Saltfleetby Parish Council Newsletter Summer/Autumn 2011

Saltfleetby Parish Council Newsletter
Summer/Autumn 2011
Welcome to the Summer/Autumn edition of the Newsletter. Here you will find information on:
Your new Parish Council and Clerk
Village Footpaths
An update on the Community Led Plan
Crime and Disorder
The Gayton Wind Farm
Control of Dogs
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee
Emergency Planning
School Community Governor
Winter Weather
Your Parish Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in the School.
There is an Open Forum at the beginning of each meeting, where you are invited to have your
say. The Agenda and Minutes are placed on the village notice boards, situated at Vickers Stores,
All Saints Church, the School and the Windmill Garage in Saltfleet.
We would be delighted if you were to come along.
E Mail
Sandra Harrison
01507 338431
Sturdy’s Farm, Main Rd
Cheryl Warwick
Vice Chairman
01507 338905
Ivy House, Church Lane
Peter Bowman
01507 338905
Ivy House, Church Lane
John Smith
01507 338358
Hugh Liller
01507 338328
Moat Hall, Main Road
Fred Smith
01507 338625
Alma House, Main Rd.
John Ackroyd
Windy Ridge, Main Rd
Audrey Peace
Mill House, Main Rd
Denise Bridges
01507 338801
Meadow Bank, Main Rd
Rebecca James
Vickers Stores, Main Rd
Val Fenton
1, Willow Cottage,
Thacker Bank
New Parish Clerk
We are delighted to welcome Jean Brown as our new Parish Clerk and to say thank you to David
Cooper who has served the Council well for over 7 years. Contact details for Jean are
Please contact her or any of the Councillors if you have issues you wish to raise.
Newsletter Circulation
We have now set up the mail circulation list for those that requested to receive information by that
We will also deliver copies by hand to those who requested them. If a friend or neighbour hasn’t
requested to receive a copy and would like to do so, tell them to contact Cheryl and she will add
them to the list. If you would now like to receive the newsletter by E mail, also contact Cheryl.
Control of Dogs
Again, could we please put out a plea for all of us who own and love dogs, to make sure we keep
them under control, particularly when out walking and meeting other walkers.
Also if you have property that is close to footpaths, please make sure that your dogs do not
intimidate those using the footpaths.
Oh! And of course, to all dog owners: ‘Pick up the Poo!’
Community Led Plan
You may recall be asked to complete a questionnaire last year about what you feel about our
village and its facilities. Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete and return it. We
had over 60% of households’ return it and following a lot of detailed analysis, the top 5 priorites
1. Condition of Highways and Pavements
2. Local Services including Police, Ambulance and Public Transport
3. Speeding
4. Community Facilities and Activities
5. Communal Space including Playing Field, Play Area and Community Green Space
We are now working up the Action Plan which we will be launching at a public meeting in the
Autumn. The event will also include information on all sorts of issues identified by you in the
questionnaires. Further details will be issued separately.
Gayton Wind Farm
The Planning Application for this wind farm to be situated in Gayton Parish is to be submitted any
time now. The wind turbines will be clearly visible to those living in Saltfleetby. The parish Council
will only have limited time to respond to the application. We will be calling a public meeting to hear
your views on whether we should support or reject the application. Notice of the meeting will be
issued to each house hold and we urge you to attend in order that we can accurately represent
you views. This application will have a huge impact on the village and for all of us, don’t miss your
chance to have your say.
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
On a happier note, next year is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II succession to the
throne. There will be lots of national celebrations, including the lighting of Beacons around the
coast of Britain. The Parish Council has agreed to support the organisation of a village event for
Sunday 3rd June 2012. If you would like to be involved in the organisation or have any ideas for
the event, please contact Cheryl Warwick or Chris Appleby at the Prussian Queen. More detail to
Village Footpaths
The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of the footpaths in our Parish. Cllr Audrey
Peace is the Councillor responsible for ensuring this happens. We are looking for Volunteers to
walk the footpaths regularly and to let Audrey know if there are any problems such as overgrown
vegetation damaged bridges, lack of signage etc. If you would like to volunteer to look after one or
two of the footpaths, please contact Audrey on the number above. Thank you.
Crime and Disorder
Following a reorganisation at the Police Authority, Saltfleetby now comes under the Mablethorpe
Rural Policing Team.
The names and contact details for the team are as follows:
We are arranging for the Team to attend a future Parish Council meeting to introduce themselves
and to confirm the procedure for reporting incidents.
Emergency Planning
All communities are being encouraged to prepare an Emergency Plan that can implemented in the
event of any type of emergency until the appropriate services can take over.
Such emergencies could include a major road accident, very bad weather, an explosion, an
outbreak of illness or any other incident.
The purpose of such a plan is to ensure that immediate action can be taken, while waiting for the
authorities to arrive. It is, therefore a short term plan.
The parish council has agreed that we should develop such a plan and we will be asking villagers
to help with this in the form of identifying volunteers, location of vulnerable people, availability of
equipment etc.
Look out for further information.
School Community Governor
Saltfleetby C of E Primary School is looking for a Community representative to join the Board of
Governors. If you would like to know more or are interested on applying, contact the school or Cllr
Rebecca James, who is also a School Governor.
Winter Weather Survey
We have also been asked to undertake a winter weather survey to identify volunteers to clear
roads, availability of tractors etc. This does link to the Emergency Planning process but is
designed for us to be better prepared for this winter’s bad weather. Again look out for more