BOS minutes for 03-27-12 Official

Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
Selectman Robert Holden called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call
Selectman Alden Dill, Selectman Robert Holden, Selectman Scott Bryer and Town Administrator
Brent Lemire
Town Administrator Brent Lemire led the pledge of allegiance.
Election of Officers
Selectman Bryer nominated Selectman Alden Dill to be Chairman of the Board, seconded by
Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Chairman Alden Dill nominated Selectman Bryer as Vice Chair, seconded by Selectman
Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Citizen’s Forum
Kevin Prince, NH DOT Pavement Mgmt. Engineer – Paving on Route 4.
Mr. Prince stated that he was here to explain the project, which will begin at Ridge Road and go
easterly approximately 9.9 miles to just west of the Lee Traffic Circle. Mr. Prince stated that the
road was last paved in 2003 and it was crack-sealed in 2009. Mr. Prince stated that “pavemore” is
basically a process of leveling existing coarse pavement, and then a 1 inch wearing coarse
pavement is placed over that. Mr. Prince also stated that it is a high volume road and is in good
shape and they want to keep it that way.
Mr. Prince stated that they are going to upgrade the guardrails and posts through here. The
guardrails are in good shape but the terminals do not meet today’s standards. They will install new
terminals to bring them up to today’s standards. Mr. Prince also stated they will also do minor
drainage work to raise the catch basins. They will put poly liners in them to make them work.
Mr. Prince stated regarding traffic control; there will be no lane closures allowed. He stated that no
work will be performed Monday thru Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 to 6:00p.m. and
on Friday from 7:00 to 8:30a.m and from noon to 7:00p.m. and from Saturday from 10:00 a.m to
Sunday at 7:00p.m. Paving will probably be done at night. Mr. Prince stated that the drainage
work and guardrail terminals will be done during the day.
Mr. Prince stated that he has a Municipal Work Zone Agreement (MWZA) that all municipalities
are being asked to sign as an acknowledgement that the department will have the authority to
control traffic through the work zone for the duration of the project. It will need to be signed and
mailed. He also stated that the project is scheduled to be advertised on April 17, 2012 and has a
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
completion date of September 28, 2012. The cost of the project will be approximately
$2,000,000.00, 80% being federal money, and 20% being state money, so there are no local funds
Selectman Dill asked when the Lee Traffic Circle would be done. Mr. Prince stated he did not
Mr. Tom Chase would like to know what support they would be looking for from our police
department when you are working on our part of the road in terms of flashing lights, etc. Mr.
Prince stated they would have a contract administrator on the job, which will assess the situation
and will call for the uniform officer as needed. Selectman Dill asked if that comes out of the
contractor costs and Mr. Prince stated that is correct; there is money in the contract to hire uniform
officers. Mr. Prince also stated there will be a preconstruction meeting before the work is started
and the town will be invited and at that meeting. Selectman Dill asked if this would be done in
August or September. Mr. Prince replied yes.
Selectman Dill made a motion that the town enter into the Municipal Work Zone Agreement
(MWZA) with the State of New Hampshire for this project, seconded by Selectman Bryer.
Motion carries; 3/0
Don Arsenault, Health Officer – Animal Ordinances
Selectman Bryer stated that he found out at a Planning Board meeting that there was a proposed
ordinance that the selectmen knew nothing about. Mr. Arsenault stated that came from him
through Mr. Hickey. Mr. Arsenault stated it was not prepared properly and should not have gone
that far.
Mr. Arsenault stated that what they are looking at is some type of ordinance in regards to farm
animals, free range chickens, etc. He also stated that the planning board is involved as well as
animal control and code enforcement. Selectman Dill asked what type of ordinance would be
looking at. Mr. Arsenault stated that as far as free range chickens, it is ok if you have free range
chickens on your own property, but we have a problem. Down at one of the banks, there are
chickens going into the bank parking lot and pulling out all the bark mulch. Sometimes they fly up
and get on the hood of a car because it is warm. There are droppings all over the parking lot. He
also stated that one of the roosters does not like people and pecks at their ankles as they enter the
Selectman Dill stated there are probably things we could go after without creating a town wide
ordinance against chickens. Mr. Arsenault stated we do not have anything to use now. Selectman
Dill stated the state does. Selectman Bryer stated that he agrees with Selectman Dill, he also
stated that if there is an issue down at the bank, it would be a civil matter between the bank and the
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
owner of the chickens. Selectman Bryer stated that the original ordinance that he saw that was
being proposed to the planning board was very restrictive and thought it was extremely unrealistic.
