ARTICLE Scanner image analysis to improve the EZ arsenic test kit from Hach Mattias Frid Received 11 December 2006 5 10 15 20 The EZ arsenic test kit from Hach Company is used to determine arsenic levels in water and soil samples around the world. Two of the advantages is that the test is cheap compared to advanced lab equipment and that it is designed as a field test kit and therfore is fast and easy to use. The big disadvantage is that the detection limit is poor because of individual visual determination of the color on the test strip. This experiment set out to find a way to more accurate determine the color on the test strip by scanning it and letting a software decide the RGB-values. Two calibration curves were made. One for the concentration range 0-20 µg L-1 and one for 20-100 µg L-1. These two were chosen because 10 µg L -1 and 50 µg L-1 are the concentration levels used to determine if the water from a well is suitable or not for drinking in the US respectively Bangladesh. It is also the ranges that is hardest to determine with the test kit because of the weak color. The experiment showed that the low concentrations can be determined more accurate with the method of scann ing the test strip compared to individual visual determination. The experiment also showed that there was a significant improvement with using the 24 hour test compared to the 30 min test for the lowest concentration range 0-20 µg L-1. The importance of chosing a good scanner became obvious when comparing the result from the Epson scanner with the HP scanner. Introduction 25 30 35 40 45 50 There are several methods of detecting arsenic in ground water and soil. Some of the more sophisticated ones are the ones that are made in a lab with techniques such as ICP-MS, ICP-AES, HPLC-ICP-MS, TOF SIMS and X-Ray Fluorescence (1). But this is not an option for countries in the third world where money is an issue. It is also important to have a quick and reliable test out on the field so that a quick decision can be made for water wells. One visual method for detection of arsenic is the test kit from Hach. It is an inexpensive (compared to the techniques mentioned above) and quick method to determine if arsenic is present in for example ground water or pressure treated wood. In the test kit, sulfamic acid and powdered zinc reacts to create strong reducing conditions in which inorganic arsenic is reduced to arsenic gas (AsH 3). The arsine gas then reacts with mercuric bromide impregnated test paper to form mixed arsenic/mercury halogenides. These compounds discolor the test strip depending upon the concentration of the arsenic in the sample. The color change is from white to yellow to tan to brown. Most tests for arsenic, including the Hach method, rely on the conversion of arsenic to arsine gas. As already described, the Hach Arsenic Test Kit uses a colored test strip to determine how much arsenic there is present in the sample. This is a highly individual way of determine the arsenic level, because it is up to the observer to decide “how yellow” or “how orange” the test strip is. The 55 60 65 70 The EZ arsenic test kit from Hach has a calibrated color map with the semi-quantitative steps of 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 300 and 500 µg L-1. This is a wide range, especially if considering that the World Health Organization recommends a maximum contaminant level of 10 µg L -1 and the steps in the Hach method are 0, 10 and 30 around the recommended 10 µg L -1level. The accepted arsenic concentration level used to determine if a water well is consumable or not in Bangladesh is 50 µg L-1. This project aims to evaluate a method to make the color map more sophisticated by developing a calibration curve so the arsenic concentration can be determined more accurate in the two concentration levels of interest, 10 ppb and 50 µg L-1 (2, 3). Experimental 75 80 Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts,USA E-mail: aim of this project is to find a better way to determine the arsenic level in a sample using the EZ arsenic test kit. The method that will be evaluated is to use a scanner to scan the test strip and then use software to determine exactly for example how yellow or how white the test strip actually is by making calibration curves of the RGB-values. This way the software will decide it and the human factor decreases. All experiments performed with the Hach Arsenic test kit were carried out according to the procedure outlined in the test kit except for the 24 hour test that was longer than the instructions which are 30 min. 2 Instrumentation 85 The EZ arsenic test kit uses a reaction vessel with a special cap that focuses the arsine gas on the test strip and therefore forces the arsine gas to react with the mercuric bromide on the test strip. This minimizes the toxic arsine gas that leaves the vessel and leaves almost none exposure to the operator. 