EASTWICK AND GILSTON PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN MARK ORSON 89 PYE CORNER GILSTON NR HARLOW HERTS CM20 2RD TELEPHONE 01279 453257 Email: marko@btinternet.com PARISH CLERK CHRISTINE LAW 9 CHURCH COTTAGES GILSTON NR HARLOW HERTS CM20 2RH TELEPHONE 01279 411646 Email: christine.law2@btinternet.com DRAFT EASTWICK AND GILSTON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING ON MONDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 2015, 8.00PM, VILLAGE HALL, PYE CORNER. PRESENT: Cllrs Geddes, Hughes, Orson, In attendance: Christine Law (Parish Clerk), Robert Brunton (District Councillor), one member of the public PUBLIC PARTICIPATION a. Water leak next to highway opposite St Mary’s Gilston – Affinity Water has completed their repair but further work is required to repair a drainage pipe before back filling. Cllr Orson will contact Highways about this matter. This part of the meeting closed at 8.10pm and the Parish Council Business meeting commenced. 53. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllrs Litvinov and Olsen 54.RECEIVE COUNCILLOR’S DECLARATION OF INTERESTS. a. None received. 55.MINTUES FOR APPROVAL b. Minutes of the business meeting of the 12th October 2015 were proposed by Cllr Geddes and seconded by Cllr Hughes. These were signed as a true record by Chairman Cllr Orson. 56. ACCOUNTS a. The Clerks report to the Council of Accounts was agreed (copy attached to these minutes). b. Budget and Precept for 2016-17 carried forward to the January 2016 meeting. c. The Transparency Fund for Smaller Authorities – Funding Application. Cllr Orson informed the meeting that a Transparency Fund application is being made to contribute toward the cost of replacing the clerk’s obsolete computer, printer and software. If approved the funding will meet £433.00 of the total cost of £607.00. It was agreed by the full council to proceed with purchase of the computer, printer and software in advance of any grant approval. 57. PLANNING AND ASSOCIATED APPLICATION a. Pole Hole Restoration – The work on the site is very near completion and the operator has advised should be finished by the end of the year. b. Eastwick Hall Farm – change of use from a turkey barn (barn 2) into commercial storage (B8 storage & distribution) retrospective is awaiting decision from Planning. (Post meeting note this application has been refused by Development Control). 58. STOP HARLOW CAMPAIGN a. Cllr Hughes informed the meeting that the Gilston Area Strategic Site Infrastructure Assessment – section 6 of the East Herts. Strategic Sites Delivery Study final report has been published and does not include solutions for the sewage or water infrastructure deficit. The STOP Harlow North team are using this information and the recent independent green belt report to support and develop the arguments against large scale housing development in the Gilston area. There will be more communication from the campaign in the coming months before the next consultation of the draft local plan expected in Spring 2016. 59. PARISH PATHS a. Footpath brochure. Cllr Orson reported that the footpath brochure will now be printed from a scan of the existing brochure. Hunsdon Parish Council has applied for a P3 grant to cover the cost. There have been some minor changes to the footpath network and a revised map and artwork should be considered for a future version. 60. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN a. Cllr Geddes informed the meeting that Neighbourhood Plan preparation work is continuing and there is nothing new to report. b. Cllr Orson informed that meeting that a letter had been received from a resident of Widford suggesting that the six parishes involved in the STOP Harlow North campaign should develop a joint neighbourhood plan. Eastwick and Gilston is already working with Hunsdon on a joint Neighbourhood Plan and it was agreed that there is no additional value in extending this approach to include other parishes. 61. HIGHWAYS a. Carried forward to January meeting. 62. VILLAGE HALL a. We have been informed that the October meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee appointed a contractor to carry out village hall grounds maintenance on a regular basis. b. Clerk to write to the Village Hall Management Committee Chairman asking for dates of their 2016 meetings and to confirm Cllr Olsen as the Parish Council representative. 63. LEGAL DOCUMENTS TO BE ADOPTED TO THIS MEETING a. Parish Council – Discipline and Grievance Procedure was presented and proposed by Cllr Geddes, seconded by Cllr Hughes and resolution passed. 