Board of Management Agreed Report from the Meeting on 13th January 2014 The Board of Management approved funding for landscaping and fencing on the school grounds. An incidental inspection of teaching and learning in the school took place on December 11th 2013. The positive feedback from the inspector will be presented to the Board by the principal at the next Board of Management meeting. The school is in a surplus staffing position of 2.6 teachers. Job-sharing, career breaks or retirements may reduce this surplus. The letter of resignation of the current Deputy Principal Margaret Burke was regretfully accepted by the Board. The Board expressed its thanks for her tremendous work in the school and wishes her well in her new post. Congratulations were extended to Siobhán Allen on the birth of her baby boy. Sympathy was extended to the family of John Meehan in particular to Mary Kelly school secretary (brother of the deceased) and pupil Niamh Meehan (daughter of the deceased) on their recent tragic bereavement.