130 Adobe Photoshop by using bicubical interpolation to 1x1 pixels which gave the average of all the pixels in the image. The RGB-value was determined with the RGB-value function in Adobe Photshop. Results and discussion 135 30 min test 140 The average results from the three 30 min experiments scanned with the Epson scanner at 600 dpi can be seen in Figure 1 and it is clear that the arsenic concentration do not have sufficient impact on the red and the green color in lower concentrations around 10 µg L -1 and 50 µg L-1. The same experiment with the HP ScanJet 5300c at 300 dpi can be seen in Figure 2. Fig. 1. The EZ arsenic test kit from Hach (). 0-250 ppb As(III) Epson 600 dpi - 30 min 90 The test kit comes with two reaction vessels, a container with 100 test strips and a color map, two bags of reagents for 100 tests. 300 250 100 105 110 115 120 125 In the EZ arsenic test kit, arsine gas is generated by reduction with zinc metal and a strong acid. Strong acids are dangerous and difficult to work with, especially if the work cannot be done in the lab. The Hach test kit uses powdered reagents for safety. For example, the sulfamic acid (H3NSO3) is in powdered form. This minimizes the reagent hazard. The zinc powder is packaged in a unit dose form for convenience and to minimize handling. Lead acetat solution for filtration of interfering hydrgogen sulfide gas is also available in the test kit. 200 Red 150 Green Blue 100 50 0 0 145 100 150 200 250 300 Fig. 1. RGB-values for 0-250 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 30 min reaction. 0-250 ppb As(III) HP 300 dpi - 30 min Procedure Standard solutions of arsenic (III) were prepared from NaAsO 2 (s) and deionized water in the following concentrations: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100 and 250 µg L -1. Nine vessels were filled with 50 ml of each concentration. Sulfamic acid powder (from unit dose) was added to the vessels that were swirled for 1 min to get the acid solved in the solution. Then the zinc powder was added (also from unit dose) and the reaction that converts arsenic to arsine gas started. The reaction was held for 30 min and the vessels were gently swirled after 10 and 20 min during the reaction time. After that the test strips were removed and scanned in two different scanners (HP ScanJet 5300c and Epson). The experiment was repeated 3 times in two days and after the second round the vessels were left over night to react for 24 h. The images from the scanners were processed in Adobe Photoshop. The colored circle on the test strip allowed a picture of 3x3 mm to be cut out without interference from the fade edges of the ring. For the HP scanner a 300 dpi (dots per inches) resolution was used and for the Epson scanner a 600 dpi resolution was used. Since 1 inch is 25.4 mm, the image size from the HP scanner was 1250 pixels and from the Epson scanner 5000 pixels. The image was then diminished in 50 Conc. As(III) (ppb) 300 250 RGB-values 95 RGB-values Reagents 200 Red 150 Green Blue 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Conc. As(III) (ppb) Fig. 2. RGB-values for 0-250 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 30 min reaction 150 155 After the decision to work with the blue color, a magnified graph around the two concentration ranges of interest was made. Figure 3 shows the graph for the blue color around 10 ppb when the test strip was scanned at 600 dpi with the Epson scanner and Figure 4 shows the result from the HP ScanJet 5300c at 300 dpi. 3 190 Blue average 0-20 ppb - Epson 30 min 600 dpi Blue average 20-100 ppb - Epson 30 min 600 dpi y = -1,1x + 253,4 R2 = 0,9302 255 250 200 195 Blue value 245 Blue value y = -1,2669x + 248,51 R2 = 0,9716 250 240 235 230 200 150 100 50 225 220 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 20 40 60 80 100 120 Conc. As(III) (ppb) Conc. As(III) (ppb) 205 Fig. 5. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 20-100 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 30 min reaction. Fig. 3. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-20 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 30 min reaction. 