Chapter 15 Notes

Chapter 15:
Personal Care and Consumer Choices
 Lesson 1-Personal Health Care
 Vocab:
o Epidermis-Outermost layer of the skin
o Dermis-Thick inner layer of skin
o Dandruff-A flaking of the outer layer
of dead skin cells
o Plaque-A soft, colorless, sticky film
containing bacteria that coats your
o Tarter-A hard, shell-like coating on
the teeth that is difficult to remove
o Decibel-A measure of the loudness of
 Functions of Skin:
o Skin is the body’s largest organ
o Skin is a watertight barrier when you
swim or take a shower
o Skin helps control body temperature
o Releases perspiration when hot and
tells the brain to slow blood
circulation when you are cold
o Allows you to feel texture/Alerts you
to hot and cold
o Protects you from germs
 Parts of the Skin:
o Skin is composed of three main layers
 1. Epidermis 2. Dermis 3.
 Subcutaneous layer connects your
skin to muscle and bone
 Skin Problems:
o Our skin needs oil to keep it soft
o During teen years too much oil can
clog pores causing acne
o Acne can include whiteheads,
blackheads, and pimples
o Minor acne can be treated with over
the counter (OTC) products
o More serious acne should be treated
by a dermatologist
o Too much sun can cause skin
o Exposure to UV rays increases the risk
of developing skin cancer
o Viruses can affect the skin
 Cold sores and warts
 Both can be treated, but are
 Skin Care:
o Having clean, healthy skin is part of
your overall appearance
o During teenage years sweat may
cause an odor
 The odor is caused by bacteria
o Bathing or showering regularly and
using antiperspirant deodorant can
help eliminate the odor
o If you have acne wash with warm
water and a mild soap twice per day
o Never scrub your skin where there is
 Scrubbing will increase the acne
 It opens pimples and spreads the
o Wear sunscreen and protective
 Use sunscreen with at least SPF
15 and UVA/UVB protection
o Avoid piercing and tattoos
 This exposes the skin to germs
 Hair and Nails:
o Hair and nails are made up of keratin
 Keratin-fibrous protein forming
the main structure of hair
o Hair and nails grow out of living
tissue located in the dermis
 Each nail is surrounded by a fold
of epidermis (the cuticle)
 Hair and Nail Problems:
o Oil glands can make hair look and feel
o Dandruff is a common hair problem
 Dandruff-A flaking of the outer
layer of dead skin cells
o Head lice is another common problem
 Tiny insects that live in hair and
spread easily
 To prevent lice-DO NOT share
combs, brushes, and hats
 Lice can be treated with
medicated shampoo
 Wash bedding, towels, combs,
brushes, and clothing (Everyone
in the family should)
 Nail Problems:
o Hangnails are a split in the cuticle
near the fingernail’s edge
 Treat a hangnail by trimming the
o Ingrown toenails occur when the
toenail pushes too far in the skin
 Can result from trimming the
toenail on a curve vs. straight
across or wearing shoes that are
too tight
 Teeth:
o Teeth are also vital to your
o They chew and grind food, making it
easier to digest
o Teeth are necessary for proper speech
 Tooth and Gum Problems:
o Taking care of teeth and gums can
prevent decay
o Gums serve as anchors for teeth
o Gums can also develop problems
 Gingivitis is a gum conditionGums become inflamed and bleed
 Gingivitis can lead to teeth loss if
left untreated
 Tooth and Gum Care:
o Floss and gently brush teeth for 2-3
minutes twice a day
o Brushing and flossing clean teeth and
remove plaque
o Good eating habits keep teeth healthy
o Dairy products and foods high in
calcium help keep teeth strong
o Limit intake of sugary foods
o See a dentist twice a year
o Dentists treat cavities and gum
o Orthodontists fix crooked teeth
 Eyes:
o Several common vision problems:
 Nearsightedness-A person can
see nearby objects clearly, but
distant objects are blurred
 Farsightedness-Far away object
are clear, but nearby objects are a
 Astigmatism-Images appear
blurred or distorted due to an
irregularly shaped lens or cornea
o Most vision problems can be
corrected with glasses, contacts, or
laser surgery
 Eye Care and Protection:
o It is important to protect eyes from
injury, dust, and over exposure to
o Wear sunglasses with UV protection
o Watch TV or use computer in a welllit room
o Avoid rubbing eyes-this can irritate
and spread bacteria to eyes
o Always wash hands before putting in
or taking out contact lens
 Change contact lenses regularly
 Get regular vision screenings and
eye exams
 Ears:
o Ears interpret sounds
o Ears enable you to control your
o Fluid and tiny hair cells in ears send
messages to the brain when you move
or shift positions
 Hearing Problems:
o Most common ear problem is hearing
loss caused by middle ear infections
and punctured ear drums
o Loud noises can cause hearing loss
o Any noise above 80 decibels can be
o Decibel-A measure of the loudness of
a sound
o Prolonged exposure to loud noise can
lead to tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
 Ear Care and Protection:
o Never put anything in your ears
o Avoid loud noises
o Cover ears in cold weather to prevent
o Wear earplugs to reduce noise or
keep water out
o See doctor for earaches or to treat
ringing in the ears
 Chapter 15, Lesson 2