Dear sir - Odiham Parish Council

30 September 2015
On the 30th of September, OPC held a meeting in public to receive a presentation from the agents acting
on behalf of the owner of the land known as the Deer Park, the land between the High Street and the
Canal. This meeting outlined how the owner has adapted his plans in response to the feedback received
from his public consultation and the survey conducted as part of the Neighbourhood Plan. The meeting
also gave Cllrs the opportunity to ask questions.
The revised plans include the following changes:
- A large area of land to be put into community ownership along the southern boundary, as well as legal
covenants on the remainder of the land, to ensure that it will remain undeveloped past the life of any
planning policy.
- A reduction in the scope of the project and the number of houses required to achieve it (from 12 to 8).
- Reducing the size of the Parker's House by 20% and moving its position slightly to the west.
- Detailed outline of the revised deer fencing (and how it is intended to be hidden by a Pale boundary),
oak tree planting and community open spaces.
- Minimising the impact on the existing footpaths. And outlining how the footpaths can be enhanced.
- Defining the details of an increased community space - and providing a future events area and car park.
- Outlining the opportunity for a community building adjacent to the Deer Park, or providing substantial
funding for another community project.
The Parish Council will be discussing the merits of this scheme at our next full council meeting on the 5th
of October. We will need to objectively weigh the impact of the building of 8 houses on land that the
community clearly values, against the security and amenity benefit that this proposal could bring, such
- Guaranteed protection from the risks of future development.
- Making the land more accessible for all to use.
- Providing the cycle and walkways that our Neighbourhood Plan has identified the community want.
- Providing more parking to support our High street and encourage visitors.
- Linking the canal wharf, tow path, High Street and King John's Castle - making an attractive visitor
- Providing funds for a community building or funding other community aims identified in the emerging
Neighbourhood Plan.
Ultimately the Parish Council will just be consultees in the planning process. Should the owner progress
his vision this will be put forward to the planning officers at Hart District Council and will need to satisfy
their extensive planning criteria on its own merits. If this happens we encourage all of our residents to
engage in the planning process that will allow for everyone to provide their input and comments.
We have asked for the full presentation materials to be supplied to us so that we can share it with those
who could not attend.
Tel: 01256 702716