Chinese I


Chinese 4

World Languages Department f à n

,范 l ǎ o

,老 sh ī




Classroom 105, x257

Course Syllabus

 This form should be placed in the front of the student’s binder for reference throughout the year.


The study of the Chinese Language will provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential to becoming an effective participant in an increasingly diverse society.

This course is the transition course from elementary Chinese to intermediate Chinese. It aims to prepare students to have more confidence in their skill in listening, speaking, reading and writing Chinese. The student will be able to understand longer narratives and sustain comprehension through inferences in short communications with native speakers. (S)he will improve his or her ability to write paragraphs describing situations in pictures, usning intermediate vocabulary and more complicated structures.

Course Materials

Text: Learn Chinese with Me, Student Book 3, People’s Education Press

*At no point will students be allowed to write in the textbook, as they are in limited supply and must be used by next year’s students! You must come up with the answers yourselves, so allow others the privilege of doing the same.

Recommended but optional:


Oxford Chinese Dictionary. Manser, Martin H. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2004.

ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary. DeFrancis, John, ed.

Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003.

Commonly-used Chinese Proverbs:

ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs. Rohsenow, John D. Honolulu:

University of Hawaii Press, 2002.

Web Resources:





Growing up with Chinese: se/program/index.shtml

Course Content

In the fourth year Chinese, students continue to learn to communicate orally through selected functions and topics. The students learn to communicate through the three modes of communication: Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational modes.

Students learn to apply grammatical principles of the language to form new sentences in meaningful exchanges and real world situations. Students will also begin using cognitive-academic language. In Chinese, ability to distinguish between the modern vernacular and classical literary language (which often appears in poetry) should also be developed. Cultural information about China is integrated through various languagebased activities focusing on the perspective, practices, and products of the Chinese language.

Specific Content Skills

Communicate orally on selected topics related to self, family, school, friends, leisure, and food

Distinguish between the vowel and consonant sounds and symbols of English and those of the foreign language—and the use of the character system

Listen to the target language using the interpretive mode of communication

Interpret text and conversation while responding orally with proper pronunciation in the FL to: teacher or recorded questions based on text, curriculum topics, themes, authentic materials, interactions initiated in the classroom relating to everyday situations in the foreign culture

Read with understanding materials in selected text, dialogues, magazines, selected poems and poetry, reading selections, as well as those reading s created by the teachers using familiar vocabulary and grammar

Recognize the meaning of some new words in reading passages through context as found in beginning level magazines, poems, and selected reading passages

Write sentences from oral practice, dictation, selected real-life scenarios using correct spelling, including accent marks

Write several sentences giving information about oneself or a friend

Describe a friend and basic objects that are selected by the teacher

Demonstrate knowledge of the basic structure of the foreign language, such as characters, components, and radicals

Discuss in English or the FL similarities and differences between American and the foreign culture with respect to customs, holidays, foods, education, etc

Use discussion and authentic materials to help students refine their perspective on the target culture and to interpret meaning of current events, historical moments, cultural practices and products

To write in-class letters in Chinese without the help of a dictionary

To sustain coherent structures in relatively familiar communicative situations

To employ time words or particles for future and past references in conversations

To comprehend more complicated sentence structures and high frequency connectors forming complex sentences

To express present, future and past ideas with greater ease

To describe in detail somewhat increasingly complicated expressions regarding feelings, opinions, temporal relationships, and spatial and consequential relationships.

General Academic Skills:

Reinforce study habits regarding vocabulary maintenance and acquisition, adoption of the review process as an effective study tool

Focus on precision in word choice

Reinforce use of library and multi-media resources for research assignments

Critical Thinking Skills: information

Can identify criteria to organize

Can paraphrase in the target language accurately

Can distinguish between possible and probable consequences

Can check consistency

Can distinguish between fact and opinion

Can make informed judgments


The foreign language grading policy for the Charles H. Flowers High School is as follows:

100-90 A

89-80 B

79-70 C

69-60 D

59-below E

Breakdown of Final Grade

Grading in this class will be broken down into three sections: Assessment (45%), Class

Work (35%) and Homework (20%). Warm-ups will fall under the Class Work section.

The final exam at the end of the year is 100 points, but entered twice into School Max, so it will have double the impact on a student’s grade. This is a mandate for all World

Language courses.

The World Languages Department asks its teachers to use what we call the 5 C’s when creating or grading any assignment. While these categories do not affect a student’s grades directly, it is important to understand what is looked for by the instructor.


The Communication portion encompasses any activity having solely to do with speaking the language. For example: oral presentations, discussions, conversations, etc.


The Cultures portion encompasses any activity whose primary concern is with the target country’s food, music, celebrations, art, etc.


The Connection portion encompasses current events, geography, mathematics, biographies, history, etc.


The Comparisons portion encompasses any and all comparisons made between our own culture and China’s culture, including foods, vocabulary, holidays, etc.


The Communities portion encompasses surveys, videos, simulated community activities, etc.

Quarterly Topics:

By the end of quarter one, students will:

 Demonstrate competency in objectives presented during Chinese Level Three.

 Describe different customs and environments using

喜欢 ,x ĭ huan, 摆 bǎi .

 Describe holiday activities using

猜 cāi (guess),

寄 jì (post),

贴 tiē (paste up)

 Discuss different foods using

开 kāi ,

过 guo ,

尝 cháng ,

使用 sh ĭ yong

 Discuss plans and giving using

打算 dasuan ,

送 song ,

想 xiang

 Demonstrate understanding and employ proper use of grammar constructs

(doubled verbs, continuous action, desire and past) in context

By the end of quarter two, students will:

 Give and take instructions, including

(jie, to give up)

 Express emotions, including


 Discuss health and medicine

 Express how to do things with




 Use idioms and expressions to express contradiction:



 Describe results using


By the end of quarter three, students will:

 Use “

” and “




…” to analyze a recipe

 Demonstrate an ability to remind others not to forget something

 Use “

” and “

” to express themselves in a manner that suggests they consider something is not so right

 Retell an argument which happened between others

 Use “

” to express themselves in a manner that suggests they are in a fed up with something

 Interpret a sarcastic article, understanding the linguistic undertones

By the end of quarter four, students will:

 Be able to give suggestions about how to improve something

 Use the preposition “

” to express a feeling of being unsatisfied

 Be able to give somebody a warning

 Formally inquire about a price, reserve an airline ticket

 Use “

” when discussing traveling

 Demonstrate a comprehension of the characteristics guiding Chinese periodicals

 Show an understanding of what was learned during the prior three quarters

Special Days

If the class continues on schedule, there will be special days incorporated to enhance the course curriculum. These may include, but are not limited to: course-related films, picture slides and film clips, guest speakers, mini-lessons on Chinese painting and/or calligraphy, an exploration of Chinese music and musical instruments, the celebration of

Chinese holidays, and a day for Chinese snacks and games.