160 y = -0,64x + 250 2 R = 0,8889 252 250 248 246 244 242 240 238 236 234 232 Blue average 20-100 ppb - HP 30 min 300 dpi 210 y = -0,7537x + 246,99 R2 = 0,9735 250 200 215 Blue value Blue value Blue average 0-20 ppb - HP 30 min 300 dpi 150 100 50 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 20 40 25 60 80 100 120 Conc. As(III) (ppb) Conc. AS(III) (ppb) 165 170 175 180 One obvious conclusion was made when looking at the two graphs for the 30 min test scanned with the Epson and the HP scanner. The Epson scanner gave a better result because, for example, it could distinguish between the blue value corresponding to 0 µg L -1 and the blue value corresponding to 5 µg L-1 which the HP scanner can not. The correlation coefficient was 0.965 for the Epson graph and 0.943 for the HP graph, so the line between the dots was straighter for the graph made with the Epson scanner. The slope on the Epson graph was steeper than the HP-graph, -1.10 µg L-1 per blue value for the Epson and 0.64 µg L -1 per blue value for the HP. When the same evaluation was made with the concentration range around 50 µg L -1 (20-100 µg L-1), the pattern continued. In Figure 5 and 6 it can be seen that the Epson scanner gives a deeper slope (-1.3 µg L-1 per blue value) than the HP scanner (-0.75 µg L-1 per blue value) but between these concentrations the correlation coefficient was the same (0.98). 220 225 Fig. 6. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 20-100 µg L-1 with the HP scanner after 30 min reaction. A wider concentration range (0-100 µg L-1) can be seen for the Epson scanner (Figure 7) and the HP scanner (Figure 8), but because of the variations and the digression from a straight calibration curve it is more accurate to construct a calibration curve in smaller intervals. The suggested concentration ranges for the two calibration curves are 0-20 µg L-1 and 20-100 µg L-1. 230 Blue average 0-100 ppb - Epson 30 min 600 dpi y = -1,3328x + 253,61 R2 = 0,9803 300 250 235 Blue value Fig. 4. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-20 µg L-1 with the HP scanner after 30 min reaction. 200 150 100 240 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Conc. As(III) (ppb) 185 245 Fig. 7. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-100 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 30 min reaction. 4 250 Blue average 0-100 ppb - HP 30 min 300 dpi 0-250 ppb As(III) HP 300 dpi - 24 h y = -0,7953x + 250,24 R2 = 0,9795 300 300 250 200 RGB-values 255 Blue value 250 150 100 50 0 260 0 20 40 60 80 100 200 Red 150 Green Blue 100 50 120 Conc. As(III) (ppb) 0 0 Fig. 8. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-100 ppb with the HP scanner after 30 min reaction. 50 100 150 200 250 300 Conc. As(III) (ppb) 265 285 Fig. 10. RGB-values for 0-250 µg L-1 with the HP scanner after 24 h reaction. 24 hour test 270 275 The average results from the three 24 hour experiments scanned with the Epson scanner at 600 dpi can be seen in Figure 9 and ones again it is clear that the arsenic concentration do not have sufficient impact on the red and the green color in lower concentrations around 10 ppb and 50 ppb. Same experiment with the HP ScanJet 5300c at 300 dpi can be seen in Figure 10. 290 After the decision to work with the blue color for the 24 hour test as well, a magnified graph around the two concentration ranges of interest was made. Figure 11 shows the graph for the blue color around 10 µg L -1 when the test strip was scanned at 600 µg L -1 with the Epson scanner and Figure 12 shows the result from the HP ScanJet 5300c at 300 µg L-1. 295 Blue average 0-20 ppb - Epson 600 dpi 24 h 0-250 pp As(III) Epson 600 dpi - 24 h y = -5,64x + 255,8 R2 = 0,9536 300 300 250 Blue value RGB-values 250 200 Red 150 Green Blue 200 150 100 50 100 0 50 0 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 15 20 25 Fig. 11. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-20 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 24 h reaction. Conc. As(III) (ppb) Fig. 9. RGB-values for 0-250 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 24 h reaction. Blue average 0-20 ppb - HP 300 dpi 24 h y = -3,38x + 250,6 R2 = 0,9575 300 250 Blue value 280 10 Conc. As(III) (ppb) 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Conc. As(III) (ppb) 300 Fig. 12. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-20 µg L-1 with the HP scanner after 24 h reaction. 