following pairs are resonance forms of one another. a) S S an d b) O O c) NH2 O resonance an d O O not resonance an d H O NH not resonance *26. (2.5) In the following, based on the information provided, state whether or not the reaction shown would occur. H + H H pKa = 45 H CH3 OK H K + CH3 OH pKa = 16 reaction would not occur *27. (3) For the following, circle all of the statements to the right which are correct. *28. (3.5) The degree of unsaturation (rings and/or multiple bonds) for the formula C5H5BrClNO is: a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 *29. (2.5) In the molecule below, assign the hybridization of the nitrogen atom. N sp2 *30. (15) True or False? (Circle your choice). a) Primary carbocations are more stable than tertiary carbocations b) In an SN2 reaction of (S)-2-bromobutane, the product must have the (R) configuration c) CH3— is a better nucleophile than HO— d) CH3— is a better leaving group than HO— e) In an SN2 reaction of (S)-2-bromobutane, doubling both its concentration and that of the nucleophile would quadruple the rate of reaction f) The SN2 reaction generally proceeds fastest where there is the least steric hindrance to the attack of the nucleophile T or F T or F T or F T or F T or F T or F *31. (31) In each of the following reactions, reactants or products are missing. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate molecules. If more than one step is involved, indicate this by using 1)......; 2)........ If more than one product could be formed, show only the major product(s). Where appropriate, draw the stereochemistry of the product(s). a) 1) NaNH2 2) CH3CH2Br b) HgSO4 H3O+ c) 1) BH 3 2) H2O2, HOd) KMnO4 / H3 O+ O H OH H O OH O e) Br Br2 Br f) H 1) Li / NH 3 2) H2O g) H excess HBr OH Br Br Br *32. (3) From the molecule shown, draw a Newman projection by viewing the molecule along the central C-C bond as designated below. A H3C H Cl H OH Br H Cl CH3 HO Br H *33. (3) The conformation shown below is? H H CH3 a) b) c) d) Staggered and the most s table conformer Staggered and the leas t stable conformer Eclipsed and the mos t stable conformer Eclipsed and the least stable conformer CH3 *34. (3) The best nucleophile among the choices below would be a substance with? a) b) c) d) A positive charge on an electronegative atom A negative charge on an electronegative atom A positive charge on a non-electronegative atom A negative charge on a non-electronegative atom