Date: April 21, 2015 Report to : Finance, Property and Personnel Committee Report from: Susan Horwood, Director of Finance Subject: Surplus Furniture Recommendation: That surplus office furniture as a result of the Administration building renovations and integration be offered for sale through the Financial Impact: Does recommendation have a budgetary impact: Yes X No If yes, what is the anticipated impact?Cost savings from advertising and maximum revenue If yes, has it been budgeted for this year? Yes No If no, provide an explanation as to how these costs would be accommodated in the current year’s budget: Has Treasury provided analysis? Yes X No Background: As a result of the Administration building renovations and the Integration of the Social Services office, it is expected that there will be office furniture and fixtures that will be declared surplus and will need to be disposed of. In order to minimize the costs of disposing of the surplus furniture and maximize the revenue generated, it is recommended that the County utilize the services of to dispose of the assets. GovDeals is a liquidator devoted to municipal, regional, County and Provincial client sellers in the USA and Canada. We recently utilized their services for the sale of 3 ambulances and received total revenue in excess of $28,000 from the sale.