Chapter 13 - Liberty Union High School District

Epidermis: Outer thinner layer of the skin that is composed of living &
dead cells.
Dermis: Thicker layer of skin under the epidermis made up of
connective tissue & contains blood vessels and nerves.
Melanin: A pigment that gives the skin, hair, and iris of the eyes their
 Sebaceous Glands: Structures in the skin that produce an oily
secretion called sebum(helps keep skin & hair from drying out).
Hair Follicles: Sacs or cavities that surround the roots of hairs.
Melanoma: The most serious form of skin cancer.
The Skins 3 Main Functions
#1: Protection- Skin protects you from pathogens & internal
damage and acts as a barrier to keep bacteria and viruses from
entering your system.
#2: Temp. Control: When body temp. rises your blood vessels
allow heat escape the skins surface through sweat glands. If your
body temp. drops the blood vessels in the skin constrict reducing
amount of heat lost and helps maintain the body heat.
#3:Sensation: Nerve cells in dermis act as receptors that are
stimulated by changes in outside environment. The receptors are
what allows you to feel prerssure, pain, heat & cold.
Skin’s Structure
Keeping Your skin Healthy
Wash face everyday & daily washing or bathing of the body
Choose personal skin products carefully to avoid irritation &
allergic reaction
Follow well-balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins & minerals
UV Protection: UV ray exposure increases melanin production
which leads to cancer
 Always wear sunscreen SPF 15 or higher, wear protective clothing: hats,
long sleeves & pants between 10am-4pm
Body Piercing & Tattooing: Getting a body tattoo or body
piercing carry health risks like a bacterial infection through
nonsterile needles. And tattoos & piercings can limit job
opportunities & relationships.
Keeping Skin Healthy
Skin problems may appear but are not life threatening. Always
consult your with your doctor before buying any skin care product.
Common skin problems include:
 Acne: When skin pores get logged & bacteria causes
inflammation and pus to form.
 Warts: Caused by a virus, mostly found in hands feet and face.
 Dermatitis or Eczema: An inflamed or scaly patch of skin, usually
from an allergic reaction
 Vitiligo: Condition in which patches of skin lose melanin and
have no pigment.
 Boils: Form when hair follicles become infected, the tissue is
inflamed and pus forms.
 Others: Fungal Infection,& moles
Your Hair
Hair helps protect the skin, especially in the scalp from UV radiation
Eyebrows & eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and other particles
Having healthy hair begins with a well balanced diet, without needed
nutrients hair becomes thin and dry, brush and shampoo regularly
Avoid too much use of hair dyes, bleach & perms
Hair Problems:
 Dandruff- treated with over the counter dandruffs shampoo
Head Lice- feed on blood of the scalp, treated with medicated
shampoo & washing the sheets, pillow cases, hats & combs with hot
water & soap
Periodontium: The area immediately around the tooth that is made up of
gum, periodontal ligaments and the jawbone. Supports the tooth and holds
in in place.
Pulp: The tissue that contains the blood vessels and nerves of a tooth.
Plaque: A combination of bacteria and other particles such as small bits of
food. Damages tooth by coating it, sealing out the saliva.
Haliosis (bad breath): Can bea caused by eating certain foods, poor
hygiene, smoking bacteria on the tongue, decayed teeth and gum disease.
Periodental disease (gum disease): inflammation of peridontal structures
caused by bacterial infection.
Malocclusion: Misalignment of the upper and lower teeth. Can be caused by
crowded or extra teeth, thumb sucking, injury or heredity. If not treated can
lead to decay and/or affect a persons speech and ability to chew.
Parts of a tooth
How to keep your mouth healthy
~Brush your teeth twice a day (to reduce plaque
build up)
~Floss once a day.
~Make regular visits to your dentist for a checkup
and cleaning.
~Eat a well-balanced diet.
~Don't use tobacco products.
~Cleaning Your Teeth and Gums
Tooth and Mouth Problems
Some common teeth and mouth problems are:
 Halitosis: Can be caused by eating certain foods,
poor hygiene, smoking bacteria on the tongue,
decayed teeth and gum disease.
Gum disease: inflammation of periodontal structures
caused by bacterial infection.
Malocclusion: Misalignment of the upper and lower
teeth. Can be caused by crowded or extra teeth,
thumb sucking, injury or heredity. If not treated can
lead to decay and/or affect a persons speech and
ability to chew.
Parts of the eye
When light passes through the cornea ,
pupil, and lens to reach the retina, an
image forms.
Your vision may be affected by the way
images are produced on the retina.
Eye doctors refer to clear, sharp, normal
vision as 20/20 vision
This means that you can stand 20 feet from
a eye chart and read the top eight lines
Take care of your eyes
When participating in activity's in which
your eyes can be injured wear safety
Keep dirty hands or other objects away
from your eyes to reduce risk of eye
Take regular breaks when reading or on the
computer to reduce eye strain.
Get routine eye exams by a health care
professional so certain eye diseases can be
treated in their early stages.
Hearing loss
Exposure to loud noises can lead to temporary
and some times permanent hearing loss.
Hearing loss can be divided into two
categories witch are conductive and sensor
For conductive hearing loss, sound waves are
not passed from the outer ear to the inner ear.
Sensor neural hearing loss may result from a
birth defect, exposure to loud noises, growing
older, and medication problems.
Parts of the ear
1) What is the difference between Dermis and Epidermis?
2) What are the skins 3 main functions?
3) List 4 common skin problems that may appear.
4) What is a Pulp?
5) What are 3 ways to keep your mouth healthy?
6) List 3 common mouth problems.
7) What is the sclera?
8) What is the retina?
9) What causes sensor neural hearing loss?
10) What do eye doctors refer to as clear normal sharp vision?