ITEC 100: Introduction to Information Technology

ITEC 100: Introduction to Information Technology
Sections 11 and 12, On the Web
INSTRUCTORS: Mr. John Hildreth and Mr. Charley Cosmato
PHONE: 831-6594 (John) or 831-6597 (Charley)
OFFICE: McConnell Library Technology in Learning Center
E-MAIL: and (please use ITEC 100 in the subject line)
- Computer Concepts by June Jamrich Parsons and Dan Oja (7th Edition, 2004 Course Technology)
- Microsoft Office 2003 by Thompson Course Technology (w/ companion SAM training CD-ROM)
- SAM/TOM Microsoft Office Online Training System (
The goal of this course is to familiarize you with basic concepts and applications in Information
Technology. This class is to be conducted asynchronously, meaning that it is delivered via the Web using
RU’s WebCT online course management system. This means that you, the student, are responsible for
logging into WebCT in order to access course materials, take quizzes (when assigned), submit assignments,
and interact with your instructors and/or fellow students when necessary.
From time to time, the class will meet to watch a movie or attend a workshop that is relevant to what we are
studying. You will be notified ahead of time when this occurs, and if attendance is required.
This course section assumes that you possess basic computing abilities such as mousing, typing, using
e-mail, and browsing the Web. If you are uncomfortable with the conduct of this course, you are
advised to transfer to another section before the end of the first week of classes.
Using WebCT
You can access WebCT using the RU Highlander Connection Portal (
When you log onto the portal and click on the WebCT button, you will see a link for your ITEC 100 class.
Click on it to access the course homepage.
Use the WebCT site to view lesson units and materials, take quizzes, submit assignments, and to interact
with your instructors and fellow students via chat and threaded discussion. The links on the course
homepage are as follows:
Virtual Office – Use this page to chat with your instructors during virtual office hours, or to chat
with fellow students anytime of the day or night.
About Your Instructors – Information about your teachers.
Syllabus – Click this link to view the course syllabus (the document you are currently reading!).
Assignments – Use this page to upload assignments, and to access information regarding them.
Assignments will become available with each corresponding lesson unit.
Lesson Units – Use this page to access assignment activities (video content, ‘how-to’
demonstrations, tutorials, etc.), and to see if any textbook readings, quizzes or assignments are
required for the current unit. New lesson units will typically become available each week,
although we may spend over a week on a few of them. In addition, you will receive an e-mail
reminder when new lesson units become available on the Lesson Units page.
Quizzes – Use this page to take quizzes. Not all units require them, but some will. Quizzes will be
based primarily upon readings, so make sure you go over the bold-face terms and concepts in each
assigned reading. Quizzes will be made available with each corresponding unit. You may take a
quiz as many times as you like prior to its deadline and your highest recorded score will be
retained for your grade.
My Grades – This will display a running total of your grade as you complete quizzes and as
assignments you turn in are graded.
Take A Break – Use this page to access short videos, music, games or other fun content whenever
you need a break from working. New material will be put up from time to time.
Attendance Policy
None! Log on to the class website on your own time. It is perfectly fine to do your assignments at 1am in
your underwear while eating ice cream and listening to your favorite music with your favorite movie
playing in the background. Just make sure you keep up with the pace of the class by getting assignments
and quizzes completed by their deadlines!
Submitting Assignments
Each project assignment will have a specific due date, which is noted on the ‘Lesson Units’ page for each
unit. You are responsible for uploading assignments to the class website by the due date (using the
‘Assignments’ page). WebCT will log what time you upload files, in addition to how often you log on to
the site.
If you need to speak with an instructor, use the e-mail addresses or phone numbers at the top of this page.
In addition, virtual office hours will be held Monday mornings from 10:00-11:50am (when the class
would normally meet). The Instructors will be in the ITEC 100 Virtual Office at that time, so you can login
and chat from anywhere. Also, you can arrange to meet fellow students to chat in one of the ITEC 100
rooms in the virtual office at any time.
Students are also welcome to set an appointment to come by the instructor’s offices in the TLC (4 th floor of
the Library).
From time to time, you may receive an e-mail regarding online chats, threaded discussions or extra credit
opportunities. If the Instructor holds a chat on the class website, you will be notified if class participation is
This class will meet for three exams during the course of the semester, and a final exam on Wednesday,
May 4, from 2-4pm in Davis 151. You will need a number 2 pencil.
Course Content Overview
As stated before, Lesson Units in WebCT will be made available each week as we begin them (although it
is possible that we may spend more than a week on a few units). Availability of lesson units (as well as
quizzes and assignments) are noted on the respective page for each area in WebCT. In addition, you will
receive an e-mail reminder when a lesson unit becomes available.
The table on the following page outlines the lesson units we will cover in this course, as well as the
corresponding assignments and quizzes for each. Other assignment activities will be noted as new lesson
units are begun. Below is a breakdown of assignments and quizzes:
Architecture and Hardware Components
Basic Operating Skills
Word Processing
Assignments, Quizzes and Points
2 Quizzes (14 pts); Mr. Computer Head assignment
4 Quizzes (28 pts); File Management 101
assignment (20 pts); URL Game (5 pts)
Formatting a Word Document assignment (20 pts)
Libraries and Electronic Research
Graphics and Presentation
Legal, Ethical and Historical Issues
Mathematical Reasoning
Web Technology and Networks
Tools for Teaching and Learning
Emerging Technologies
Attend an Electronic Research workshop at
McConnell Library (15 pts)
1 Quiz (17 pts); PowerPoint assignment(s) (20 pts)
2 Quizzes (20 pts); Attend a movie screening in
class (2 sessions, 30 pts); Short Paper (10 pts);
‘CopyRight’ Practice Quiz (5 pts); Threaded
discussion (5 pts)
1 Quiz (7 pts); Binary Math assignment (5 pts);
Flowchart assignment (20 pts)
1 Quiz (7 pts); Spreadsheet assignment(s) (20 pts)
1 Quiz (8 pts); Database assignment(s) (20 pts)
3 Quizzes (21 pts)
1 Quiz (10 pts)
1 Quiz (7 pts); Digital Diary assignment (30 pts)
4. 4 EXAMS (INCLUDING FINAL) = 160 POINTS (40 each)
≥ 490 points earned = 90% A
≥ 435 points earned = 80% B
≥ 381 points earned = 70% C
≥ 326 points earned = 60% D
≤ 321 points earned = 59% or less, F