Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Title I Schools in Need of Assistance (SINA) Action Plan for the Academic Years: 2009-2010 – 2010-2011 District: Westlake Community Schools Building: Westlake Elementary Draft Date: October 30, 2009 Area of Identification: Reading Year of Identification: Year 1 Reading/Math (Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5+) Building Contact: Gary White, Principal E-mail/Phone:, 515.555.1234 Building Principal E-mail address and phone number of principal Building Address: 1234 Beach Lane, Westlake, IA 12345 Street City State/Zip Please check (√ ) all that apply; these are required to meet federal expectations: √ Actions for Reading Actions for Math √ Actions for Parent Engagement √ Actions for √ Mentoring of New and Experienced Teachers √ Actions for Evaluability of Plan √ Choice Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Corrective Action Planning for Restructuring Restructuring “In Delay” Status √ Letter of Notification Attached Design Phase: Reading Action Plan √ 10% Allocation of Title I Dollars √ One-Year Budget √ Evidence-Based Research √ Evidence of Outside Technical Assistance (e.g., Iowa Support Team) √ Reasons for Lack of Success in Past √ Peer Review ©2009 √ Elementary Middle School High School Design - 176 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance District LongRange CSIP Goal All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in reading comprehension, prepared for success beyond high for Identified Area: school. Persons writing the Contact person: James Kelly, Westlake Curriculum Coordinator plan Building Leadership Team: Gary White, building principal; Kim Thompson, district reading specialist; Pat (* while not required by law, best practice would include parent involvement) Diagnosis Summary: CCQ 1. What do data tell us about student learning needs? Building Goal Statement for SINA to support prioritized learning needs Buzhoff, 4th grade teacher; Rhonda Smith, 1st grade teacher; Jody Williams, teacher of special education; James Floyd, AEA school improvement consultant; Sue Bright, AEA building representative; Rich McGrew, reading content expert; Melissa Carson, parent; and Lou Simms, AEA Support Team Lead This area includes information about why previous interventions were unsuccessful as well as learnings from other data: As a result of the audit and diagnosis processes, the following data sources/points were organized and analyzed: 1. ITBS: Grades 3-6 showed deficits in the area of reading comprehension, particularly in the area of inferences and factual understanding for all students. Subgroups that were of particular concern were African-American, special education, and low SES. In addition, trend data over 3 years indicated that reading comprehension was declining among all students. 2. ICAM: Grade 4 showed deficits in the area of reading comprehension. These data validate the general analysis of ITBS results. 3. Formative Assessment: There was no indication that formative assessments for intermediate grades were collected, organized, and analyzed in a systemic fashion. 4. The professional development over the past five years has not resulted in the consistent use of strategies by all teachers; therefore, our gains have not been steady nor consistent. By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 74% of students at grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be performing at the proficient level and above in reading comprehension as measured by the reading comprehension assessment of ITBS using the national norms and with at least 95% participation. Identified subgroups’ achievement will be proportionately higher each year. Design Phase: Reading Action Plan ©2009 Design - 177 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Indicators of Progress: CCQ 3: How will/do we know student learning has changed? Summative Evaluation Question(s) Formative Data Questions Aligned to Summative Evaluation Question(s) with Indicators of Progress and Measurement Tools for Summative Data Indicating Student Achievement of District Goal(s) with Indicators of Progress and Measurement Tools for Formative Data Indicating Progress toward District Goal(s). What percentage of students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are performing at the proficient level and above in reading comprehension as measured by the reading comprehension assessment of ITBS using the national norms and with at least 95% participation? What percentage of students in each subgroup are performing at the proficient level? The percentage of students who score at the proficient level or above (41st percentile or above using national norms) on the ITBS Reading Comprehension Test (ITBS Scores) The proportional increase of identified sub-groups (i.e., Low SES, African-American, Hispanic, special education students) proficient in reading. (AYP Trajectory) The percentage of third, fourth, and fifth graders who participated in the ITBS Test of Reading. (Participation) Evidence-Based Research Source (Be sure to cite the specific research aligned to areas of concern.) What percentage of students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are performing at the proficient level and above based on formative assessments? The periodic individual student scores; the percentage of students proficient (DIBELS) The periodic individual student scores; the percentage of students at grade level (BRI_ Summary of teacher observations of individuals and groups of students (Anecdotal Records) How much are students reading? Number of books and number of minutes of reading of individual students and groups of students (Summary of Books Read/Minutes Read) Number of fiction and non-fiction resources checked out by individual students and groups of students (Summary of Library Check-out Data) Number of reflections on “Just Read” books and family activities (Student Work) Strategies and implementation methods included in the action plan are based on the research identified in the Iowa Content Network and the State-Wide Reading Team (SWRT) resources. The content of the professional development was selected to directly impact student achievement (proximal). Design Phase: Reading Action Plan ©2009 Design - 178 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Content for the professional