University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Facility Services SURPLUS PROPERTY DECLARATION Follow these steps to report and dispose of surplus property: 1. Read Attachment A and Attachment B before filling out the form. 2. Provide the following information on those items that must be reported: 3. Save this document and email it as an attachment to the following address: with the email subject line: Surplus Property Report. This email will start the process of posting of useable property for reuse or sale and the alerting of campus staff involved in moving and processing certain surplus property. 4. Retain a copy of this declaration for your records Name: Phone #: Department Name: Contact Name (if different): Phone #: Location of Surplus (Building and Room#): Date: Email: Department ID#: Email: MDS# (required): Furniture Quantity Furniture Description(make, model, serial #) UWM decal # Age Unit Purchase Price Usable? (Y/N) Replaced? Y/N Computer & Electronic Waste Quantity Electronic Description(make, model, serial #) UWM decal # Age Unit Purchase Price Usable ? (Y/N) Replaced? Y/N Has the computer/copier been wiped? Y/N Were any of the above items purchased with grant or gift money?____________________________________ Additional Information: *The University can only return the net proceeds from the sale of these items to your department if 1) The assets being sold were originally purchased with grant or gift funds; OR 2) the assets being sold are being replaced; OR 3) they have recently been replaced; OR 4) the functionality has been replaced. 07/06/2010