Exhibition Proposal (Please provide as much information as possible and if necessary discuss with a member of museum staff prior to submitting your proposal.) MAKING YOUR REQUEST AND EARLY PLANNING Requests for exhibition space should be made in writing to the museum. Any request should include full details of content and format, together with images. The Museum receives a number of applications for requests of exhibition space and we try to draw up a varied programme, governed by our Public Programme Policy. If your application is successful we will confirm in writing. As demand is high, we may not be able to offer a slot for up to two to three years. On confirmation the exhibitor must provide a title for the exhibition and an image for use in advance publicity together with a short description. On confirmation the Gallery requires the following for inclusion in the What’s On brochure, 6 months in advance of the exhibition: - Exhibition title - Tag-line (1-2 line description) - Image - Information for a press release There are two temporary exhibition spaces available for shoe related exhibitions on the ground floor, and two temporary exhibition spaces in the art gallery, located on the first floor, for art exhibitions. The costs for hiring our galleries are £60.25 per week for a minimum of 8 weeks. Northampton Borough Council retains overall control of the exhibition: the Museum reserves the right to change anything and to veto any exhibits and texts. A decision to include any exhibition will be made in relation to how it contributes to the aims and objectives of the Service, particularly with regard to developing new audiences and the target audiences listed in the Public Programme Policy. The Museum’s Focus Groups may also be consulted as part of the decision making process. The Public Programme Policy can be sent to you upon request. Contact name: Name of organisation: Address of organisation: Contact Telephone: Contact Email: Please tell us about yourself and/or your organisation: Does the exhibition have a title? When would you like to Year: exhibit? Please tick: Spring Are there partners involved in this exhibition? Who is funding this exhibition? Have you exhibited at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery before? If so please state the dates and exhibition. What display material will be included in the exhibition? Eg. Printed display panels, objects, documents, paintings, photographs Who is the target audience? e.g. Fashion interest, tourists, young people, cultural communities, rural communities, families, older people, art interest, formal education. What are the key messages of the exhibition? Summer Autumn Winter What are the aims of the exhibition? (What do you hope to achieve?) What are the outcomes of the exhibition? (How will visitors benefit from attending this exhibition?) How will the museum benefit from having this exhibition? Have you previously shown this exhibition? Please provide details and photographs if available. We have lunchtime talks every second Tuesday of the month. Would you be willing to give a 30-minute talk related to your exhibition? Do you plan any other events, e.g. exhibition tour, children’s workshops, adult activities? Any other information in support of your application: