Autumn 1 2015 – Year R

Hawthorn Road, Southampton SO17 1PX
Tel: 023 8055 5793
Tel/Answerphone/Fax: 023 8039 9703
An Aided School in the
Diocese of Winchester
Year R Curriculum Newsletter – Autumn Term (1) 2015
Dear Parents / Guardians,
An Aided School in the
Diocese of Winchester
Welcome to Willow and Oak Base!
We are delighted to see the children settling into school so brilliantly and how enthusiastic they are in the
classroom. Every day we have been sharing their ‘All About Me’ and it is lovely to learn so much about the
Our topic for the next few weeks is ‘Getting to know you’ where the children will be exploring the classroom,
learning routines and getting to know their new friends. Once the children have settled into their new classes,
the topics will be determined by the children and based upon their interests. We would be most grateful if each
child could please bring in a family photo by Friday 18th September.
Routines in the department:
P.E: sessions will take place every Friday commencing Friday 18th September. Please ensure your child has
their P.E. kit, including plimsolls or trainers, in school each week and that all clothing is clearly named.
Library: This term, children will be taught how to use the library in school and which books they can choose to
take home. All children will be issued with a reading diary in due course. The children will be able to take out
two books at a time. Each child will be able to access this by half term, but may be much sooner depending on
when the children are ready.
Super Celebration: In class, teachers have ‘super celebration’ slips for children to record when they have
achieved something special outside of school. This could be related to a hobby (such as a swimming
achievement), or something personal like learning to tie up shoelaces. Please do not hesitate in asking for a slip,
as we would love to share special moments with the class.
Home Learning: In our homework policy, we set out the expectations regarding home learning linked to the age
of the children as well as the governmental guidelines. For infant children, there are no statutory time
guidelines. We would ask that parents continue to engage in daily reading as well as supporting the learning of
key words for reading, which will be sent home next term. The most important activity to help your child at this
stage in their education would be to help them develop a love of reading and enjoy books together at bedtime.
Admin: When paying for school trips or other school related payments, please use the TUCASI system. All
parents will receive a personal log on in due course. If you have not received a log on by half term then please
talk to Mrs Brew in the school office. We would strongly encourage the use of the Tucasi system for all
payments as it is the most convenient option for both yourselves and the school. Please check that all school
clothing, water bottles and lunch boxes are named. Please ensure your child brings their book bag to school
every day. If you have not purchased a book bag, please call into the school office and talk to Mrs Brew.
Lunch Please be aware that all infant children are entitled to a FREE school lunch and menus are available online
via the website for your view. It is the responsibility of the parents to talk to the children
about the menu for the day and let them know what they could choose before school each day. The school lunch
can accommodate some dietary needs so please enquire should you need to ask regarding this. Should you
prefer to have a packed lunch, then please bring this in an appropriate named container/box. Due to the
allergies present in the school, we cannot permit nuts at anytime or in any form.
Snacks: The children are each given a piece of fruit (provided by the school) during the course of the morning.
Please do not send in additional food until your child is in school at lunchtime (if they are having a packed lunch.)
Phonics: Our phonics programme ‘Read, Write Inc’ will commence later in the term. We will be offering
workshops for parents to enable you to support your child as best as possible. The first session will take place
on Thursday 24th September from 2.50 – 3.15, in Maple Base.
Church: On Thursdays (when your child is attending school during the afternoon) all classes attend church
from 2.45 – 3.25. All parents are welcome to attend church on Thursday afternoon and collection is from the
church. We organise the children to try and keep children as safe as possible- children sit with their younger
siblings – allowing parents to collect children from one class.
Supporting independence: Please try and encourage your child to develop independence – e.g. doing their coat
up, getting their book bag ready for school and remembering their jumper at the end of the school day.
ALL parents will receive a Yearly calendar of dates at the beginning of the
term. Dates are also on the school calendar via the website.
Here is a reminder of the dates relevant to this half term as well as other
dates that have more recently been agreed within the department.
Tuesday 1st September
Wednesday 2nd September
Thursday 3rd September
Thursday 24th September
Thursday 24th September
Wednesday 7th October
Thursday 8th October
Friday 9th October
Thursday 22nd October
Friday 23rd October
26th October – 30st October
INSET day for whole school.