development identified through research: CCQ 2. What will be done to meet student learning needs? Based upon the results of the audit and diagnosis processes, the Building Leadership Team (BLT) completed the research to identify the program/strategy to directly impact student needs. A comprehensive, balanced literacy program at the K-5 level is the focus of the building. The K-2 staff will study and implement the 5 comprehensive components of a reading program (i.e., phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension). The 3-5 staff will study and implement vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension strategies. Comprehension strategies will be emphasized during the first year, focusing on expository text strategies (i.e., “alouds”) and Picture Word Induction Model (PWIM). Vocabulary, fluency, and phonics activities will be studied during the second year. Beginning teachers will participate in the state-mandated mentoring and induction program, and all teachers will participate in the mentoring that includes peer coaching, collaboration time, and review of student work. Formative assessments will be administered to monitor reading comprehension and other reading components. Assessments will be collected, organized, and analyzed by teaching staff. This additional data will be used to monitor student progress and identify any additional student needs. The data will also be used to inform decisions regarding professional development. Peer Review Process All four bulleted items must be completed. (* Best practices include parent involvement) Date Planned for Peer Review: October 24, 2009 Schools/AEA/Individuals Involved in Peer Review: Building Leadership team, including parent; members of Iowa Support Team not involved in the development of the plan. Process for Peer Review: Checklist for Analysis of Action Plan during development; Tuning Protocol both during the development and after the “final draft” of the action plan Date Peer Review Actually Completed: October 24, 2009, with changes made during the following week based on recommendations shared in peer review process. Design Phase: Reading Action Plan ©2009 Design - 179 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Implementation: How will the goal be achieved? CC2f. What actions/ activities will we use to address prioritized needs, established goals, and any gaps between current and research-based practice? Changes/Impact on Stakeholders (e.g., Students, Teachers, Administrators, Parents, and Other Stakeholders) Identification of changes: 1. Knowledge 2. Skills 3. Attitudes 4. Aspirations 5. Behaviors. Data Collected to Inform Change How will we collect the information about the change (e.g., tests, surveys, focus groups, interviews, logs, observations, rating scales)? What data sources/points would best answer our formative and summative questions? Note: Where appropriate, include description of mentoring and or collaborative (e.g., peer coaching) activities for both new and experienced teachers. Alignment and Responsibilities 1. Iowa Professional Development Model Component 2. Person(s) Responsible 3. Time (when and how much) 4. Resources The data collected from stakeholders and decisions made help continually monitor, adjust, and evaluate key actions and activities and the overall plan. How have we measured or depicted change in the information collected (e.g. describing, counting, clustering, comparing, trends, patterns)? Alignment and Responsibilities Monitoring & Adjustment Include description of parent involvement in each action step or as a separate action as appropriate. Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Data Collected to Inform Change Monitoring and Adjustment Action #1: Notification of Parents and Community Activity: Letter of notification sent to all parents at Parent: Use information provided to make decision regarding choice. Design Phase: Reading Action Plan Number of students whose parents received letter. Number of parents selecting choice out of /in building. Number of parents attending ©2009 Letter went to parents of 425 students. 7 students chose to attend Design - 180 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Westlake Elementary. Activity: Informational meetings with parents regarding choice; meetings for ELL parents and new parents to the districts Washington Elementary while 418 students are remaining at Westlake Elementary. informational meetings Number of ELL parents attending informational meetings Community: Increased awareness and understanding of “schools in need of assistance.” Copies of press release Copies of radio/television interviews Newspaper articles appeared in local paper. Principal provided meetings for all parents (attendance 123) as well as individual and small-group as needed. Interpreters were available for the parents of ELL students – 35 parents of ELL attended. Press releases developed and distributed to newspaper Activity: Radio and television interviews Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Data Collected to Inform Change Action # 2: Audit, Diagnosis, and Design Design Phase: Reading Action Plan Alignment and Responsibilities Monitoring & Adjustment Audit, diagnosis, and design were ©2009 Design - 181 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Activity: Completion of Audit Building Leadership Team: Review of Audit Profile provided by Iowa Support Team Completed Audit Profile Date of Presentation: October 7 Building Leadership Team: Complete diagnosis on areas of concern, including “if . . . then statements.” Completed diagnosis worksheet with “if . . then” statements Dates of Work on Diagnosis: October 8 – October 14 Activity: Completion of Action Plan Building Leadership Team: Complete action plan. Completed action plan, including plan for evaluation. Dates of Work on Development of Plan: October 14 – October 23 Activity: Communication of Action Plan Staff: Demonstrate knowledge of the building action plan Number of staff members who participated in the communication of the action plan Dates of Presentations of Action Plan to staff members – October 23 Data Collected to Inform Change Activity: Completion of Diagnosis Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Action #3: Formation of building leadership team to provide leadership in design and implementation