Lickey Hills Primary School Contexts for Learning Key Stage 2 Geography History Art & Design Breadth of study Breadth of study Breadth of study Localities: 6a A locality in the UK b A locality in a country that is less economically developed Themes: c Water and its effects on landscapes and people, including: the physical features of rivers or coasts and the processes of erosion and deposition that affect them d How settlements differ and change, including why they differ in size and character, and an issue arising from change in land-use e An environmental issue caused by a change in the environment and attempts to manage the environment sustainably. 7. How an aspect in the local area has changed over time, or how the locality was changed by a significant event, or development or a significant individual. 9. An overview of how society was shaped by movement and settlement prior to the Norman conquest and an in depth study of the effect on society by Roman or Anglo Saxon or Viking settlement 10. Britain and the wider world in Tudor times. Events and individuals, including Tudor monarchs. Everyday lives of men women and children. 11. Victorian Britain or Britain since 1930. A Significant Victorian individuals, events and changes in work and transport. The lives of men women and children. B The impact of the Second World War or social and technological changes since 1930. 12. European History Life, beliefs and achievements in Ancient Greece and their influence on the world today. 13. World History chosen from: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer, the Assyrian Empire, the Indus Valley, the Maya, Benin or the Aztecs. 5a Explore a range of starting points for practical work (E.g. themselves, experiences, images, stories, drama, music natural and man-made objects and environments) 5b Working independently and collaborating with others on projects in 2d and 3d and on different scales 5c Using a range of materials and processes, including ICT (E.g. painting, collage, print making, digital media, textiles, sculpture) 5d Investigating different kinds of art, craft and design (E.g. in the locality, in original and reproduction form, during visits to museums, galleries and sites, on the internet) 7a In the study of localities and themes, pupils should: a study at a range of scales: Local, regional and national b study a range of places beyond immediate locality ( e.g. UK, Europe) c carry out fieldwork outside the classroom - NC programme of study Design Technology Breadth of study Music 5a Investigating and evaluating a range of familiar products, thinking about how they work, how they are used and the views of people who use them 5a A range of musical activities that integrate performing, composing and appraising 5b Focused Practical Tasks that develop a range of techniques, skills, processes and knowledge 5c Designing and making assignments using a range of materials, including electrical and mechanical components, food, mouldable materials, stiff and flexible sheet materials, and textiles. Breadth of study b Responding to a range of musical and non-musical starting points c Working independently and in groups of different sizes and as a class d Using ICT to capture, change and combine sounds e A range of live and recorded music from different times and cultures PSHE & Citizenship Breadth of study Science RE ICT Breadth of study Breadth of Study Breadth of Study 1 Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities e.g. looking after the environment, acting as a peer to younger pupils 2 Preparing to take an active role as citizens e.g. debate topical issues, rules, bullying, racism, democracy 3 Developing a healthy, safer lifestyle e.g. exercise and healthy eating, drugs, puberty, peer pressure 4 Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people e.g. points of view, values, customs, relationships, stereotypes, responding to bullying 5a Take responsibility b Feel positive about themselves c Participate d Make real choices and decisions e Meet and talk with people f develop relationships g consider social and moral dilemmas h Find information and advice i Prepare for change 1.1 Scientific Enquiry a Explain how living and non-living things work. Establish links between causes and effects. b Test ideas using evidence, observation and measurement. 2.1 Life processes and living things a Humans and other animals including: Nutrition Circulation Movement Growth and reproduction Health b plants including: Growth and nutrition Reproduction c Variation and classification. Living things in their environment Adaptation Feeding relationships Micro-organisms 3.1 Materials and their properties Grouping and classifying materials Changing materials Separating mixtures of materials 4.1 Physical Processes Electricity Simple circuits Forces and Motion Types of force Light and Sound Everyday effects of light Seeing Vibration and sound The earth and beyond The sun, earth and moon. Periodic changes A systematic study of Christianity Hinduism (Y3/4) Islam Sikhism (Y5/6) Develop a coherent understanding of each faith and its distinctive features. Identify ideas and practices share by religions. Reflect upon own and others experiences. Through Beliefs Expression and celebration Living and belonging The search for meaning and purpose 5a Work with a range of information to consider its characteristics and purposes. (e.g. collecting factual data from the internet, comparing class data) b Work with others to explore a variety of information sources and ICT (e.g. searching the internet, using variety of software, using a digital camera) c Investigating and comparing the uses of ICT inside and outside school. Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & understanding Knowledge & Understanding 1 Enquiry and skills Ask questions, collect, record and analyse evidence. Identify and explain different viewpoints. Communicate ideas in a variety of forms. 2 Use appropriate vocabulary, fieldwork techniques and sources of information. Use atlases, globes and maps and draw maps and plans using a range of scales. Use ICT including photography. Make decisions. 3 Places a Identify and describe what places are like b Location c Describe where places are d Why places are like they are e How and why places change f How and why places are similar or different from other places in the same country or the world g Recognise how places fit in context and are interdependent 4 Patterns and processes a Explain patterns made by physical and human features in the environment b Recognise physical and human processes and explain how these cause changes to the environment 5 Environmental change and the environment a How people can change the environment or damage it. 1a Place events, people and changes into correct periods of time. b Use dates and vocabulary relating to the passing of time. 1 Exploring and Developing Ideas a Record from firsthand evidence, experience and imagination for a variety of purposes b Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points for work c Collect visual and other information to develop ideas, including using a sketchbook 2 Investigating and Making a Investigate and combine visual and tactile qualities and match them to the purpose of their work b Apply and develop use of tools and techniques, including drawing c Design and make images and artefacts that communicate observations, ideas and feelings by using a variety of methods 3. Evaluating a Compare methods and ideas used in their own and others’ work and say what they think and feel b Adapt work in response to their views and describe how they may develop it further 4a How visual and tactile elements including colour, pattern , texture, line, tone, shape, form can be combined b How materials and processes can be matched to ideas and intentions. 1 a Generate ideas after thinking about who will use them and what they will be used for, using information from a number of sources. b Develop and explain ideas clearly with design objectives c Plan, suggesting a sequence of actions or alternatives if needed d Communicate design ideas in different ways 2a Select tools, techniques and materials b Suggest alternative ways of making a product if the first attempt fails c Explore the sensory qualities of materials and how to use them. d Measure, mark out, cut and shape materials accurately e Use finishing techniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of the product. F Follow safe procedures for food safety and hygiene 3a Reflect on work in relation to intended use (and users) and identify improvements needed, b Carry out appropriate tests first c Recognise quality depends on how something is made and if it meets its intended use. 4a Learn how the working characteristics of materials affect the way they are used b Learn how materials can be combined and mixed to create more 1 Controlling sounds through singing and playing – performing skills: a Sing with clear diction, pitch, phrase and musical expression. b Play tuned and untuned instruments with control and accuracy. c Perform to audiences. 2 Creating and developing musical ideas – composing: a Improvise, developing rhythmic and melodic material when performing. b Explore, choose and organise musical ideas within musical structures. 3 Responding and reviewing – appraising: a Analyse and compare sounds b Talk about ideas and feelings in relation to music using musical vocabulary. c Improve own work. 4 Listening and applying knowledge and understanding: a Listen and recall b Know how the combined elements of pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, texture and silence can be organised to communicate different moods and effects. c Know how music is produced in different ways. d How time and place can influence the way music is created, performed and heard. 1 Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities: Talk about their opinions and explain their views. Identify positive things about themselves and setting personal goals. Making responsible choices. Puberty and changes in emotions. Jobs and developing skills for the future. Looking after money and saving for the future. 2 Preparing to play an active role as citizens: Research, discuss and debate issues and events. Why we have rules and laws and how they are made. Anti-social behaviour, bullying, racism. Responsibilities in communities. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues. Resolving differences. Democracy. Voluntary, community and pressure groups. National, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the UK. Economic choices. Sustainability of the environment. Media. 