THE CENTRE OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY Head of the Centre - Vladimir Ivanovich Voloshin, Dr. (Econ.), Professor, specializes in development problems of world-wide power economics; industrial policy of post-Soviet and postSocialist countries Fields of research Theoretical and methodological aspects of post-Soviet and post-Socialist countries' structural policy Comparative analysis of the CIS, CEE countries' experience in structural policy elaboration and implementation Russia's and Central-East European countries' structural policy in sectoral economic complexes (fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, telecommunications, military and industrial complex and aerospace complex) Scientific, technical and innovation policy International scientific and technical cooperation and Russia's technological security problems Specific marketing studies of various Russia's, CIS, Central and East European countries' goods markets and industries. Leading research assistants Vladimir I. Filatov - Ph.D. (Econ.), leading research assistant, expert in the field of economic policy and macroeconomics, economic growth problems and institutional processes in post-Soviet space. phone number: (495) 128-67-64 Vladimir A. Gubarev - Ph.D.(Econ.), senior research assistant, specializes in science intensive branches of economy, problems of military and industrial complex and international interaction in these spheres, post-socialist countries' industrial policy; phone number: (495) 128-67-64; e-mail: Eugenia P. Iyudina - Ph.D.(Econ.), research assistant, field of research: sustainable development problems, creation of economic and legal framework for their solution in Russia, CIS, West European countries, Japan, elaboration of statistical indicators system for sustainable development. Author of research works with a total volume of above 60 quires. phone number: (495) 128-67-64 Helen B. Lenchuk - Ph.D.(Econ.), leading research assistant, specializes in the field of innovative, scientific and technical policy, international scientific and technical cooperation, conversion, technological security; phone number: (495) 128-67-64; e-mail: Svetlana P. Petukhova - Ph.D.(Econ.), senior research assistant, specializes in telecommunication, branch industrial policy, specific marketing studies of various Russia's, CIS, Central and East European countries' goods markets and industriesgoods markets. Academic secretary of the Dissertation Council conferring candidate of science degree; phone number: (495) 128-67-64; e-mail: Alexander A. Shkuta - Dr. (Econ.), leading research assistant, expert in issues of developing Russia’s and foreign states’ gas industry and international cooperation in natural gas service; phone number: (495) 128-67-64 Mikhail M. Sokolov - Ph.D. (Econ.), leading research assistant, expert in issues of macroeconomic and investment policy, pricing, evaluation of feasilibity studies; phone number: (495)128-67-64; e-mail: German A. Vlaskin - Ph.D. (Econ.), leading research assistant, specializes in sphere of scientific and technical policy, research and development management of international scientific and technical cooperation; phone number: (495) 128-67-64 Our partners The Michailo Pupin Institute (the Union Republic of Yugoslavia) The German Aerospace Centre (DLR, Germany) Centre for Power Studies (London, UK) Chicago University The Ukrainian Institute for Economic Forecasts (Kiev, Ukraine) The Institute of Economy (Minsk, Byelarus) Publications The Key Aspects of Industrial Development in the CIS Countries. Collected Articles (executive editor V.A.Gubarev), Moscow, Epikon, 2000. Reforming Natural Monopolies (editor-in-chief S.P.Petukhova). Moscow, The Bulletin of Scientific Information IIEPS RAS, 2002. Russian and Ukrainian Industrial Policy in Transition to Innovative Development Pattern. Collected papers (editor-in-chief Helen B. Lenchuk), Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003. Reforming and the Perspectives for the Development of Russian Defense and Industrial Complex. Executive Editor G.A. Vlaskin. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003. Reforming of Strategic Economic Branches (Natural Monopolies of Defense and Industrial Complex) and Russia's National Security. Executive editor Svetlana Petukhova. