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Accessibility of useful
datasets for
Frances Kirwan/ Clare Clark
21st March 2013
A survey of Neighbourhood Planning frontrunners by Locality, on behalf of the Panel,
generated a list of data which those already involved in neighbourhood planning had
found useful.
Panel members agreed that:
1. A list of useful data could prove helpful to those new to neighbourhood planning, who
did not know what sort of data is available or where to look for it
2. The list highlighted opportunities for data that could be opened up with benefits for
communities involved in planning.
We agreed to:
Enhance the usefulness of the list, highlighting data sources and whether data is
available openly. See Word table.
Consider next steps for supporting those interested in local planning issues. In doing
so, we have joined up with Neighbourhood Planning colleagues
The neighbourhood planning team is working to mobilise communities. Opening up data
would be a key part of this.
There is lots of interesting work going on locally, and examples of good practice, on
making data available.
Local authorities are encouraged
to make data available
Examples of existing good practice
Shropshire Council published Oswestry Market Town Profile with maps,
demographic statistics, deprivation statistics, journey to work times etc.
See Appendix 2 of:$file/oswestry-neighbourhood-plan-bid.pdf
Arun District Council provide a package of data to each of their neighbourhood
planning groups:
A map package which consists of boundary, built up area boundary,
flooding (fluvial and tidal), heritage, landscape constraints, nature
designation, services, green infrastructure network
parish community profiles
Studies and surveys previously commissioned by ADC, which can be used
as a starting point for the evidence base of the NDP
Examples of existing good practice
Examples of existing good practice
Lots of independent work underway, particularly in charities, consultancies etc.
to make searchable, mappable tools that include lots of data.
Particularly new, small-scale, local, social-media based
Opening up data on neighbourhood
DCLG informally collect information on progress of neighbourhood planning
areas on the ground, through:
Local authority website monitoring
Media monitoring
Direct engagement with neighbourhood planning areas and local
We want to make this open – encourage people to use/update/correct the
information on their areas
All neighbourhood planning areas must be designated. Local authorities publish
these areas online for consultation, meaning there is already a spread of
neighhourhood planning data available online.
We are now trialing a format via Open Street Map to bring together data of
where areas are, incorporate parish/designated boundaries and allow areas to
add/amend the data.
Current material - examples
The results (so far)
Basic app to query
OSM and display
information about
each area via an
interactive map
The results (so far) (2)
OSM wiki to explain
the work, and
1. As a first step, it could be useful to publish the list of data, with links where possible –
there are multiple ways we could make this available.
2. We will make DCLG data available:
Test with users
Roll out to include all data
Publish on OSM
Encourage neighbourhood planning community to use, update, edit
Users could enhance this nationally/locally which could be a welcome tool in the
neighbourhood planning process e.g. neighbouring areas could update data where new
areas appear.
3. Encourage communities, authorities, interested groups to make data available (via Open
Street Map or other ways):
Land available for housing
Transport links
Sites of Special Scientific Interest
Green belt
?Population density
?Indicators of Multiple Deprivation
Views from the Panel