Selectman Bryer asked if he could get a copy of Epsom’s Animal Agricultural Ordinance, along
with Deerfield’s, Strafford’s and Barrington’s. Mr. Arsenault stated that the Animal Control
Officer is working on this. Mr. Arsenault stated that they will be having a meeting in late summer.
Selectman Bryer stated that the point he was making is that if none of our neighboring towns have
an ordinance, then he does not want Northwood to be the first town to do this. Mr. Arsenault
stated the larger towns with city populations such as Rochester, Dover, and Concord have these
ordinances in place. He also stated that they were not looking at just chickens. Discussion
continued on the ordinance.
Selectman Dill stated that he agrees with Selectman Bryer; if we have a case by case issue then we
should handle it case by case and not as a town wide ordinance. Selectman Holden stated he
thought it would be prudent to let Mr. Arsenault proceed. He also stated that he lives in a
neighborhood that is very concentrated. He has a quarter acre lot and next to him is a mini farm.
He also stated that it is a burden to the neighborhood and a burden to Northwood Lake because
every time it rains the water runs down into the lake along with the waste created by the animals.
Selectman Holden feels the lot is not appropriate for a small farm. Mr. Arsenault agreed and
stated he has been down there several times. Selectman Holden stated he would like to see a tool
that we could use to police that because it has been a problem for 2 or 3 years. He also stated that
he is not one to support additional ordinances but we have to be careful and make sure we protect
our friends and neighbors.
Mr. Arsenault stated that there are things that people are calling us on and we have to tell them
there is nothing we can do about it because we do not have an ordinance or any regulations.
Selectman Bryer stated that he sees both sides and wants to know if the ordinance would state that
anybody that does not own a normal size lot cannot own farm animals. Selectman Holden stated
he would like to explore what we can do and look at the other towns and go on from there.
Selectman Dill stated that if it is a true public nuisance, then enforce with rules we already have.
Mr. Arsenault stated that the public nuisance law that he has is really addressing public health.
Selectman Dill asked if the animal control officer had anything. Mr. Arsenault stated that he
spoke with the animal control officer and he does not have anything. Mr. Arsenault stated that we
have numerous complaints every year. Selectman Bryer stated that he would be willing to look at
an ordinance for lots under an acre. Discussion continued. Mr. Arsenault will check with other
towns. Selectman Dill stated he would rather check with other towns first before we spend a lot of
time with multiple town employees drafting an ordinance that he is not going to support.
Conservation Commission – Signatures – Gallagher property easement
Chairman of the Conservation Commission, Stephen Roy, stated that they were there tonight to
ask to finalize a conservation easement on the Gallagher property and have the town accept the
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
easement. He also stated that this is like the Wallman property. Mr. Roy stated this is like a joint
project that the Gallaher’s and Carl Wallman started out together and it is a total of a 120 acre
conservation easement project. It is located at a critical point connecting a lot of conservation land
in the area, and it is a conservation easement that is very similar to the language of the easement
on the Wallman property. It has been reviewed by our attorneys and, the Society for the
Protection of New Hampshire Forest attorneys, and the Gallaghers. It is in essence, final language.
Mr. Roy stated the conservation easement is effectively a development restriction. Like the
Wallman easement, it allows for commercial agriculture to continue farming as well as timber
harvesting and forestry, hunting and recreation, etc.
Selectman Dill asked if we were paying for this easement. Mr. Roy stated that was correct. Mr.
Roy stated they had an appraisal done of the property about 4 months ago and that appraisal value
of the easement resulted in the amount of $105,000 and we agreed on a payment price for the
easement of $95,000 out of the conservation land fund.