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003. Shkuta A.A. Russian Gas in European Market of Energy Products. Moscow, Klassika, 2004. Vlaskin G.A., Lenchuk E.B. Industrial Policy in Terms of Transition to Innovation Economy: Experience of CIS and Central and East European Countries. Moscow, Nauka, 2006. Vladimir I. Filatov Contemporary Development and Globalization Challenges). Astana, 2004, June 19. Globalization and Integration Perspectives in the Euro-Asian space. Report at the International Forum "Euro-Asian Integration: the Tendencies of High Priority Target of the Integration Development Within the CIS Framework. Analytical Memorandum (to be directed to the Ministry of Economic Development), 2004. Integration and Economic Growth in Post-Soviet Space. Analytical Memorandum (to be directed to the Ministry of Economic Development), 2004. Natural Gas in the Euro-Asian Market for the Period Through 2015. "ECO", 2004, No 6. Opportunities for Post-Soviet Space Consolidation. "Delovaya Rossia", 2005, No 6. The Space of the CIS: Opportunities for Consolidation. "Nasha Vlast'", 2005, No 6. Where is a Double Eagle Looking? "Delovije ljudi", 2005, No 166-167. Vladimir A. Gubarev International Aspects of Forming and Implementing Russian Strategy in the field of Aerospace Industry. "The Bulletin of Scientific Information", IIEPS RAS, 1999, No 8. The Development of Russian Space Industry with Special Regard to Globalizing Economic Connections. "Industry in Russia", 1999, No 12 (32). The UN Conference on Peaceful Space Issues. "Aerospace Courier",1999, No 5. Ways of Overcoming the Stagnation of Russian Aviation Complex. Report made at the international Research Conference "Socio-Economic Space of Russia in the Conditions of Globalization", Samara, 2002, April. Basic Trends of the CIS States' Development and Interaction in the Field of Aircraft Industry. "Vlast" ("Power"), 2003, No 6. On the Formation of Innovation Model of Russia's Economic Development. Statement at the International Symposium "Fundamental Research in Contemporary Innovation Process", Kiev, 2003, December 1-3. Railway Transport in Russia - Guidelines for Reforms. "Vlast" ("Power"), 2003, No 1. Consolidation of Aviation Industry Potential Functions in Russia and Ukraine – Choice of Time// Set of papers "Ucheniye Zapiski RGSU", Moscow, 2004. ASEAN Countries’ Cooperation in Highly Technological Spheres of Economy. Statement at the International Conference "Russia’s Relations and ASEAN in the First Decades of the 21st Century", Moscow, 2005, September 21. Problems and Perspectives of Vietnam’s and Russia’s Accession to WTO. Statement at the Round table at the Institute for European Studies of SRV. Khanoi, May 19-31, 2005. Aircraft Engineering Needs Legislative Support. "Aviapanorama", January-February 2006. Russia and ASEAN Cooperation Prospects and Opportunities in HI-Tech Industries. The report at the International Conference "Relations between Russia and ASEAN and Vietnam’s Role in New International Environment". Hanoi, 2006, March 6. On Current State and Prospects of Russian - Ukrainian Integration in Aircraft Engineering Area. The round table "Russian - Ukrainian Integration in Aircraft Engineering Area: Current State and Prospects". Moscow, June 26, 2006. On Trans-Nationalization Trends in World Aviation Industry. The paper presented at the Conference "High Technologies of the XXI Century". Moscow, April 24-26, 2006. The National Project Status - for Aircraft Engineering (in co-authorship with Petukhova S.P.). "Aviapanorama", 2006, No. 3. Eugenia P. Iyudina Contemporary World on the Way to Sustainable Development (Ecological Factor). "The RussianGerman Internet Journal", 2002, August, 18. Economic Mechanism of Sustainable Development. "The Bulletin of Scientific Information" IIEPS RAS, 2002, No 6. Statistical Indicators of Economic Development with Special Regard to Ecological Factor (experience of the CIS states). "Statistical Issues", 2003, No 23. State Management in a Democratic Society. Analytical Memorial. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. To Give a General National Program to Comprehensive School. Analytical Memorandum (to be addressed to State Duma of RF, the Committee of Science of Education and the Ministry of Education and Science), 2004. Elena B. Lenchuk Science in the CIS Countries.Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. The Development of Science in the CIS Countries' Transforming Economy. "The Bulletin of Scientific Information", IIEPS RAS, 2000, No 1. The Innovative Aspect of Economic Policy in Contemporary Russia. "Research in Science", 2001, No 2. Reforms in Russian Science under the Conditions of Transition to Iinnovation-type Economy. In: Science in Russia: Contemporary Situation and Strategy of Rebirth (Set of Ppapers). Moscow, Logos, 2003. The Global Tendencies of Scientific and Technical Development and Russia's Security (in coauthorship). "Naukovedenie", 2003, No 3. Problems of Financing the Russian Science. Analytical Report for the IIEPS RAS, 2004. Research and Technical Policy in Ttransition Eeconomies. Statement at the International Symposium "Fundamental Research in Contemporary Innovation Process", Kiev, 2003, December 1-3. A List of Main Terms and Notions in the Innovation Sphere (in co-authorship with G.A.Vlaskin). Scientific and Research Project Within the Framework of RAS Presidium "Analytical and Information Maintenance of RAS Activities", Moscow, 2004. Perspectives of Structural and Technological Transformation of the CEE Countries Under Conditions of Euro-Integration Process (in co-authorship with G.A.Vlaskin). 