Press Release GLLC Delegation of Leading Latin American

Press Release
GLLC Delegation of Leading Latin American Financiers and Businessmen
Visits DIFC to Explore New Business Opportunities
25-Strong GLLC Delegation Led by Lord Daniel Brennan, Enrique Garcia and Salvador Said
Seeks to Advance GCC-Latin American Economic Ties
DUBAI: 28 April 2010 – A delegation of leading Latin American financiers and businessmen today visited the
Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) to explore new business complementarities and ties between Latin
America and the GCC region.
The visit was organised by The Gulf Latin America Leaders Council (GLLC) as part of a broader tour of the
Middle East to identify business and investment opportunities, facilitate greater understanding and exchange of
knowledge in order to Bridge the Gap between the UAE and Latin America.
The 25-strong delegation was led by Lord Daniel Brennan QC, Senior Member, Matrix Chambers London, and
Vice Chairman of GLLC, Mr. Salvador Said, Executive Director of Said Group, & Co Chairman of GLLC and
Enrique Garcia, President and CEO of Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF), a multilateral financial institution
that mobilises resources from international markets to Latin America. The delegation included representatives
from the world of finance, law, mining, construction, infrastructure, the arts, retail, consultancy and the media.
Marwan Lutfi, Deputy CEO and Head of Business Development, DIFC Authority said: “As two of the world’s
major emerging markets, Latin America and the GCC region have much to gain from deeper economic ties.
With the global economy going through a major transformation and emerging markets beginning to drive global
economic growth, both regions have an opportunity to redefine and enhance their existing relationship. Some of
the most promising opportunities for economic and business cooperation lie in the area of financial services and
capital markets. The visit of leading Latin American financiers and businessmen to DIFC is the start to potential
linkages between the two markets.”
Daniel Melham, President and Founder of the GLLC said: “This is the first time such a high-level delegation of
leading Latin American businessmen has visited the UAE. We are keen to advance economic and business
links between the GCC and the Latin American region and explore new synergies emerging from their
increasing prominence in the global economy. We are excited at the opportunity to cultivate new productive
relationships between the Middle East and Latin America”.
The Gulf Latin America Leaders Council was founded in 2009 as a non-profit, non-political organization to
provide advice to the public and private sector on economic development, investment opportunities and
business linkages between the GCC and Latin America and is represented in the Middle East by René Beil,
Managing Director GCC of the Gulf Latin America Leaders Council.
Ends/About DIFC
The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) is an onshore hub for global finance. It bridges the time gap
between the financial centres of Hong Kong and London and services a region with the largest untapped
emerging market for financial services. In just five years, over 850 firms have registered at DIFC. They operate
in an open environment complemented with world-class regulations and standards. DIFC offers its member
institutions incentives such as 100 per cent foreign ownership, zero tax on income and profits and no
restrictions on foreign exchange. In addition their business benefits from modern infrastructure, operational
support and business continuity facilities of uncompromisingly high standards.
For PR inquiries on the DIFC, please contact:
Amira Abdulla
Director - Regional Public Relations
Dubai International Financial Centre
Tel: +971 4 362 2433
Shaima Al Zarouni
Assistant PR Manager
Dubai International Financial Centre
Tel: +971 4 362 2432
Iman Ahmad
Regional Media Relations Manager
Dubai International Financial Centre
Tel: +971 4 362 2685
About The Gulf Latin America Leaders Council
The Gulf Latin America Leaders Council (GLLC) is the preeminent international business organisation promoting
inter-regional strategic alliances and building working relationships between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and
Latin America. As a catalyst for direct business interactions between the Gulf and Latin America, the GLLC seeks to
“bridge the gap” between the two regions’ top-tier leaders and decision-makers. Members of the GLLC receive
unrivaled access to decision makers and investment opportunities.
For inquiries & further information:
Rene Beil
Managing Director GCC
Mobile UAE: +971 50 189 2705