Selectman Dill made a motion that the Town of Northwood accept the conservation
easement with Christopher and Dorothy Gallagher of 33 Winding Hill Road in the Town of
Northwood, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Library Trustees – Memorandum of Understanding – Appointment of Trustee
Mr. Lemire stated that there were 2 issues. He stated that there was a slight mix up in the ballot
this year for Library Trustee. Mr. Lemire explained that Ms. Nichols would be appointed by the
Board of Selectmen. Ms. Ann Kelley, Chair for the Library Trustees, stated that she called Lois
Nichols. Ms. Nichols told her that since she was elected to the Budget Committee and works full
time, she felt that would be all she could handle.
Ms. Kelley stated they would have a vacancy but they do have alternates on the committee, so you
can fill in the trustees with an alternate which is what we have done in the past. Ms. Kelley stated
that one of the alternates was in attendance for the meeting.
Mr. Lemire asked if it was the intention of the trustees to have the board appoint the alternate.
Selectman Dill stated they could do that, and would just need the name of the alternate. Mr.
Lemire stated that since the position being filled is a vacancy, it is only for 1 year and next year
the person will have to run for the remainder of the 2 year term. Ms. Kelley stated that Norma
Heroux would like to take that vacancy for this year, but she will let the board know for sure. Ms.
Heroux was not present but will be returning in June.
Selectman Dill clarified the mix up. Ann Kelley’s name was on the ballot incorrectly showing that
her term was up this year and that was incorrect. Also, Margaret Walker’s name was on the ballot
incorrectly showing that her term was up this year and that was also incorrect.
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
Mr. Lemire stated the second issue is the Memorandum of Understanding. He stated that the
trustees, himself and the facilities committee have been working for several months on a
memorandum which would be acceptable to the town, trustees and the facilities committee. We
are all under the impression this document you have in front of you will work for everyone as far
as the responsibilities of the maintenance of the Library.
Ms. Bunker stated that one point to discuss with the selectmen at this meeting is #13 on your list.
The Library Trustees had originally put down the water system maintenance and salt delivery
would be maintained by the town. The facilities committee recommended that it be maintained by
the Library which is currently happening. Ms. Bunker stated that the water system repairs seemed
a little confusing, so Mr. Lemire suggested adding “ including water system” on #14 to make that
more apparent that minor damages and repairs inside the building would include the water system.
Selectman Dill asked the trustees to explain their thoughts on having the town do the water
system. Ms. Kelley stated that it has been back and forth with the facilities committee and they
felt the Library should be handling it unless there is a major problem. Ms. Kelley also stated that
one of the problems has been in the past when we had a major problem we have nothing in our
budget to handle anything. Ms. Kelley feels this is one way of looking at how we may solve the
issue. She also stated that if we can handle something that is $500.00 fine, but when it is over that
there is nothing in our budget to handle it.
Selectman Dill stated that he meant the actual maintenance of the water system and the salt
delivery since that is what the contentious issue is. Ms. Kelley stated that issue was, who is going
to handle the salt and how is it going to be put in because we do not expect the staff at the library
to handle the large bags of salt and deliver it and put them in the system. She also stated that
originally a person from the facilities committee was going to do that and that did not work out, so
we went back to having the company deliver the salt and now the custodian is putting the salt in.
Discussion continued regarding the salt issue.
Selectman Dill asked if they could continue using the custodian to install the salt. Ms. Bunker
thought they could. Selectman Bryer stated that he did not have a problem with the list. He also
stated that he assumed this was a draft copy of the list and they would actually have a formal
memorandum of understanding that will be signed off by the trustees and the board of selectmen.
Mr. Lemire stated they could do that. Selectman Holden stated that he would like the final draft
distributed to the budget committee.
Selectman Bryer made a motion to accept the Memorandum of Understanding and have the
Town Administrator create a document for signature, seconded by Selectman Holden.
