Holiday homework Class XI Session-2013-14 POLITICAL SCIENCE NAME___________________ DATE____________________ D-II, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi DEAR LEARNERS, 110070 JUST FEW DAYS BACK WE HAD AN INTERESTING SESSION IN THE CLASS ROOM REGARDING THE UNREASONABLE RESTRICTIONS ON FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION IN A SOCIETY. HOW MUCH FREEDOM CAN BE ALLOWED IN A SOCIETY IS A DEBATABLE TOPIC.NUMEROUS LAWS,ACTS AND RULES ARE THERE TO PUT RESTRICTIONS ON THE UNDESIRABLE FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION IN A FREE SOCIETY WHICH CAN CAUSE CONFLICTS IN THE SOCIETY AND HURT SENTIMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. BUT WHAT IS THE EXTENT OF THESE RESTRICTIONS? WHEN BASIC RIGHTS ARE TAKEN AWAY UNDER ARCHAIC LAWS LIKE SEDITION OR WE OVER REACT ON A CARTOON OR A PAINTING, THEY POSE A SERIOUS THREAT TO A FREEDOM WHICH HAS BEEN GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION AFTER ALL. BUT AS CONSCIENTIOUS CITIZENS OF INDIA DO WE REALLY KNOW OUR LIMITS OF THE FREEDOM GIVEN TO US BY THE CONSTITUTION OR DO WE ALSO GO OVERBOARD WITH VEHEMENCE TO EXPRESS OURSELVES OUT OF BITTERNESS TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT TO AN EXTENT THAT WE FORGET THE CONSEQUENCES THAT IT CAN POSE ON SENSITIVE ISSUES? THERE ARE TWO ASSIGNMENT LISTED BELOW. YOU CAN OPT FOR ANY ONE IN 500 WORDS.IN BOTH THE CASES YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE ISSUES AND ANALYZE WITH AN INDEPENDENT MIND. TRY TO BE GENUINE WHILE FORMULATING YOUR OWN OPINION AND DO NOT GET BIASED BY OTHER S OPINION. THE SITES WHICH WILL HELP YOU TO GET MORE INSIGHT ON THE ISSUES ARE LISTED. 1. ASSIGNMENT 1 Freedom of expression includes freedom of speech and in published text, India supposedly has it. However recent incidence, one involving Aseem Trivedi belittles this freedom of expression, in the first case cartoons pertaining to a certain ideology was found in social networking site that forms the backbone charges of sedition,. The laws are Archaic Colonial laws. They have not being used in England for more than 50 years, so do we have real freedom of expression in India? Critically analyze your answers in the background of this incident. ANALYSIS WILL BE BASED ON; ● LISTING THE CHARGES LEVIED AGAINST HIM ● UNDERSDANTING THE NATURE OF THE CHARGES ● UNDERSTANDING THE BACKGROUND OF THE CHARGES ● CRITICAL ANALYSIS IN YOUR OWN WORDS AND OPINION ABOUT THE SEDITION LAWS WHICH ARE PREVAILING IN OUR COUNTRY CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT INDIA HAS A DIVERSE POPULATION AND SINCE INDEPEDENCE OUR LEARDERS HAVE BEEN VERY APPREHENSIVE ABOUT THE FEAR OF FRAGMENTING AGAIN LIKE PARTITION. ● NOTE – WHILE ANALYSING THE ABOVE CASE YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT FREEDOM COMES WITH RESPONSIBILITIES ALSO. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the issue Develop a critical thinking on the issue of sedation laws Create an interest in the latest issues of similar nature which are debatable. Debate with a clear perspective to the viability of the sedation laws in today’s world where freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right. Following are the links of the above you can use for your own understanding articles 2. Assignment 2 DEEP FOCUS- THE TIMES OF INDIA- 4.2.2013 “We are offended by the films we have not watched, books we have not read, girls band we have not heard and paintings we have not seen. There was a time when the establishment stood up for the rights of the expression, now political parties and state government crawl when pressure groups ask them to bend.” Recently the case of the all-girl band “PRAGAASH”in Kashmir did not meet with a desirable fate. This incident not only puts a question mark on our freedom but also the freedom of the women in our society. Analyze the case under the following pointers and develop an opinion and perception on this issue. 1 WHAT WAS THE CASE OF THE GIRL S BAND THAT WAS BANNED IN KASHMIR? 2 WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BAND PRAGAASH? 3 HOW DO YOU THINK THESE RESTRICTIONS HARM THE SOCIETY? 4 CAN THIS ISSUE BE CONSIDERED HARMFUL FOR THE SOCIETY ACCORDING THE RELIGIOUS BELIEVE OF THE PARTICULAR COMMUNITY WHICH BANNED IT.? (J.S MILL S OTHERS REGARDING ACTION?) 5 WRITE AN ESSAY OF 250 WORDS EXPRESSING YOUR OPINION ON THIS ISSUE. Learning objectives Develop a critical perspective on the harmful constraint on freedom. Analyze the repercussions of such ban on the society. Relate this issue with the gender equality and form a concrete opinion on such discriminations. SITES TO REFER TO -: INSTRUCTIONS IN GENERAL: THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE DONE IN A4 SIZE RULED SHEETS. (NOT COLOURED) THE CONTENT: The content should be neat, clear and integrate the required parts of the essay. Statements should be creative, sophisticated, and easily identifiable. Structure: The structure should be understandable and well organized. Transitions between parts of the paper should be smooth and effective, and paragraphs should be properly written (topic sentences, transitions between paragraphs, etc.). Use of evidence: Evidence should be drawn from the class readings and notes (and/or whatever sources are required for the particular assignment), indicating deep understanding (the best evidence to make a point should be chosen). Evidence should be integrated within paragraphs to strengthen all points. Analysis and Reflection: Evidence should clearly be related to paragraph topic sentences. The analysis should be fresh and interesting, and pose new and creative ways to think about the material. Students should demonstrate thoughtful reflection on ethical issues raised. Logic and argumentation: Ideas in the paper should flow logically; the argument should be identifiable, reasonable and sound. The students should consider counter arguments and deal with them effectively, showing an understanding of the limits of her or his argument. Submission date: 1st of July 2013