Teachers: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in facilitation, data analysis, and communication. Minutes of meetings Self-monitoring survey completed quarterly Alignment and Responsibilities Align with the tenets of the Iowa Professional Development Model. Principal: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in facilitation, data analysis, and communication. Minutes of meetings Self-monitoring survey completed quarterly Building principal Design Phase: Reading Action Plan completed upon identification and peer review took place on October 24 with adjustments made in plan and final presentation made to staff on October 28 before sending document to the Iowa Department of Education. Cheat sheets have been provided to staff and plans for regular updates set. Monitoring & Adjustment Formed upon ©2009 Design - 182 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance of action plan (Years 1 and 2) identification of a school in need of assistance; meets monthly after audit, diagnosis, and design of plan. Activity: Determination of building action plan. Regular meetings to address design of action plan as well as implementation and evaluation of plan Identified agenda frameworks for meetings (e.g., roles, responsibilities), timelines. Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Data Collected to Inform Change Action #4: Analysis of data to make decisions regarding professional development. (Years 1 and 2) Teachers: Increased knowledge and skills in data collection and interpretation, including data sources/points. Activity: Use Basic Reading Inventory (BRI) data in grades 2-5 and Teachers: Increased knowledge of student strengths and weaknesses in individual classrooms and in buildings. Survey satisfaction; focused conversation summary Parents: Increased knowledge in Number of parents with whom Teachers: Increased collaboration among teachers in grades K-5. Design Phase: Reading Action Plan Summary of skills demonstrated in leadership and collaboration meetings. Summary analysis of data collected Collaboration reflections Summary analysis of collaboration time ©2009 Alignment and Responsibilities Data collection and analysis with goal setting – content provider Monitoring & Adjustment Members of building leadership team, building principal, classroom teachers Administration of BRI 3 times per year with analysis Design - 183 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance DIBELS in Grades K-1 to determine students’ needs and check regularly for student progress. Activity: Presentation at Back-toSchool Night to introduce parents to type of assessment in which their children will participate. assessments used to determine progress of the students. information was shared. Parent satisfaction survey and decision making immediately Building: Identification of professional development needs and solutions to those needs, looking at gap analysis of current reality with desired state. Professional development plan Resources available through AEA or ordered through school district; collaboration team times Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Action #5: Professional development in identified strategy related to BRI analysis (Grades 2 – 5) Activity: Development of professional development Data Collected to Inform Change Students: Increase knowledge of and skills in using the reading strategies to increase their own comprehension and fluency. BRI data ITBS data Formative assessments in classroom (e.g., anecdotal records, teacher observations) Teachers: Implement with fidelity and impact on student learning the instructional strategies Summary/Analysis of implementation frequency and fidelity data. Summary/Analysis of student achievement data. Reflections on collaboration. Summary/Analysis of collaboration Teachers: Use collaboration time effectively to adjust use of strategies Design Phase: Reading Action Plan ©2009 Alignment and Responsibilities Design of learning opportunities that include implementation and collaboration with ongoing data collection and analysis. Monitoring & Adjustment Building Leadership Team members, principal, classroom Design - 184 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance focus (immediately and in spring of 2009 for 2009-2010) Activity: Professional development opportunities (e.g., Read Alouds, Think Alouds, PWIM, vocabulary) based on review of data (Years 1 and 2). Professional development will include theory, demonstration, and practice with coaching and feedback based on Iowa Professional Development Model. Activity: Analysis of implementation data and for impact on student learning use. teachers. Principal: Collect and summarize through walk-throughs the data on use (i.e., frequency, fidelity, impact) of instructional strategies Summary/Analysis of classroom walkthrough data See schedule below. Design Phase: Reading Action Plan Technical assistance of content expert; materials and handouts; collaboration time ©2009 Design - 185 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance student impact data by building leadership team with adjustments in professional development activities based on formative and implementation data. (On-going and between professional development opportunities in Years 1 and 2) Evaluation of professional development (May of Year 1 and Year 2) Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Action #6: Professional development in identified strategies related to DIBELS analysis Data Collected to Inform Change Students (K-1): Increased knowledge and skills in alphabet, phonics, and phonemic awareness as teacher implementation increases DIBELS Teachers: Increased skill in implementation of instructional Summary of data regarding frequency and fidelity of Design Phase: Reading Action Plan Teacher Observation ©2009 Alignment and Responsibilities Design of learning opportunities that include implementation and collaboration with ongoing data collection. Monitoring & Adjustment Design - 186 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance (Grades K-1) strategies Activity: Development of professional development focus for early and late starts (Immediately and in spring of 2009 for 2009-2010) Activity: Professional development opportunities (e.g., alphabet knowledge, phonics, phonemic awareness) based on review of data (Years 1 and 