SELECTMEN Minutes 01-15-15

Town of Oxford
Board of Selectmen
January 16th, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Floyd Thayer. Other members present
were, Scott Owens (Vice-Chair), James Goforth, Roger Jackson and Peter Laverdiere. Also present were
Town Manager Michael Chammings, Town Clerk Sheila Cole and five members of the public. One
reporter was present. Also present was Brent Bridges from Woodard & Curran. Chairman Floyd Thayer
led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Selectmen Meeting
3. Action on MinutesA. January 15th, 2015 Vice-Chair Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Selectman
James Goforth to accept as presented the minutes of 12/18/2014 Selectmen’s Meeting.
B. January 15th, 2015 Vice-Chair Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Selectman
James Goforth to accept as presented the minutes of 12/30/2014 Special Selectmen’s Meeting.
Motion passed 5-0.
4. Adjustments to the Agenda- Motion made by Vice-Chair Scott Owens to add to the agenda under 8.
New Business: (E) Bond Amendment-Wastewater Treatment Facility, which was seconded by
Selectman James Goforth.
Motion passed 5-0.
5. Manager’s Update/Report – Town Manager’s Report was verbal. Present to speak during Town
Manager’s Report was Brent Bridges from Woodard & Curran reporting on the status of the Town’s
Wastewater Treat Facility & Collection System Project. For more information on this please listen to
recording for full dialogue and/or request via email a copy of status update report from Woodard &
Town Manager Michael Chammings also reported on Capital Improvement, Welchville Dam Project,
Motel, and an invitation from the Town of Bridgton and the Maine Municipal’s take on the Governor’s
proposed budget. For full dialogue listen to recording.
6. Questions/Comments from the Public- Received one question from Oxford Resident Lois Pike
regarding CO-2 Testers for Fire Department and doing a presentation pertaining to them. Please listen to
recording for full dialogue.
7. Questions/Comments from the Selectmen- Vice-Chair Scott Owens asked that the CO-2 Tester
information for the Fire Department be put on the agenda to be discussed. Town Manager Michael
Chammings will also put on the agenda for Lois Pike to do her presentation regarding the CO-2 Testers.
For full dialogue on this please listen to the recording, as well as other questions and comments by the
Select Board.
8. New BusinessA. Liquor License-Pizza Hut:
Motion made by Vice-Chair Scott Owens to approve liquor license renewal for Pizza Hut, which was
seconded by Selectman Peter Laverdiere.
Motion passed 5-0
B. Pawn Brokers License (Renewal)-Pa’s Trading Co.
Motion made by Vice-Chair Scott Owens to approve the pawn brokers license for Pa’s Trading Co.;
which was seconded by Selectman Peter Laverdiere.
Motion passed 5-0
C. Abatement(s)-Richard Cyr Map U31 Lot 004
Assessor’s Agent Donna Hays recommended to deny it. Motion made by Vice-Chair Scott Owens to
deny the abatement request of Richard Cyr; which was seconded by Selectman Roger Jackson.
Motion passed 5-0.
D. Donation(s)-From Bernard & Joyce Reiner for Keep Oxford Warm Account
Motion made by Vice-Chair Scott Owens to accept the donation, which was seconded by Selectman
Roger Jackson.
Motion passed 5-0
E. Bond Amendment-Wastewater Treatment Facility
Motion made by Vice-Chair to amend the $8,000,000 Bond Anticipation Note dated August 22, 2014,
and awarded to Androscoggin Bank, Lewiston, Maine by changing the maturity date to January 30 th,
2016, as shown on the attached Allonge, which is hereby adopted as if fully stated herein, and further to
authorize the Treasurer and Chairperson of the Board of Selectmen to execute said Allonge and all other
documentation necessary to complete said amendment. All other terms and conditions as stated in said
Bond Anticipation Note will remain the same; which was seconded by Selectman Peter Laverdiere.
Motion passed 5-0.
9. Sign Warrants #58, #60, #62 & #64
Vice-Chair Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Selectman Roger Jackson to approve
and sign warrants #58, #60, #62, & #64. Motion Passed 4-0.
10. Executive Session-Not Needed
11. AdjournmentMotion made by Vice-Chair Scott Owens to adjourn the Selectmen’s Meeting, which was seconded by
Selectman Peter Laverdiere. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:13 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheila A. Cole
Town Clerk of Oxford