SANTA MONICA COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR: VICKI DRAKE FALL 2008 Web Page: Office Hours: Tu/Th: 12:30-1:30pm (or by appointment) Office: DH 314 L (310) 434-8652 e-mail: Physical Geography 5 – Lecture and Lab Syllabus COURSE DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVES Physical geography is the study of the Earth’s surface and the four great realms: the atmosphere, the biosphere, the lithosphere, and the hydrosphere. The biosphere includes the land surface that is covered by soil and vegetation. The atmosphere includes the lower layers in which clouds and weather occur. The lithosphere is the upper layer of the Earth’s crust, which provides materials for landforms shaped by wind, waves, ice and running water. The hydrosphere is the upper layer of the oceans, where ocean currents and coastal processes occur. The physical processes within each of these four great realms of the Earth’s surface, as well as the interrelationships between these processes, are examined through the use of lectures, slides, videos, and other geographic tools (including maps, charts, graphs and more). REQUIRED TEXTS AND TOOLS Visualizing Physical Geography, by Strahler and Merali Physical Geography Supplement by Vicki Drake World Atlas (optional), Pencils (No.2 lead and Colored), Ruler, Calculator COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION Grading will be on the following: attendance and participation in class, completed assignments (as directed by instructor), lab assignments and quizzes, written essays, three exams and a final exam. The first three exams will consist of objective questions, short-answer questions and ‘take-home’ essay questions. The Final Exam will consist of objective questions, short-answer questions of which 25% may be comprehensive, and ‘take-home’ essays. If all of the first three exams are attempted, the lowest score will be dropped. NO MAKE-UP EXAMINATIONS WILL BE GIVEN! If you miss an exam, that will be the score dropped. Everyone must take the Final Examination: failure to do so will result in a grade of FAIL no matter the grade going into the Final! Grades will be computed mathematically based on the number of points received per exam. Point totals are used in calculating grades, not letter grades. Keep your attendance regular and punctual, absences in excess of 3 may result in exclusion from the class. Arriving late for class is disruptive for everyone, and habitual tardiness may result in exclusion from class. GETTING HELP! If you are having difficulty with the concepts presented in class, I will be happy to help you. Please see me after class or during my office hours if you are having problems. You may leave a message for me on my Voice Mail or contact me through e-mail. Getting help early in the semester will assure a more successful course grade! ACADEMIC HONESTY Students violating college policies regarding personal conduct and academic honesty are subject to disciplinary measures. Disruptive behavior in the classroom will not be tolerated and may result in temporary (or permanent) removal from the class. Additionally, cheating during an exam or lab quiz, copying, plagiarism (either from another’s paper, from a pre-written assignment, or downloaded from the Internet) of written assignments or during an exam will result in removal from the class, a grade of F for the semester and possible expulsion from Santa Monica College. Please refer to the Standards of Student Conduct or the current Santa Monica College catalog. Geog 5 Syllabus Spring 2008 1 LECTURE SCHEDULE (Tentative schedule – Subject to Change!) DATE TOPIC READING Week 1 – Aug 25-29 Introduction – Earth as Rotating Planet Representations of Earth - Maps Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Week 2 - Sept 2-5 Earth’s Energy Balance Chapter 2 Week 3 – Sept 8-12 Atmosphere and Temperature Chapter 3 Week 4 - Sept 15-19 LECTURE EXAM # 1 & 1ST ESSAYS DUE Atmospheric Pressure and Winds Chapter 5 Week 5 - Sept 22-26 Global Winds/Circulation Moisture, Condensation, Precipitation Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Week 6 - Sept 29-Oct 3 Moisture, Condensation, Precipitation Air Masses and Fronts Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Week 7 - Oct 6-10 Thunderstorms, Tornadoes and Hurricanes Chapter 6 Week 8 - Oct 13-17 LECTURE EXAM # 2 & 2ND ESSAYS DUE Age-Dating the Earth/Earth Structures Chapter 8 Week 9 – Oct 20-24 Earth Materials/Rocks and Minerals Plate Tectonics Chapter 8 Week 10 – Oct 27-31 Volcanoes Magmatic Features Chapter 9 Week 11 – Nov 3-7 Folds, Faults and Earthquakes Chapter 9 Week 12 – Nov 10-14 LECTURE EXAM # 3 – 3RD ESSAYS DUE Weathering and Mass Wasting Chapter 10 Week 13 – Nov 17-20 Groundwater/Karst Topography Chapter 11 Week 14 – Nov 24-28 Ground Water/Karst Topography Chapter 11 THURSDAY/FRIDAY: THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Week 15 - Dec 1-4 Fluvial Processes Chapter 12 FINAL EXAM ESSAYS DUE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 FINAL EXAM: THURSDAY – DECEMBER 11, 2008 – 12:00-3:00 PM LAB SCHEDULE Week Week 1 – Aug 25-29 Township and Range Exercise Map Scale Lab and Map Projections Week 2 – Sept 2-5 Topographic Mapping Earth-Sun Relationships Seasons and Analemma Geog 5 Syllabus Spring 2008 Reading (in textbook) pp 8-23 pp 24-32 2 Week 3 – Sept 8-12 LAB EXAM # 1 Temperature Controls: Insolation Energy -Temperature-Heat Labs pp 34-62 Week 4 – Sept 15-19 TUESDAY – NO CLASS Atmospheric Pressure Air Pressure and Winds pp 124-151 Week 5 – Sept 22-26 Pressure Gradient and Wind Global Circulation Environmental Lapse Rates, Ocean Currents Week 6 – Sept 29-Oct 3 LAB EXAM # 2 Humidity Adiabatic Processes: Celsius Week 7 – Oct 6-10 Adiabatic Processes: Fahrenheit Stability Clouds Week 8 – Oct 13-17 Air Masses and Fronts Surface/Upper Air Analysis Thunderstorm and Hurricanes Week 9 – Oct 20-24 LAB EXAM # 3 Relative Dating Interior of Earth Week 10– Oct 27-31 Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics Magmatic Tectonics: Igneous Features Week 11 – Nov 3-7 Mantle Plumes Volcanoes Week 12 – Nov 10-14 LAB EXAM # 4 Solid Tectonics: Folded Structures San Andreas Fault Seismology Lab Week 13 – Nov 17-20 Weathering Mass Wasting Slope Stability pp 296-323 Week 14 – Nov 24-28 Karst Topography: Groundwater Floodplains pp 324-337 pp 338-383 Week 15 – Dec 1-4 LAB EXAM # 5 – THURSDAY – DECEMBER 4 Geog 5 Syllabus Spring 2008 pp 94-123 pp 152-179 pp 226-257 3 pp 258-295