Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose 4/11/10 PY Mindmaps - high mortality - SR preparation can cause delay of onset of toxicity (up to 12 hours) - effects: vasodilation, profound myocardial depression, profound conduction abnormalities CLINICAL FEATURES - CVS effects: hypotension, bradycardia, shock RESP: pulmonary oedema, METABOLIC: hyperglycaemia, hypokalaemia RENAL: failure GI: nausea and vomiting NEURO: seizures, myoclonus, dizziness, syncope, focal deficits INVESTIGATIONS - ECG: -> -> -> -> -> - bradycardia accelerated AV node conduction 2nd and 3rd degree HB sinus arrest with nodal escape asystole hyperglycaemia is a marker of severity ABG: oxygenation, tissue perfusion, K+ CXR: APO Ca2+ level (often normal) MANAGMENENT Resuscitation A: intubate if agitated or unrousable and requires airway protection, haemdynamically unstable B: lung protective ventilation, O2 C: IV fluid load, CaCl, inotropes, invasive monitoring Evaluation History: timing, type of ingestion (SR prepartions), amount, co-ingestion, other medications available, psychiatric history Examination: cardiovascular and neurological assessment Investigations: above + ABG, CXR, ECG, lactate, renal function, FBC, Ca2+ (ionized), paracetamol, urine toxicology Jeremy Fernando (2011) Treatment Specific (support cardiovascular system) - Ca2+ chloride 1-3g -> 2-6g/hr (maintain ionized Ca2+ between 2-3mmol/L) glucagon 5-10mg bolus -> 2-5mg/hr atropine isoprenaline 2mcg/min adrenaline 0.1-1mcg/kg/min noradrenaline 0.1-1mcg/kg/min milrinone levosimendan pacing to achieve ventricular capture @ 50-80/min - euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemia -> insulin-glucose infusions -> LD: 0.1u/kg insulin + 50mL 50% dextrose -> infusion - 0.2-0.5u/kg/hr of insulin + 0.5g/kg/hr glucose -> mechanism: calcium channel blockers disrupt fatty acid metabolism and create insulin resistance in myocardium -> high dose insulin can overcome this state - lipid emulsion: may bind calcium channel blockers in plasma and prevent myocardial penetration - intra-aortic balloon pump - VA ECMO or cardiopulmonary bypass General - decreased absorption: activated charcoal, consider gastric lavage in presented soon after ingestion - increased elimination: whole bowel irrigation (Kleen prep, Go litely, Polyethylene glycol), charcoal haemoperfusion for verapamil - hyperglycaemia -> insulin Disposition - ongoing ICU observation and monitoring - liaison with the family - psychiatric referral Jeremy Fernando (2011)