3 Developing a healthy lifestyle: Exercise and healthy eating Bacteria and viruses. Body changes with puberty. Drugs their effects and 1.2 Investigative skills Ask questions and decide how to find answers. Use a variety of sources for information. Predict and plan equipment. Make a fair test. Consider risks. Make and check observations and measurements. Use a range of methods to communicate data 2.2 Humans & other animals: Teeth Food and a healthy diet The heart and circulation Exercise and pulse rates Skeletons and muscles Human life cycle Effects of drugs Exercise and health 2.3 Plants: The effects of light, air, water and temperature Parts of a plant and their roles 2.4 To classify/group animals and plants using keys 2.5 Protecting living things and the environment Habitats Food chains Beneficial and harmful micro organisms. Beliefs: The main beliefs of the Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh religions about God, encounters with God and the relationships between God and human beings. Sacred writings, their importance and how they are used. Expression and celebration: Worship, symbolic expression and celebration. Buildings, actions, prayers and pilgrimages. Visits to places of worship. Living and Belonging: Commitment to beliefs, lifestyles. Origins, requirements and observance of religious codes of conduct. Values and relationships. The search for meaning and purpose: Reflect upon and investigate questions and the answers given to these questions by religious groups. Reflect upon own and others experiences in relation to key events. Alternatives and conflicts e.g. selfishness and compassion, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. Justice and injustice, life and death. 1 Finding things out: a Talk about what information they need and how they can find and use it. b Prepare information for development using ICT, including selecting suitable sources, finding information, classifying and checking. c Interpret information, to check it is relevant and reasonable and to think about what might happen if there were any errors or omissions. 2 Developing ideas and making things happen: a How to develop and refine ideas by bringing together, organising and reorganising, text tables, images and sound. b To create, test, improve and refine sequences of instructions to make things happen and to monitor events and respond to them. c To use simulations and explore models in order to answer ‘What if…?’ questions, to investigate and evaluate the effect of changing values and to identify patterns and relationships. 3 Exchanging and sharing information: a To share and exchange information in various forms including email. b To be sensitive to the needs of the audience and think carefully about content 2a Characteristic features of the periods and societies studied, including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiences of men, women and children. b Social, ethnic, cultural, religious diversity of the societies studied c Identify and describe reasons for, and results of events and changes d Describe and make links between events, and changes across periods 3a Recognise the past is represented and interpreted in different ways, and give reasons for this. 4a Use a variety of sources to find out about events, people and changes b Ask and answer questions. Select and record relevant information 5a Recall, select and organise information b Use dates and historical vocabulary to describe the period c Communicate their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways 3 Materials and their properties 3.1 Compare/describe everyday materials and their properties Insulation Electrical conductors Solids liquids and gases 3.2 Changes to materials by mixing, Environment and peoples lives b Managing environments, sustainability Getting involved in environmental issues c Artists, crafts people and designers from different times and cultures. Paula Rudd Lickey Hills Primary School 2006 useful properties c Learn how mechanisms can be used to make things move in different ways, using a range of equipment, including ICT control programs d Learn how electrical circuits, including those with switches, can be used risks. Keeping safe. Peer pressure. Asking for help. Rules to keep safe. Emergency first aid. 4 Developing relationships and respecting differences: How actions affect themselves and others, feelings and other peoples points of view. Lives of people in other places and times and different values and customs. Relationships. Nature and consequence of aggression, racism, bullying etc. Differences and similarities between people. Where to get help and support. heating, cooling, dissolving, melting, boiling, evaporating The water cycle Reversible and non reversible changes 3.3 Separating solid particles by: Sieving, dissolving, filtering, evaporating 4 Physical Processes 4.1 Electricity Construct circuits using a variety of switches and changing circuits to make them more effective Representing circuits using drawings and symbols 4.2 Forces and Motion Magnets and magnetic materials Gravity Friction and air resistance Opposing pushes and pulls Measuring force and direction 4.3 Light & sound Movement of light and reflection Eyes and light Vibration Changing the pitch and loudness of sound Sound and the ear 4.4 The earth and beyond Shadows The sun and times of day Earths axis and its orbit of the sun and the orbit of the moon and quality when communicating information. 4 Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses: a Review what they and others have done to help them develop ideas. b Describe and talk about the effectiveness of their work with ICT, comparing it with other methods and considering the effect it has on others. c Talk about how they could improve future work.