Beginning Photography - Catawba County Schools

Beginning Photography
Grade: 10-12
Pre-requisite: Basic Visual Design
35mm SLR, Manual film camera – required (SSHS)
Digital Camera (FTF)
Students will be introduced to the basics of photography as fine art. Students will work
with traditional black and white darkroom photography (SSHS) and digital photography
and editing skills (FTF). Emphasis is placed on composition and using the elements and
principles of design. Students will study the history of photography and how the camera
works to capture the image. Students will gain an understanding of how photography has
influenced the global community, history, society, and various cultures. Students will
also demonstrate their ability to solve aesthetic problems as presented with photographic
works of art. All students will be required to maintain a digital portfolio of photos taken
during this class. **See individual schools for additional camera requirements.
Intermediate Photography
Grade: 10-12
Pre-requisite: Beginning Photography, Portfolio, Teacher Recommendation (required)
Students will continue their study of photography techniques and procedures. Students
will develop stronger composition skills as they explore a variety of subjects that appeal
to the photographer. Student will also demonstrate their ability to work independently as
they consider innovative solutions to artistic problems. Works will come from their
experiences and observations as they create thematic bodies of work. All students must
maintain the appropriate and safe use of equipment, tools, and processes used for fine art
photography. Students will continue to gain knowledge of how photography explores
concepts of civics and economics, systems, functions, structures, democracy, and
interdependence. All students will maintain a digital portfolio of their highest quality
works created in this class. *Cameras are required for this course.
Proficient Photography (Honors)
Grade: 11-12
Pre-requisite: Intermediate Photography, Portfolio, Teacher Recommendation (required)
Students must demonstrate an ability to implement planning to arrive at original solutions
to artistic problems and processes for this class. This course is for the photography
student that demonstrates they can work independently as they develop a personal style
and portfolio of images. Students must be able to analyze their compositions and
recognize the relationship between the elements and principles of design and their
personal expression. This course may be used to develop the “Breadth” portion of the
Advanced Placement (AP) 2-D Design/Photography portfolio (SSHS). Students are
required to maintain a digital portfolio of all their works for this course. *Cameras are
required for this course.
Advanced Photography (Honors)
Grade: 11-12
Pre-requisite: Proficient Photography, Portfolio, Teacher Recommendation (required)
This course is designed for the higher level photography student that demonstrates their
ability to work independently. Students will explain their compositional choices through
verbal critiques and written critiques. Student will create original photographs based on
their individual perspectives of subjects as the explore concepts in photography. Through
this rigorous course, students will demonstrate creative skills and knowledge learned in
other disciplines and how they connect the student to the global community. Students in
this course will develop a higher level body of work that can be used for the “Breadth”
portion of the Advanced Placement (AP) 2-D Design/Photography portfolio (SSHS).
Students are required to maintain a digital portfolio of all works created. *Cameras are
required for this course.