Motion carries; 3/0
Kathleen Coe, Recreation Director – Hiring Lifeguards and Filling Rec. Comm. Vacancy
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
Ms. Coe stated that the Commission requested that the board appoint a new committee member to
the commission because they have one vacant spot. Ms. Coe also stated that Matt Compton who
is present at the meeting, has expressed interest in joining the commission.
Selectman Bryer made a motion to nominate Matthew Comptom as a member of the
Recreation Commission, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Ms. Coe stated that she needs to hire lifeguards and is requesting the approval of the board to hire
the following lifeguards. She also stated that some of these would be rehires and two would be
new hires. Ms. Coe stated that the top 6 on the list are rehires and the bottom 2 are new hires.
Selectman Bryer asked Ms. Coe if this list would fully staff the lifeguard vacancies and is the
salary adequate to retain them. Ms. Coe stated yes at this point.
Selectman Holden asked if these people would be receiving cell phones for emergency use. Ms.
Coe stated they have one cell phone at each beach. Selectman Holden also asked if we would be
instructing them on proper use of the cell phone and it should be restricted to town business. Ms.
Coe replied yes. Selectman Holden stated that large rocks have been removed from Northwood
Lake beach and he has some concerns that there may be some soft spots. He would like someone
from the recreation department to check it out, maybe with the help of the fire department, and
walk around the area and make sure we are not going to have sink holes. Ms. Coe will have this
checked out.
Selectman Dill asked if we would be having swimming lessons at Mary Waldron beach. Ms. Coe
replied yes and one small group at Bennett’s Bridge beach. Ms. Coe had one additional item to
add, different from last year, she would like to hire one of the returning lifeguards as an additional
water safety instructor. She also stated that Stephanie Oles, our beach coordinator, has been our
only water safety instructor. The water safety instructor is the only one certified to teach
swimming lessons. Ms. Coe stated that it would be very helpful to have another water safety
instructor on staff due to the number of lessons that need to be given. Selectman Holden asked if
this would fall in line with her budget. Ms. Coe replied yes.
Selectman Dill made a motion that we rehire the lifeguards as listed by the Recreation
Department and hire the two new lifeguards pending background checks as listed by the
memo from the Recreation Department, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Unfinished Business
No unfinished business
Public Hearings
New Business
Acceptance of Minutes – February 28th meeting
Selectman Dill made a motion to accept the February 28th meeting as written, seconded by
Selectman Bryer. Motion carries; 3/0
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
Assessing Forms/Applications
Selectman Holden made a motion to accept the changes in the assessing items as listed. He
stated that they have 6 land use changes. Map 228, Lot 23:6 in the amount of $6,500.00.
Map 228, Lot 23:6 for acres removed from current use l.500. Map 228, Lot 23:7 in the
amount of $6,500.00. Map 228, Lot 23:7 for acres removed from current use 1.500. Map
228, Lot 23:9 in the amount of $6,500.00. Map 228, Lot 23:9 for acres removed from current
use 1.530, seconded by Selectman Dill. Motion carries; 3/0
Selectman Holden made a motion to approve the Agreement & Release for Map 212, Lot 48,
seconded by Selectman Dill. Motion carries; 3/0
Selectman Holden made a motion to approve the Intent to Excavate for Map 117, Lot 25G,
seconded by Selectman Dill. Motion carries; 3/0
Selectman Holden made a motion to approve the Certification of Yield Taxes Assessed for
Map 228, Lot 3, in the amount of $314.41, seconded by Selectman Dill. Selectman Holden
modified his motion to table this item, seconded by Selectman Dill to table. Motion carries;
Selectman Holden made a motion to accept, as per recommendation of the assessor, a
Veteran’s Credit (100% Disabled), for Map 125, Lot 20, seconded by Selectman Dill.
Motion carries; 3/0
Approval of Manifest(s)
Selectman Dill made a motion to approve the vendor manifest in the amount of $85,155.00,
seconded by Selectman Bryer. Motion carries; 3/0
Selectman Dill made a motion to approve the vendor manifest in the amount of $60,108.66,
seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Purchase Orders
No Purchase Orders
Miscellaneous Reports (Treasurer, Road Agent, Transfer Station)
Nothing to Discuss
Minutes of the Highway Advisory Committee Meeting
Received and placed on file.