INSET day for Year R.
Year R pupils start (see timetable for staggered start).
Parent evening letters going out with details of booking system – look out for
these in book bags.
Parent Event - phonics in Year R – In Maple Base - 2.50 (during church). All
parents invited to attend.
Parent Evening EARLY infant and junior 3.30 – 6 pm
Parent Evening LATE junior and infant- 5.00 – 8.00 pm
Drama workshops in KS1 and Year R
KS1 and Year R Healthy Picnic Event (Separate letter to go out with details of
October half term week
We are always extremely grateful for any additional time that parents are willing to give to the school. If you
are interested in sharing books with children, teaching them some basic cookery skills, or working within the
class on a regular basis to support groups of children in their activities, please talk to your child’s teacher. We
ask that you are able to make a regular commitment to help.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Savill, Miss Scriven, Mrs O’Shea and the teaching assistant team (Mrs Dilley, Mrs Stafford and Mrs Abbt)
Year R Induction Programme for Intake 2015/2016
We believe that our induction programme offers children the best opportunity for a
great start to our school setting.
Week beginning
Autumn born children
(dob 01/09/10 to 31/12/10
Spring born children
(dob 01/01/11 to 30/04/11
Summer born children
(dob 01/05/11 to 31/08/11
First day of term:
Tuesday 1st September
Whole School INSET day - No
school for Year R pupils
Whole School INSET day - No
school for Year R pupils
Whole School INSET day - No
school for Year R pupils
Wednesday 2nd
Year R INSET - No school for
Year R pupils
YEAR R INSET - No school for
Year R pupils
YEAR R INSET - No school for
Year R pupils
Thursday 3rd and Friday
4th September
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
w/b Monday 7th
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
w/b Monday 14th
Children attend for the morning
and lunch
(9.00 – 1.00)
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
Children attend for the morning
(9.00 – 12.00)
w/b Monday 21st
Children attend full time
(9.00 – 3.15)
Children attend for the morning
and lunch
(9.00 – 1.00)
Children attend for the morning
and lunch
(9.00 – 1.00)
Children attend full time
(9.00 – 3.15)
Children attend full time
(9.00 – 3.15)
Half Term
Half Term
w/b Monday 28th
w/b Monday 5th October
w/b Monday 12th
w/b Monday 19th
w/b 26th October Half
Half Term
Highfield Primary School – Curriculum newsletter – Year R
Our themes for the first half of this Autumn term are:
‘Getting to know you’ and then topics will be determined by the
children and their own ideas!
We will be learning:-
Personal, Social and Emotional
The routines of the class and where to
find everything.
To share the equipment and space with
others and to take turns.
To try new things.
What makes us special.
To read the numbers up to 10 and
know the order.
To make our own repeating patterns.
To play a simple dice game.
To join in with number rhymes that
help our counting.
To begin to know sounds (phonemes)
that go with some letter shapes
(graphemes) and how to write them.
To write our names in the cursive
To talk about books and tell the story
using the pictures.
To listen for sounds we have learnt in
spoken words.
Communication and Language
To listen carefully when others are
To express ourselves through talk.
To think about our emotions and
Expressive Arts and Design
 To paint pictures choosing appropriate
colours for the picture.
 To explore different materials to find
out what they do.
 To respond to different rhythms using
our voices or bodies.
Physical Development
How to keep safe in P.E. by staying in
our own ‘space bubble’
 How our bodies can move.
 To use scissors safely to cut out
shapes and pictures.
Understanding the World
That we are the same in some ways
and different in others.
To use the computer mouse to make
different things happen.
Take an interest in the people around
Ways you can help
 Encourage your child to try things independently eg: putting his/her coat on, getting
 Talk to your child about everything and anything. Encourage him/her to ask questions.
 Practise using scissors – eg: cutting pictures from magazines or shapes from paper to
make a collage.
 Talk to your child about what they have learnt in school.
 Read with your child every night and enjoy stories together.
 Count in every day contexts to 20 and beyond.