5 310 315 320 The blue color for the 24 hour test shows an interesting improvement in the concentration range 0-20 µg L-1 compared to the 30 min test. The slope of the calibration curve for the HP scanner improved (became steeper) from -0.64 µg L-1 per blue value to -3.38 µg L-1 per blue value and the correlation coefficient improved from 0.94 to 0.97. For the Epson scanner the slope improved from -1.1µg L-1 per blue value to 5.64 µg L-1 per blue value and the correlation coefficient improved from 0.96 to 0.98. The same evaluation was made with the concentration range around 50 µg L -1 (20-100 µg L-1). In this concentration range, the 24 hour test did not show any improvement. The slope for the HP scanner decreased from -0.75 µg L-1 per blue value to -0.55 µg L-1 per blue value (Figure 13). The Epson scanner showed a decrease in slope from -1.1 µg L-1 per blue value to -1.05 µg L-1 per blue value (Figure 14). The correlation coefficient for the HP scanner was almost the same (0.98) and for the Epson scanner it was the same as well (0.98). Blue average 0-100 ppb - Epson 600 dpi 24 h 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 345 60 80 100 120 Blue average 0-100 ppb - HP 300 dpi 24 h y = -1,0044x + 223,25 R2 = 0,7553 300 250 200 150 100 50 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0 325 Blue average 20-100 ppb - HP 300 dpi 24 h y = -0,5533x + 192,23 R2 = 0,9608 40 60 80 100 120 Fig. 16. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-100 µg L-1 with the HP scanner after 24 h reaction. 350 250 200 355 150 20 Conc. As(III) (ppb) Fig. 13. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 20-100 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 24 h reaction. Blue value 40 Fig. 15. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 0-100 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 24 h reaction. y = -1,0491x + 159,9 R2 = 0,9686 Conc. As(III) (ppb) A test was done with the Epson scanner to see if there was any improvement of using 600 dpi instead of 300 dpi. The RGB-values were exactly the same for the two resolutions so no improvement could be seen. Therefore it is no use spending extra time to scan with a higher resolution. 100 50 Conclusions 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 360 Conc. As(III) (ppb) Fig. 14. Blue value with max and min values for each concentraion at the range 20-100 µg L-1 with the Epson scanner after 24 h reaction. 365 335 20 Conc. As(III) (ppb) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 330 y = -1,7929x + 211,05 R2 = 0,7825 300 Blue value Blue value Blue average 20-100 ppb - Epson 600 dpi 24 h 340 to construct a calibration curve in smaller intervals. The concentration range 20-100 µg L- 1 gave not any improvement with the 24 hour test compared to the 30 min test but the lower concentration range did. Blue value 305 A wider concentration range (0-100 µg L-1) can be seen for the Epson scanner (Figure 15) and the HP scanner (Figure 16) for the 24 hour test. But because of the variations and the digression from a straight calibration curve it is more accurate The suggested approach with scanning the test strip compared to visual individual determination seems to be a more accurate way of analysing low arsenic concentrations with the test kit from Hach. First the individual error in determine the color on the test strip is minimized and second the concentration can be established with lower detection limit since it is almost impossible to decide the color with significant precision in the low concentrations by looking at the test strip and compare it to the color map because of the weak color. 6 370 375 It seems to be of big importance to choose a good scanner. The experiment clearly shows that the slope of the calibration curve is steeper with the Epson scanner than the HP scanner. The scanned images shows this in the way that the scanned images from the Epson scanner is much clearer and brighter than the ones from the HP scanner. A large improvement of the 24 hour test contra the 30 min test could be seen in the low concentration range 0-20 µg L-1, but not for the concentration range from 20 to 100 µg L -1. References (1) Robert D Morrison; Brian L. Murphy. Environmental Forensics. Academic Press. 2006. 89-106. 430 (3) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (accessed 10/11/06) 435 380 Acknowledgements The author thanks Professor Julian Tyson for his support and for making this project possible. The author would also like to thank Maura Mahar for her support in the lab. 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 (2) Hach Company, (accessed 12/09/06) 7 Single column figure/scheme (below) X Fig./Scheme XX Caption. Double column figure/scheme (below) X Fig./Scheme XX Caption. Single column image (no caption) (below) X 440 Double column image (no caption) (below) X Single column numbered equation/reaction (below) (X) X Single column table (below) Table XX Caption X a Footnote text. Double column table (below) Table XX Caption X a Footnote text.