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Year 2 Autumn Newsletter
Kings, Queens and Castles
We begin our Learning Journey in Year 2 with our topic,
Kings, Queens and Castles. Our studies have a strong
Historical and Geographical element, alongside our key
learning in English, Maths and Science. We start by looking
at our immediate local area, creating maps and taking a walk
around Worthing. Then we go further afield, finding out
about the history of castles and visiting Arundel Castle at the
end of the month. We will be finding out about the locations
of other castles in the UK and learning about the Battle of
Hastings and the Bayeaux Tapestry. We end the term
making a comparison between the lives of William the
Conqueror and Queen Elizabeth II.
Tuesday 29th September – Arundel Castle (Owls, Eagles
and Puffins)
Wednesday 30th September – Arundel Castle (Penguins
and Bumblebees)
Parent’s evenings – 29th September and 1st October
HALF TERM – week beginning 26th October
Monday 2nd November – INSET DAY
Monday 7th December – Trip to the Pantomime
Mon 14th pm and Wed 16th am - Xmas performances
(classes to be arranged)
Friday 18th December – INSET DAY
Key Skill to Learn.
Name and locate the world’s seven continents (Africa, Antarctica, Asia,
Australia, Europe, North America, South America), and five oceans (Pacific,
Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic).
Perhaps you could think of a fun or creative way of showing
your class that you have learnt this!
Home Learning: We do not set weekly homework tasks, however we may
occasionally ask you to do some research at home in preparation for some of the
work we will be covering in school.
Our expectation is that children work on the following things EVERY week at
 READING - Please continue to read as often as possible with your child
at home, you should aim for 10-15 minutes at least 4 times a week.
Each class will have a ‘Read-o-meter’ where they will collectively
record how many times they have read at home. Please sign the contact
book so that your child can contribute towards this class challenge!
We are aiming for all children to be reading at least GOLD sticker books
by the end of Year 2 as this will provide them with the necessary skills
for future reading. If you are unsure of the colour band progression then
look on the school website under Curriculum/Literacy/Reading booklet.
Alternatively please see the class teacher for guidance on where your
child is at and how to support them to reach the expected levels and by
referring to the Reading Target statements in their Contact Book.
 MATHS – We will be working on a Maths target each half term and you
will shortly be receiving information about this. In addition there will be
suggested activities, websites and extension ideas to help embed the
children’s learning.
 SPELLINGS – There will be weekly spellings sent home each Friday
and a test in school the following Friday. Please help your child to learn
these words each week.