Evacuation of the home 35kb

Practice No.
Version 3
Page 1 of 1
Last up-dated
March 2011
HCC AS Business
Continuity Plan/
Service Recovery
This summarises the arrangements in place to evacuate the home or day service, and
ensure the safety and continued well being of the resident or service users, in the event of
an emergency situation / critical incident / untoward event:
At all times the Service Recovery Plan within the Business Continuity Plan will be
used for contact information.
In the event of a serious incident or fire, senior management must be contacted.
Circumstances under which evacuation of the home may be required will include:
 Emergency evacuation where there is a risk of fire or explosion
 Imminent, but not necessarily immediate, evacuation where there is a risk of,
for example, flooding
 Non emergency situations such as temporary closure of the home for
statutory / building reasons
The admissions register, together with the log of GPs and next of kin will provide an
up to date record of all residents or service users on the premises. Current care plans
and risk assessments should also be made available.
The manager is responsible for establishing an agreement / arrangements with two
suitable neighbouring sites, for the temporary accommodation of residents or service
users in the event of the need to evacuate the home. These will be designated the
‘Buddy sites’.
There will be arrangements in place for the temporary accommodation of residents
or service users on a short term and a longer term (more than 48 hours) basis to
cover likely eventualities. There may be a reciprocal arrangement with the Buddy site
to accommodate their residents or service users on a temporary basis, in the event of
the need to evacuate their home.
For longer term temporary accommodation (i.e. for more than 48 hours), the manager
together with care management are responsible for agreeing an action plan for the
continuing care and welfare of any residents.
Emergency evacuation of the home will proceed as follows:
All persons within the vicinity of the incident will be moved away from
immediate danger. The duty manager is responsible for ensuring that this is
carried out with due regard to safety and welfare of all concerned.
The home’s fire alarm system will be simultaneously activated and contact
will be made with the emergency services.
The Ambulance Service will designate a local hospital to be used where there
is a need for medical treatment.
Following this, all residents, service users, staff and visitors will exit the home
to pre designated fire assembly points using the appropriate fire doors and
exit routes.
Relatives / carers / advocates will be informed of the situation at the earliest
safe opportunity.
The manager is responsible for maintaining complete records of the following:
Who goes where in terms of temporary accommodation. This is
especially important where there is a need to disperse residents or
service users over more than one care centre.
Confirmation of the continuing care to protect the on going safety and
well being of residents or service users.