Miscellaneous Signatures
Oaths of Office
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
Selectman Dill made a motion to accept the following appointments: The Facilities
Committee: Charlie Comtois, and Russ Eldridge. For the Technology Committee: Ken
Curley, for the Recreation Commission: Matt Compton. For the Highway Advisory
Committee: Robert Knowlton, John Lane as an alternate, Bob Bailey as an alternate,
Charlie Pease to complete Bob Bailey’s unexpired term as a full member, and Greg Bane.
For Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Sharon Ollson. Emergency Management
Committee: Jim Lindquist, Sandy Garrett, Kevin Madison, Bob Young and Dave Copeland.
Agricultural Committee: Alden Dill. Cable Advisory Committee: Ken Curley, Ken Camille
and Renee Camille, seconded by Selectman Bryer. Motion carries; 3/0
Raffle Permit
Mr. Lemire stated he had a raffle permit for the Supporters of the Performing Arts at Coe-Brown.
They will be having a drawing date of May 3, 2012. They will be raffling off a septic system
pumping and Seacoast Repertory Theatre tickets. Selectman Dill made a motion to accept the
raffle permit, seconded by Selectman Bryer. Motion carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated he had a permit for signature from the Northwood Veterans of Foreign Wars to
conduct the annual Memorial Day ceremony. They needed to apply for a permit for Route 4.
Selectman Dill made a motion to accept the application for the parade activity and the state
highway system, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated that Chief Lindquist brought in applications for three new members for the call
force on the fire department and he would like the board’s approval. Mr. Lemire stated the new
members are: Jonathon Duford, Ryan Ayers and Allison P. Lombardo. He also stated all the
applications are complete and the fire chief has signed off and they have been notarized for the
background checks. Selectman Dill made a motion to accept the above call fire fighters
pending background checks, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Request for bids from Facilities Committee
Mr. Lemire stated he had a request for bids to move forward on the projects covered under Article
14, the Town Warrant which are: exterior painting of the town buildings and a new garage door
for the old town barn, survey of Mary Waldron beach and replacement of a propane heater at the
community hall. The facilities committee would like approval to go ahead and put the projects out
to bid. Selectman Dill made a motion to put the projects out to bid, seconded by Selectman
Bryer. Selectman Holden asked if the warrant article was approved. Mr. Lemire stated yes.
Motion carries; 3/0
Request for joint meeting with School Board
Mr. Lemire stated that the Northwood School Board has requested the possibility of a joint
meeting and they have offered four dates which are: April 2nd, April 16th, May 7th or May 21st.
Mr. Lemire stated that he told the school board he would bring these dates to the board for
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
confirmation. Selectman Holden made a motion to meet on April 16, 2012 at 6:00PM at the
school library with the School Board, seconded by Selectman Dill. Motion carries; 3/0.
Acceptance of Pender Rd. and Knowles Way
Mr. Lemire stated that we had the Public Hearing and all we need is the board’s approval. We
have received the final deed and it is notarized. Selectman Dill asked if we have the points on
which we are accepting the roads. Mr. Lemire stated correct and he would notarize it after the
board accepts it and signs it.
Selectman Dill made a motion to formally accept Pender Rd. and Knowles Way as town
roads as laid out in the deed, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0.
Bid for 1993 International Dump Truck
Mr. Lemire stated that we received three bids for the old truck. The high bid was $1800.00 from
Ponderosa Salvage, Gardner & Sons for $1250.00, Chris Lamb for $1500.00. Mr. Lemire stated he
would like approval from the board to move on it. Selectman Dill made a motion to accept the
bid from Ponderosa Salvage at $1800.00, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries;
Town Administrator’s Report
Individual Selectman’s Reports
Selectman Holden – Selectman Holden stated that he is concerned with the amount of repairs
needed on the police cruisers, and he would like staff to keep a list. Mr. Lemire stated that he
would ask all staff members involved to do this. Selectman Holden was going through the
invoices and there were a few large ones. He also stated that it is important that we report to the
budget committee and to the public and keep them advised. Selectman Dill stated that in speaking
with the chief, he had grants for DWI patrols on St. Patrick’s Day and he had more officers than
workable cruisers that night.