2) Activity: Analysis of data by building leadership team with adjustments in professional development Teachers: Increased knowledge and skills in peer coaching and teacher-toteacher mentoring Design Phase: Reading Action Plan implementation and impact on student learning. Summary of classroom walk-through data Summary of teacher reflections Summary of teacher satisfaction survey data. ©2009 Building leadership team members, principal, classroom teachers. See schedule below. Technical assistance of content expert; materials and handouts; collaboration team time. Design - 187 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance based on formative and implementation data. (On-going and between professional development opportunities in Years 1 and 2.) Evaluation of professional development (May of Years 1 and 2) Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Action #7: Parent engagement in “Just Read” Activity: Parents are introduced to “Just Read” at Back-to-School Night (Years 1 and 2) Activity: Ongoing support for parents is provided in Students: Increased time in reading outside of school. Students: Increased reading comprehension. Data Collected to Inform Change Number of minutes and/or books students read at home by fiction and non-fiction. Library check-out data Parents: Increased time reading with their child. Number of minutes and/or books parents read to/with their child at home. Teachers: Increased communications with parents about reading Number of communications Monitoring of progress of data Design Phase: Reading Action Plan ©2009 Alignment and Responsibilities Ongoing data collection Monitoring & Adjustment Members of building leadership team, classroom teachers, and parents. Parent Meetings – training by principal and building leadership team; back-to-school night parent presentation; Design - 188 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance “Just Read” (Years 1 and 2) Formative and summative evaluations are completed to determine impact of “Just Read” on students and families. teacher collection and analysis of logs on a monthly basis during collaboration team meetings. Year 2 and Beyond Design of logs; purchase of materials needed; collaboration team time. Alignment and Responsibilities Iowa Professional Development Model Sustaining Actions: Building Leadership Team Changes/Impact on Stakeholders Review and analysis of previous year’s formative and summative data Determination of focus of adjustments as indicated by data. Identification of plan of action to Design Phase: Reading Action Plan Data Collected to Inform Change As you prepare to update your TWO-year plan in the spring of 2009, it is important to focus on data collected during 2007-2009 relative to administrators, teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders. It is imperative that the buildings/district frequently evaluate the success of actions outlined in the plan. The system must be flexible enough to make appropriate adjustments to the plan BASED ON DATA to ensure increased achievement of students and appropriate professional development of staff. As you monitor the effectiveness of your plan, it will be important to focus on sustainability of the plan. Monitoring & Adjustment May – August, 2010: evaluation and planning for updated Year 2 and projected plan for new two-year plan and one-year budget; August, 2010: update of two-year plan and one-year budget Resources as necessary ©2009 Design - 189 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance sustain successful programming. Begin adjusted or new professional development actions based on information from the above described activities. Provision of one-year budget to achieve updated twoyear plan. Completion of evaluation of the plan’s impact on student achievement. Design Phase: Reading Action Plan ©2009 Design - 190 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Projected Professional Development for Staff - Dates, Times, and Focus for 2009-2010: Date Time Thursday, September 4, 11, 18, and 25 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, October 2, 9, 16, and 23 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, November 6, 13, and 20 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, December 4 and 18 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, January 8, 15, 22, and 29 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, February 5, 12, 19, and 26 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, March 5, 12, 19, and 26 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, April 2, 9, 16, and 23 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Thursday, May 7, 14, and 21 1:30 – 3:45 P.M. Focus Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Whole staff professional development, including peer coaching and peer observation Building Leadership Team Membership for 2009-2010: Name James Kelley Gary White Kim Thompson Pat Buzhoff Rhonda Smith Jody Williams James Floyd Sue Bright Rich McGrew Melissa Carson Lou Simms Role Westlake curriculum coordinator Building principal Reading specialist Grade 4 teacher Grade 1 teacher Teacher of special education AEA school improvement coordinator AEA building representative Reading content expert Parent Iowa Support Team Lead (as needed) Design Phase: Reading Action Plan ©2009 Design - 191 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Building Leadership Team Meeting Dates and Times for 2009-2010: Date Time Wednesday, August 27 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 24 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, October 22 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, November 19 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, December 17 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, January 28 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 25 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 25 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, April 22 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, May 24 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Design Phase: Reading Action Plan Focus Impact of communication of plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Monitor progress of implementation of action plan Evaluate implementation of Year 1 of action plan and determine focus of Year 2 ©2009 Design - 192