Chinese New Year 2

Chinese New Year
What is your date of birth? Write it in numbers.
What is your Chinese horoscope sign? Does it match your birth date?
Choose 3 other people in the group write their name below, date of
birth and their sign.
Write an overview of your horoscope in the year of the horse. What
does it say about your health, wealth and career prospects and
anything else in general?
Make sure you write your name, date of birth and Chinese sign as the
main heading.
Use capital letters at the beginning of sentences and make sure you
use capital I when writing mid sentences such as ‘I went for a walk’
instead of ‘i went for a walk’.
Use full stops and commas in sentences. Read the information to check
it makes sense.
Write your overview. Use lined paper to do this task.
Now write about three other chosen people in your group. Make sure
you write their name date of birth and their Chinese sign as the main
heading. (Use lined paper). Remember to use capital letters and
punctuation correctly and that the writing makes sense.
Read the article about history of Chinese New Year and answer the
questions below. This is on Chinese New Year 1 document.
Copy the questions below on lined paper and write your answers.
When did the New Year celebrations start?
When does the New Year take place?
Which emperor established the first New Year?
Which dynasty did he belong to?