Selectman Holden asked that when the invoices come through finance if an excel spread sheet
could be kept. Mr. Lemire asks to recognize the finance administrator. Ms. Garrett stated that
Chief Drolet keeps a maintenance record on each vehicle, so he should have this all in place. Ms.
Garrett can give the total number in the account. Ms. Garrett stated that we can tell which cruisers
are costing us the most on his maintenance records versus the mileage on the cruisers. Mr. Lemire
stated that we would get all the information.
Selectman Holden stated that he applied to attend the selectmen’s institute, but is on a waiting list.
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
Selectman Holden stated that he would like to talk about the road agent report, which lists only
general tasks and hours. Mr. Lemire stated he put out in the list serve of the Municipal Managers
a request for who programs that will document the cost per hour of items done in public works.
Mr. Lemire is waiting to receive any information back. Selectman Holden stated he received a
report for March 5th and March 19th called the Road Agent Report. He also stated that he believes
we have two individuals at 16 hours per day. Selectman Bryer had a suggestion to have them fill
out a manual time sheet. Mr. Lemire stated that they punch a time clock now and there is space on
the card to fill in what they do.
Selectman Holden asked if the tasks that are listed on the report are done by two people. He also
asked about the checking of roads. He would like to know if it is the road agent checking roads or
is it our employee checking roads. Selectman Dill stated he does not understand how he is trying
to separate the road agent and the employee. Selectman Holden explained that we elect the road
agent and he is paid a stipend of $6000.00, and is not sure what the list of duties is but he assumes
one is to check the roads. In addition, we employ an employee for 40 hours a week to perform
services and he thinks they are being co-mingled. Selectman Dill stated that he would agree with
Selectman Holden on that, but does not see a problem. Selectman Holden stated that is where he
and Selectman Dill differ and he is ok with that.
Mr. Lemire stated that he is working on a complete list. Selectman Bryer stated that he actually
thinks that they need to have a discussion this year about going to an appointed road agent.
Discussion continued on the road agent. Selectman Bryer stated that he feels we need to look at
the situation, what the issues are, and how to solve them.
Selectman Holden stated that he had a conflict coming up. He stated that there is a budget
committee meeting on Thursday evening, March 29th at 7:00PM and he is not available.
Selectman Bryer will attend.
Selectman Bryer – Selectman Bryer thinks that based on the fact our budget did not pass are we
going to have a more detailed discussion on our plans. He also stated that the selectmen and the
budget committee recommended step increases; the town voted no, they want the default budget
and he wants to have a discussion on what we do about raises and so forth. Selectman Holden
stated that it was not only the steps and raises, but all the other items also. Selectman Bryer stated
for the record that he supported the step increases and he would like to have a discussion because
of what the ballot results states and being sent the message to level fund. Selectman Dill stated
there is some discussion among the police department about going forward and doing steps
anyways. Selectman Bryer stated that is a discussion that should take place with the Police
Commission and should be mutually agreed upon. He does not feel that it is fair for the police
department to do steps and not do steps for the town employees. Discussion continued on step
increases. Selectman Bryer stated he would like to set up a meeting with the police commission
and state his thoughts on this issue. He also stated the selectman supported putting the police
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
cruiser in the budget and we supported putting it in a warrant article hoping that if one passed the
other would fail so the people had a choice. Selectman Bryer stated that he had one other item.
He would like to put in to attend the GFOA Conference in North Conway.
