Julia Thatcher
Ms. Boggs
Advanced Composition Period 2
29 Nov. 2011
“Green” has become a brand name of its own. If it is not green, it is not cool. Items from asphalt, to hats, to the little caps on plastic water bottles are “going green” in a movement that has taken the world by storm. In part, due to the effort to create a society that is sustainable but also because hipster lifestyles also know as modern day hippies are so popularly portrayed in the media and television. As a distance runner, I see opportunities for change every day. Living in the desert, water is a necessity for every runner, amounting to thousands of bottles tossed in backs of cars, trashcans, left on the track, or even on the trail. In an effort to create a better environment for future generations, choosing to recycle and reuse water bottles helps to sustain our environment.
The statistics and facts of the harmful effects of plastic bottles are enough to command attention to the situation, yet few people are aware. “Plastic bottles take 700 years to begin decomposition, 80% of bottled water is not recyclable” (Green Upgrader). This evidence should be enough to motivate people to riot in the streets, as it seems everyone has a cause to riot in the streets nowadays. Runners grab your pre protein workout bars, your Garmin watches, and reusable bottled water, it is time to occupy ….the track. If everyone chose to reuse water bottles, society would be far more sustainable as a large amount of waste is eliminated from our landfills.
As a teenager, I agree that this idea is less than ideal, often forgetful, I am forced to run back across the track after a six-mile run to grab my water bottle because I left it there after my stretches. A problem most of my teammates do not share because I am one of the few that chooses to reuse my water bottle. However, by making this conscience choice I am helping to keep my environment clean. To make a choice like this takes determination and commitment, it is easy to make the right decision when it is easy and convenient. I will admit that I have lost a few reusable water bottle because of my lack of remembrance, but knowing I am contributing to making a better future not only for myself, but also for my children, is worth the few extra dollars to replace them.
The impact that reusing water bottles can have on the environment is astonishing, and almost unbelievable. Green Upgrader reported that, 24 million gallons of oil is needed to produce a billion plastic bottles. Each year 38 million of these plastic bottles go to the dump from
American water bottles alone, not including any soda bottles. It may be years before my generation becomes the dominate leaders, but in an effort to set ourselves up for success I urge my peers to not only recycle but to reuse.
Choosing to reuse and recycle is choosing to create a sustainable environment for years to come. This decision is one that we can look forward to and the repercussions of choosing not to reuse and recycle will be evident in the very near future. Sustainability is a large and frightening word, however looking at simple tasks such as reusing a water bottle can show that anyone can implement the importance of sustainability into their everyday lives. Changing one simple habit can make a big impact on our future for generations to come. This year, really show you care; buy your loved ones a few recycle water bottles and a bottlebrush for the Holidays.
Works Cited
"Plastic Bottle Facts Make You Think Before You Drink. GreenUPGRADER." GreenUPGRADER.
Sustainable Products, Ideas & DIYs to Help You on the Path to Green Living . Web. 03 Dec.
"Recycling Plastic Bottles." Benefits of Recycling . Web. 03 Dec. 2011.