1 and 2 stages of Research and Scientific Project ordered by the INP RAS, Moscow, 2004. Russian Industrial Innovation Policy under Globalization Conditions (in co-authorship with Helen B. Lenchuk). "ECO", 2004, No 6. Russia's Strategy Concerning the Post-Socialist World Within the Framework of Competitive Capacity Strategy of Russia's Economy. Research Paper (in co-authorship with G.A.Vlaskin). Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. The Comparative Analysis of Russian and Foreign Experience in the Sphere of Organization and Financing of Fundamental Research and Supporting Innovational Activities (in co-authorship with G.A.Vlaskin). Scientific and Research Project within the Framework of Program "Analytical and Information Support to the RAS Activities", Moscow, 2004. Problems and Perspectives of the Development of Russia’s Science. Paper presented at the Symposium "Economic Union of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe Under Conditions of Globalization". Belgrade, May 25-26, 2005. Reforming Russian Science Under Conditions of Transition to Innovation Model of Development. Paper presented at the Symposium "UNESCO: Between Two Stages of World Summit for Information Society", Saint-Petersburg, May 16-18, 2005. Sources and Structure of Financing Innovation Activities in Russia (in co-authorship with G.A.Vlaskin). Report at the International Seminar "Russian and European Experience: Financial Support of Innovation Activities", Moscow, 2005, September 12. Problems of Russia’s Transition to Innovative Development Model. "Informatsionnoye Obshestvo", 2006, No 1. Problems of Transition to Innovative Development Models in Post-Soviet Space Countries. "Problemi prognozirovania ", 2006, No 4. Svetlana P. Petukhova Commercial Space - Major Directions of Activities: Legal Framework and General Privatisation Policy in Russia. Report on the third United Nations Conference on Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Vienna, 19-20 July, 1999. Regulation of the Telecommunications Sector in Russia: Direct Foreign Investments and Options for Competition. "Towards Competition in Network Industries". Springer - Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg, 1999. Russian Industrial Policy in High Technologies (an Example of Space Industry). Report on the Russian-German Symposium. Zvezdny gorodok, June, 1999. The Role of Foreign Investments in Russian Economy (On the Basis of Telecommunications Sector). Report on the Conference in the University of Surrey (UK), November, 1999. Russian Clothing Industry: Ways of Revival. Directed to the Russian Federation Government, 2002, May 28. Russia's Role in the Formation of World Information Space. Research Paper, 2002. Space Communication in Russia. Scientific and Analytical Report to the Ministry of Communications and Information Science, 2002. Information Science as a Durable Resource of Sustainable Development Statement at the International Symposium "Fundamental Research in Contemporary Innovation Process", Kiev, 2003, December 1-3. Information Science as a Reliable Resource of Sustainable Development of Transition Countries. "Bulletin of Scientific Information of the IIEPS RAS", 2003, No 4. Informatics as a Secure Resource for Sustainable Development of Transition Countries. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference "Connecting Societies and Markets: Communication, Technology, Policy and Impacts". Berlin, 2004, September 5-7. The Role of Telecommunications. Research Paper, 2004 (sent to the University of Potsdam, The Department of Economic Politics, the European Institute of International Economic Relations). Russia and Belarus on the Way to Information Society. "Investments and Innovations", October 2005. Russian Telecommunications Market: Structural Changes. Abstract for the 16th ITS European Regional Conference, 2005, September 4-6. Information Space Development in the East-Asian Region (in co-authorship with Pertsev A.P.). In: Asia 2005: Economy and Cooperation. Moscow, Institute of Economy RAS, 2006. Information Space Formation in Developed Countries (in co-authorship with Pertsev A.P.). In: Problems in Transformation and Control of Regional Social-and-Economic Systems, Saint-Petersburg, 2006 (issue No. 31). Information Science – at the Service of Aerospace Technologies in Asian Countries. The paper presented at the Conference "High Technologies of the XXI-st Century". Moscow, April 24-26, 2006. Information Technologies as the Basis of Stable Development of Russia’s and Belarus’ Economies. "Bulleten of Scientific Informationi", 2006, No. 1. The National Project Satus - for Arcraft Egineering (in co-authorship wuith Gubarev V.A.). "Aviapanorama", 2006, No. 3. Information Technologies as a Major Development Resource of Transition Economics (Russian Exprience) (in co-authorship with Strepetova M.P.). Report made at the XVII International Conference for Electric Communications. Amsterdam, 2006, August 19. Mikhail M. Sokolov Internal Opportunities to Increase Investment Activities and Accelerate GDP Rate Growth in