MINUTES Meeting Information Technology Accessibility Working Group (ITAWG) Date 22/3/2010 Time 11:00 pm Location 10.4.2 Attendees Ian Taylor (SSG Learning & Work manager), Fernando Silva ( Senior Manager, NonAcademic Portfolios), Michael Thomas ( Manager, Student IT Services ) , Martin Kelly (DLU assistive technology advisor), Rick Boffa (DLU manager), Hinh Tran (for Travers Van Lierop :SOE Architect) , Andrew McKenzie (for John Zylinski SEH) , Laurie Davis (DSC Senior Manager), Jason Lunghusen (BUS Senior Manager), Russell Van Sanden (Oops). Suzie Jones (DLU Admin) John Zylinski Apologies Open Items Ref No. 1 Minuted Comments Action(s) Action By/ Target Date ITAWG terms of reference document discussion. 1. Implementation – points discussed: Approximately 3 month time period required for new applications to be tested for inclusion of SOE Should new assistive technology (AT) be implemented as part of base SOE or SOE at portfolio level? Zoomtext (screen enlargement/reading software for vision impairment) discussed as to replace MAGIC. Need for Installation, configuration and testing documentation for AT to the owned and updated. Information Technology Services Agreement to implement of ZoomText (screen magnification software in place to replace MAGIC) at portfolio level for availability for semester 2 Portfolio managers Martin Martin AT adviser to be owner of documentation and to develop Nonit in conjunction of nonacademic academic portfolio technical portfolio liaison officer. Documentation technical to be updated with feedback liaison from portfolios regarding officer. incompatibility issues Installation, configuration and Martin testing documentation to be forwarded to portfolio managers prior to end of March with Zoomtext also available Status: DRAFT Version: 0.1 DocRef: TRIM Document: 106744106 Author: Fernando Silva Save Date: 18/02/2016 Page 1 of 3 Ref No. Minuted Comments Action(s) Specific requirement user requirements for ZoomText software discussed: 1. Starts upon login for students on user list (currently named MAGICUSERS) 2.launched by NAL with volume enabled by NAL 3. Pop-up dialogue boxes that appear on start up should not appear for these students. This information to be forwarded in above documentation Action By/ Target Date Martin 2. Maintenance Issues over-lapped with points mentioned above 3. Evaluation and continuous improvement Current student services project is introducing AT to 360 first year students in school of Global Studies. Purpose to investigate if AT is taken up for students who do not have a disability. Further feedback to the group at end of semester To assist in ensuring that AT needs of students are met, ITS managers communicated that they are happy for students who are AT users to contact them directly if required. 4. Membership of ITAWG Establish line of communication between students and managers. Fernando has invited library managers Deirdre Gillespie & Stephen Gillespie. Discussion of need MAC systems administrator as member. Martin Portfolio managers Martin Invite ETAG membership Ian Invite student membership Martin Invite MAC systems administrator Russell Peter Varitimidis to next meeting Other points Need to establish a understanding of the various portfolios. Questionnaire to be drafted to obtain useful information All to have opportunity for input. RMIT Disability Action Plan to be forwarded to members Work plan for group to be drafted for next meeting Martin to contact Katie Burford AT information as part of ITS training info. Information Technology Services Status: DRAFT Version: 0.1 DocRef: TRIM Document: 106744106 Author: Fernando Silva Save Date: 18/02/2016 Page 2 of 3 Information Technology Services Status: DRAFT Version: 0.1 DocRef: TRIM Document: 106744106 Author: Fernando Silva Save Date: 18/02/2016 Page 3 of 3