Selectman Dill – Selectman Dill stated that last Friday, March 23rd, he and the road agent went up
to the White Farm to look at a pick up truck. He also stated the current truck being used is in bad
shape. He feels they would have to put close to $2,000.00 of work into it between tires and
brakes, etc. Selectman Dill stated that they found one at White Farm that is an ex-highway patrol
truck, 2 wheel drive, utility body, F250 for $4750.00. He also stated it has new tires, and seemed
to be all right mechanically. Discussion continues on the truck. Selectman Dill stated they have to
make a decision at tonight’s meeting. Selectman Dill stated they also had a truck that was a four
wheel drive extended cab for around $8300.00. Selectman Dill stated they would vote on this later
on in the week. Selectman Holden made a motion that we authorize the expenditure up to
$10,000.00 for a pick up truck for the Highway Department out of the Highway Expendable
Trust Fund, seconded by Selectman Dill. Motion carries; 3/0.
Citizen’s Forum
Don Arsenault asked Selectman Dill if he was on the Agricultural Committee. Selectman Dill
stated yes. Mr. Arsenault asked when the next meeting was. Selectman Dill told him to contact
Scott Martin because he is the chair.
Mr. Arsenault asked about the ACO, picking up dead animals. Selectman Dill stated that was
going to be brought up in Non-Public for personnel. Selectman Bryer asked why a decision to
pick up dead animals be discussed in Non-Public. Selectman Bryer does not think that is a
personnel issue; it is an operational and health issue. There was no motion for non-public session.
Mr. Lemire stated that he was under the impression that if it was on a state road or off the state
road that the state does the pick ups. Mr. Lemire also stated that the State Supervisor came in to
see him, so he asked him. The State Supervisor stated they do pick up smaller animals on state
roads. Larger animals they do call in Fish & Game and they will come and take the animals. Mr.
Arsenault stated that Fish & Game will only take the animals if the meat is good and will not
touch animals if decay is present.
Mr. Lemire stated that he asked what they do on town roads and he solicited some opinions from
other towns and found out that animal control will pick up live animals or injured animals.
Highway crews will pick up the dead animals on town roads. Mr. Lemire stated he made a
decision that as far as he is concerned, that the highway crew picks up dead animals and animal
control will pick up live or injured animals. Discussion continued on picking up animals.
Mr. Arsenault stated that if anyone is going to be handling these animals, you have to take into
consideration that they should have the pre-rabies shots. Mr. Lemire stated that he has told the
highway crew that anyone handling the animals would need the shots and that our insurance
carrier would support it, but he is not sure financially if they would cover the cost. He also stated
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
that we have a line item in the budget that would be used for it and he would support that.
Discussion continued.
Non-Public Session
Selectman Dill made a motion to go into non-public session at 7:52 p.m. under RSA 91-A:3
II c, seconded by Selectman Holden.
Roll Call Vote:
Selectman Bryer – Yes
Selectman Dill – Yes
Selectman Holden - Yes
Selectman Dill made a motion to come out of non-public session at 8:37 p.m., seconded by
Selectman Bryer. Motion carries; 3/0.
Selectman Bryer made a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session, seconded by
Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0.
Mr. Lemire stated the first item was a request from Lake Shore Farm. Selectman Bryer made a
motion to deny their requests, seconded by Selectman Dill. Motion carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated the second item was the settlement proposal, Map 118, Lot 5, just your
concurrence to agree. Selectman Holden so moved, seconded by Selectman Bryer. Motion
carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated that the third item was a tax agreement as recommended by the finance
administrator, Map 109, Lot 97. Selectman Holden so moved, seconded by Selectman Bryer.
Motion carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated that item four is to accept a court settlement agreement in an assessing case
between the town and one of its residences, Map 109, Lot 26. Selectman Bryer so moved,
seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated the next item was an ambulance bill to be waived. Selectman Bryer made a
motion to waive $500.00 with the balance of $44.92 to be paid by the party, seconded by
Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated the next item is to abate taxes and interest. Mr. Lemire stated that this was
going to be tabled for further information. Selectman Bryer made a motion to table this item
until the next meeting, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Mr. Lemire stated the final item was Map 105, Lot 2, requesting a tax agreement. Selectman
Bryer made a motion to deny, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries; 3/0
Northwood Board of Selectmen
Minutes of March 27, 2012
Selectman Bryer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Selectman Holden. Motion carries;
3/0, at 8:48 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane L. Young,
Municipal Secretary