Dear sir - Odiham Parish Council

Hart DC asked the council to comment on the below pre-application. The comments below were agreed
at the meeting on Monday 25 November 2013.
13/02436/SITE99 for the erection of 50 dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure at
Close Meadow, Alton Road, Odiham
Odiham Parish Council cannot conceive of any development which would be appropriate and sustainable
on this very sensitive site. We cannot improve on the conclusion drawn by the independent Inspector of
the 1st Alteration of the Hart Local Plan in 1998:
I accepted that the form of the development could be changed and a way forward if development were thought
acceptable could be through a planning brief. However, I did not see development meeting the primary objectives of
safeguarding the importance of the site to the setting of the historic core of the town, which suggested that the site
should remain essentially open. In my view, the planning objectives for Odiham, where conservation had to be the
paramount consideration, were best served by not developing this land. Although admittedly meeting many of the
tests, in this instance, as the guidance suggested, sustainability would be best achieved by perpetuating the
fortunate survival of an important part of the historic form of the town for future generations (our bold).
Given the NPPF’s requirements to protect heritage assets and its focus on sustainable development, we
believe this independent assessment still stands, regardless of the current position of Hart’s Local Plan.
Development of this site would make impossible the fulfilment of the first two Management Proposals in
the Conservation Area plan (CACA&MP) approved by Hart in 2007, namely protection of the setting of
Odiham and views into and out of the town. Close Meadow and the views across it relate to the historic
core of Odiham with its multiple heritage assets. Above all they relate to its Grade 1 listed church, views
of which are prominent from many more positions round the western and southern boundaries of the site
than is recognised in the Constraints and Opportunities plan. Furthermore, “The areas round the Deer
Park and Crown Fields (also known as Close Meadow) are particularly sensitive and the protection of the
rural qualities of Odiham’s immediate surroundings, which in places “infiltrate” into the town centre (such
as Chamberlain Gardens and the churchyard), is therefore extremely important.” (para 9.1.2 Odiham
The SHLAA shows that there is plenty of potential development land in Odiham; the parish council was
poised to carry out a further consultation with residents on preferred sites when the Local Plan was
withdrawn. Given that our proposals have to be in line with the emerging Local Plan, we are waiting for
the new one to emerge before re-visiting the plans for the consultation.
Should the applicant persist with the intention of submitting a planning application, we would strongly
advise a thorough consultation of residents, and only at that point we will consider a detailed response to
the proposals.
Tel: 01256 702716