64. LOCAL COUNCIL AWARD SCHEME a. Local Council Award Scheme – The Clerk informed the meeting that the Local Council Award Scheme has been introduced as replacement to the Quality Parish Council scheme. The Clerk has been preparing for the Foundation level of the scheme and is now ready to submit documents already passed by resolution. Proposed by Cllr Geddes and seconded by Cllr Hughes. b. The Councils Action Plan for this year and forthcoming years was discussed and passed by resolution, proposed by Cllr Geddes and seconded by Cllr Hughes. 65. TERLINGS PARK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION a. Carried forward to January meeting. 66. VILLAGE SIGN a. Cllr Orson reported that the parish council has been offered £2,500.00 by Frank Lyons Plant Services Group as contribution toward the cost of funding the village sign project. Work has now started on design options. 67. FUTURE EVENTS a. Carried forward to January meeting. 68. CORRESPONDENCE a. None. 69. ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN FOR INFORMATION ONLY a. The Chairman informed the meeting that he had attended the Rural Broadband presentations at Ware Priory hosted by Mark Prisk MP. The presentation by Gigaclear on their plans for installation of fibre broadband in Eastwick and Gilston were of particular interest and he had invited them to attend a future parish council meeting. 70. ITEMS COUNCILLORS WOULD LIKE O BE ADDED TO THE NEXT AGENDA a. Cllr Hughes would like to discuss the parish council’s use of the website and internet. 71. DATE OF NEXT MEETING a. The date of the next meeting is on Monday 11th January 2016 b. The dates for 2016 presented to the meeting our agreed by full council. Meeting closed at 9.00pm EASTWICK AND GILSTON PARISH COUNCIL CLERKS REPORT TO COUNCIL ON ACCOUNTS Appendix 1 RECONCILIATION SHEET DATE PAYMENT DETAILS MADE 1st April 7th April 27th April 30th April 1st May 5th May 5th May 13th May 13th May 29th May 1st June 9th June 28th June 29th June 29th June 29th June 29th June 29th June 29th June 29th June 29th June 30th June 1st July 6th July 6th July 6th July 13th July 24th July 31st July 1st Aug 3rd Aug 3rd Aug 3rd Aug 23rd Aug 28th Aug 31st August 1st September 25th September 30th September 30th September 30th September 1st October 5th October 12th October 1st November 2015-2016 METHOD OF EXPENDITURE INCOME PAYMENT B/FWD Clerks Salary SO Con Stock income East Herts Council - 1/2 yearly Precept income Nat West - Bank Interest income Clerks Salary SO Cornerstone Print - Parish Magazine bacs Petty Cash bacs Magazine Advert income War Memorial maintenance bacs Nat West - Bank Interest income Clerks Salary SO Cornerstone Print - Parish Magazine bacs Cornerstone Print - Parish Magazine bacs Village Hall yearly hire chq 549 HAPTC membership chq 550 CDA membership chq 551 Parishcounil.net - web site maintenance chq 552 Amberol - supply of village planters chq 553 Zurich Insurance chq 554 Eastwick & Gilston churchyard maintenance chq 555 Expenses re village planters bacs Nat West - Bank Interest income Clerks Salary SO War Memorial maintenance bacs Con Stock income Con Stock - final income Clerks back salary bacs New Homes Bonus income Nat West - Bank Interest income Clerks Salary SO War Memorial maintenance bacs Maintenance of village planters bacs Cornerstone Print - Parish Magazine bacs Cornerstone Print - Parish Magazine bacs Nat West - Bank Interest income Maintenance of village planters bacs Clerks Salary SO East Herts - 1/2 year precept income Cornerstone Print - Parish Magazine bacs Maintenance of village planters bacs Nat West - Interest income Clerks Salary SO Village Planters - winter bedding bacs Audited Accounts chq 556 Clerks Salary SO £ 189.36 £ 1.66 £ 2,450.00 £ 0.28 £ £ £ 189.36 65.00 200.00 £ 45.00 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 60.00 £ 0.27 189.36 82.50 58.00 210.00 227.25 30.00 300.00 1,221.60 243.80 800.00 188.88 0.30 £ £ 189.36 123.00 1.66 333.23 £ 43.89 1,071.00 0.29 £ £ £ 195.63 45.00 70.00 £69.00 £69.00 £ £ 0.25 £70.00 195.63 £ 2,450.00 £72.50 £70.00 £ £ £ £ £195.63 94.97 120.00 195.63 0.29 TOTAL £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 11,800.00 11,610.64 11,612.30 14,062.30 14,062.58 13,873.22 13,808.22 13,608.22 13,668.22 13,623.22 13,623.49 13,434.13 13,351.63 13,293.63 13,083.63 12,856.38 12,826.38 12,526.38 11,304.78 11,060.98 10,260.98 10,072.10 10,072.40 9,883.04 9,760.04 9,761.70 10,094.93 10,051.04 11,122.04 11,122.33 10,926.70 10,881.70 10,811.70 10,742.70 10,673.70 10,673.95 10,603.95 10,408.32 12,858.32 12,785.82 12,715.82 12,716.11 12,520.48 12,425.51 12,305.51 12,109.88