Russia. Scientific Memo for the Institute’s Directorate; RF Ministry for Economic Development; accepted for publication in "Economist" journal. On Supplementary Measures for Stimulating Growth Rates of Industrial Production in the RF (in co-authorship with Vlaskin G.A.). Scientific and Analytical Memorandum, 2006. Internal Opportunities for Increasing Investment Activity and Accelerating GDP Growth Rates in Russia. Scientific Report for the Minsitry of Economic Development of RF, 2006. German A. Vlaskin On the Formation of Major Air Companies Consolidation. Information and Analytical Note (sent to NISI), 2003. Peculiarities of Interaction between Science, Power and Society in the Countries of Ttransition Economy (by Russia's example). Statement at the International Symposium "Fundamental Research in Contemporary Innovation Process", Kiev, 2003, December 1-3. The Global Tendencies of Scientific and Technical Development and Russia's Security (in coauthorship). Naukovedenie, 2003, No 3. A List of Main Terms and Notions in the Innovation Sphere (in co-authorship with E.B. Lenchuk). Scientific and Research Project Within the Framework of RAS Presidium "Analytical and Information Maintenance of RAS Activities", Moscow, 2004. Perspectives of Structural and Technological Transformation of the CEE Countries Under Conditions of Euro-Integration Process (in co-authorship with E.B. Lenchuk). 1 and 2 stages of Research and Scientific Project ordered by the INP RAS, Moscow, 2004. Russian Industrial Innovation Policy under Globalization Cconditions (in co-authorship with Helen B. Lenchuk) "ECO", 2004, No 6. Russia's Strategy Concerning the Post-Socialist World Within the Framework of Competitive Capacity Strategy of Russia's Economy. Research Paper (in co-authorship with E.B. Lenchuk). Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. The Comparative Analysis of Russian and Foreign Experience in the Sphere of Organization and Financing of Fundamental Research and Supporting Innovational Activities (in co-authorship with E.B. Lenchuk). Scientific and Research Project within the Framework of Program "Analytical and Information Maintenance to the RAS Activities". Moscow, 2004. Sources and Structure of Financing Innovation Activities in Russia (in co-authorship with E.B.Lenchuk). Report at the International Seminar "Russian and European Experience: Financial Support of Innovation Activities", Moscow, 2005, September 12. On Supplementary Measures for Stimulating Growth Rates of Industrial Production in the RF (in co-authorship with Sokolov M.M.). Scientific and Analytical Memorandum, 2006. Vladimir I. Voloshin Russian Electricity: Towards Market Economics in Towards Competition in Network Industries. Springer - Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg, 1999. Oil and Gas Exports in Russia and Transition to Technological Development. ECAAR, 2000, Vol.12, No 3. Ways to Improve Oil Complex State Regulation System. Moscow, NIC, 2002. National Resources as a Political and Strategic Factor of Russia's Development// Statement at the International Conference. Vienna, 2003, November 27-28. Reforms of Russian Aviation Industry. Information and Analytical Note (sent to National Investment Council), 2003. A Hard Growth of Light Industry. "Delovjye Lyudi", 2004, No 164. Hedging of Price Risks in Russian Oil Exports (in co-authorship). Information and analytical note (sent to Rossneft), 2004. Liberalization of European Market of Natural Gas (in co-authorship). Information and analytical note (sent to Gasexport), 2004. Oil and Gas in Exchange for Investments, "Delovyie Lyudi", 2004, No 162. Perspectives of Gas Complex, "Delovije Lyudi", 2004, No 164. Ports Have Become a Place for the Collision of Interests of Industrial and Financial Groupings, "Delovjye Lyudi", 2004, No 163. Aluminium Complex of the CIS Countries. Information and Analytical Paper, 2005. Automobile Industry With a Foreign Accent (Review of Automobile Industry in Russia) (in coauthorship). "Delovjye Lyudi ", 2005, No 175. Commentary on Competition of Industrial Expositions. "Expocourier", 2005, No 2. Energy Dialogue Russia-EU: Scientific and Analytical Report. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. Russia’s Transport Strategy. "Deloviye Lyudi", 2005, No 165. This is the Geography I Share With You (in co-authorship). "Deloviye Lyudi", 2005, N 166-167. Conferences and Symposiums International scientific conference "Reforming Strategic Branches of Economy (Natural Monopolies and the Defense Industry Complex) and Russian National Security". Moscow, 2001, June 5-6. Round table "Russian and Ukrainian Industrial Policy In Light of Structural and Technological Transformations ". Moscow, IIEPS RAS, October, 24-25, 2002. Round-table talk "Reforming and the Perspectives for Innovative Development as Regards Defense and Industrial Complex". Moscow, IIEPS RAS, March 2003. Round able "Innovation Factor in Modernization and Development Strategy of Defense and Industrial Complex". Moscow, May 26, 2005.