BOARD OF SELECTMEN - Town of Windsor Locks

June 7, 2011
SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr. and Joseph R. Calsetta
ALSO PRESENT: Les Koziara (Business Manager - Windsor Locks Board of Education), and a
Reporter from
---------------------------------------------------------------CALL TO ORDER:
First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.
PUBLIC INPUT (Agenda Items Only): None.
Selectman Calsetta moved to approve the May 17, 2011, Regular Meeting Minutes as
published. Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. Both were in favor.
 A letter was distributed to the Selectmen from the State of Connecticut Department of
Emergency Management and Homeland Security regarding the FEMA Grant reimbursement
to the Town of Windsor Locks for costs associated during the “January 11–12, 2011 Severe
Snowstorm Disaster”. The letter confirmed that the Town of Windsor Locks will receive a
reimbursement from FEMA in the amount of $43,600.42, which represents 75% of the total
costs associated with the storm. The Town will be responsible for the remaining 25% of the
costs ($14,533.47).
Selectman Wawruck stated that there is still discussion taking place among FEMA
representatives regarding the costs associated with the necessity of snow removal from the
roofs of town buildings that occurred outside the window of the FEMA Grant timeframe.
a. Set Town Meeting Date, June 14, 2011:
1. Board of Education Civil Rights Compliance Project
2. $17,500.00 for Prior Year Tax Refunds
Selectman Wawruck stated that setting a Town Meeting date would be necessary as part of the
Board of Education’s process in meeting the requirements of their Civil Rights Compliance
Project. A listing of the projects that will be completed as part of this project was distributed to
the Selectmen. The Town Meeting would authorize the Board of Selectmen to:
1. Establish a building committee made up of members from the Board of Education
2. Authorize the preparation of schematic drawings and outline specifications for the Civil Rights
Compliance Project
3. Authorize the Superintendent of Schools to apply for and accept state grants for the Civil
Rights Compliance Project
Selectman Wawruck stated that if there is Town Meeting approval, the Board of Selectmen will
complete the Town’s share of the authorization at the June 21st Selectmen’s Meeting.
Selectman Wawruck further stated that a second item requiring Town Meeting approval is for an
additional appropriation of $17,500.00 for Prior Year Tax Refunds.
Board of Selectmen
June 7, 2011
Page 2
Selectman Calsetta moved to set a Town Meeting date for Tuesday, June 14, 2011 @
7:30 p.m., at Town Hall for the following purposes:
1. To introduce, discuss and act upon a resolution authorizing the Board of Selectmen to:
a. Establish a Building Committee to be made up of the members of the Board of Education, which is
authorized to take any action required by the provisions of Chapter 173 of the General Statutes of
Connecticut, Revision of 1958, as amended, and the regulations of the State Board of Education
promulgated thereunder, in oversight of the Civil Rights Compliance Project; and,
b. Authorize the preparation of schematic drawings and outline specifications for the Civil Rights
Compliance Project; and,
c. Authorize the Windsor Lock’s Superintendent of Schools to apply for and accept state grants for the
Civil Rights Compliance Project,
as recommended by the Board of Education. All grants received shall be applied to the project
2. To introduce, discuss and act upon a resolution authorizing an additional appropriation in the amount
of $17,500.00 from the Contingency Account to the Prior Year Tax Refunds Account, as recommended
by the Board of Finance.
Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. Both were in favor.
b. Set Public Hearing Date for the Realignment of the Route 20/Route 75 Westbound Exit
Ramp, July 12, 2011:
Selectman Calsetta moved to set a Public Hearing Date for Tuesday, July 12, 2011 @
7:00 p.m., at the Windsor Locks Town Hall for an informational discussion on the
proposed realignment of the Route 20/Route 75 westbound Exit Ramp. Selectman
Wawruck seconded the motion. Both were in favor.
c. FY 2012 STEAP Grant Funding:
Selectman Wawruck stated that to qualify for STEAP Grant funding the Selectmen would
need to officially opt into the program. If the Selectmen decide to participate in the program
notification will need to be sent to the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) of the town’s
intention. He added that Windsor Locks has been designated as a public investment
community and by opting into the STEAP program the Town will also be eligible for any
Urban Act grant funding.
Selectman Calsetta moved to opt into the STEAP Grant Program as required by the
Public Community Investment Act. Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. Both
were in favor.
Selectman Wawruck stated that the Selectmen would discuss the Blight Ordinance revisions
at the next meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2011.
Selectman Calsetta moved to approve the Refund Request for June 7, 2011, in the
amount of $188.61, as outlined in Schedule A. Selectman Wawruck seconded the
motion. Both were in favor.
A copy of Schedule A is attached to the Minutes of the June 7, 2011 Board of Selectmen
Board of Selectmen
June 7, 2011
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PUBLIC INPUT (All Other Comments/Concerns): None.
There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:39 p.m. was made by Selectman Calsetta and
seconded by Selectman Wawruck. Both were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan R. Barsanti
Recording Secretary